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History Dynamics mod


Oct 19, 2005
Madrid, Spain (Europe)
This is the message to announce the inminent availability of a new, huge complete modpack for c3c v1.22 called History Dynamics, intended to improve the c3c general game in all aspects. The basic characteristics of this modpack can be read in the annexed file.
Just a week before Civ IV to be available... :( Well, here is your last occasion to play a standard c3c-like game as it was intended to be, before many of you become c4-addicts. So, before all, here is the link to download this considerably large mod:


And now a few hints to try to justify why to download such a great amount of MB.

As I told in my first post, History Dynamics tries to improve c3c in most significant aspects. For example: Don't you find quite absurd that the smaller civs quickly lag behind technologically, so that at a given moment their subsistance is simply impossible? And what about the first 100 turns or so of colonization frenzy? Does this makes any sense?

History Dynamics has been developed for many years, at a very slow pace, in a typically mediterranean chaotic fashion, but with the neat objective of improving both the "playability" and the historical coherence of the game. The whole explanation about these improvements can be found in the text document, but to make you quickly see the point, here are some significant modifications:

*various technological branches in the Ancient Times
*many more technologies, but with a much narrower minimax gap (3-7 turns). This way, many civs can keep the leaders’ technological pace.
*bigger maps allowed, but fewer turns

Obviously, in such a big mod you will find many new units, new improvements wonders, resources and civilizations but the quantity is not as relevant as the quality. For example, new stealth ancient and medieval attack units allow some civs, and not others, to attack and conquer foreign cities without declaration of war. Many improvements and wonders expire in the beginning of the Medieval Age. Others are specific of a technological branch.

The bad news is that documentation is scarce. Obviously, the civilopedia permits you see the basic characteristics of the new techs, units, etc. But I've done little effort to document this further. Of course, I'd like to document it much better, but this will take it to me a considerable amount of time, and I wanted to issue this first version before Civ IV. Nevertheless, as far as the minimax tech gap has been reduced to just 3 to 7 turns per tech, tech evolution gets really fast and fluent, and the information scarcity becomes really less relevant.

Finally, I'd like to express my gratitude to the whole developers community. I've borrowed so many units and other files from so many creators I can't mention them all. A special recognition for the developers of non-modern naval units, a very scarce stuff. In this mod, you will find most of your works included.

Have a broadband link, patience to download, place yourself on the Conquests\Conquests file to unzip, and have a good time.
I tried to play it but I emidiatly got an Errer about missing "American Pyrimid" in the pediaicons
Sildo said:
I tried to play it but I emidiatly got an Errer about missing "American Pyrimid" in the pediaicons

Did you put it in the senario folder? if so, try putting it in the conquest folder instead, that worked for me...
Problem with american pyramid

Silly !

But your mod should be very nice ... If i could play it :mischief:

But with Civ 4 ....
As far as it is a Mod, and not a Scenario, you have to unzip to the Conquests\Conquests file.
Other modders prefer to determine on their zipped files the destination file so as to avoid such errors.
As far as I see, some people have succeeded to install the mod successfully.

For the ones who still haven't, I guess it might have to do with PtW (Play the World). As Isak, author of the Rise and Rule mod, indicates, his mod uses units from a couple of add-ons within PtW, but which appearently weren't included in the C3C installation. Therefore, if you've installed c3c without installing PtW before, you might perhaps have to install the two scenario files referred by Isak. You will find the link to download them in the first message of Rise and Rule Mod thread.

And of course, don't forget you need v1.22 of c3c installed.

At the moment, I´m testing the mod myself. Up to now, fully tested up to the Medieval Age in english I've found only a minor bug of translation (the original mod was developed in spanish, and in fact I've kept a few names in spanish whenever it makes sense). You'll only come across it after about 180 turns or so.

You can easily correct it manually: in the Art\Units file, among the new units you can find a "Sabre" file. Enter the file and you will find the .ini file still called "Sablista" in spanish instaed of "Sabre". So you just have to change the name of this file and call it "Sabre.ini".:mischief:

I'll keep on informing if any news to come.
Hasta la vista.:borg:
I followed your instructions and unzipped the mod to the Conquest/Conquest Folder and it works Let you know about it after I play a game
no thank i will wait civ 4 and play Rhyes of Civilization Expanded :D
Civipedia has tons of mistakes... like Quarrying has the information for a barracks.. kinda hard to build stuff when you have no idea what its supposed to do.. =/...

Excellent concept. I played for a while before the game crashed on an error. Wasn't paying attention to see if it was the Sabre unit.
Had a lot of fun playing and it was very evenly balanced for the AI.
You do have to complete the Pedia.
Keep up the good work.
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