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History Rewritten (Original Thread)

Yeah I'm thinking too that Brian Boru is the best choice for the renaming of Brennus. He fits the traits I gave to the leader too: Charismatic/Diplomatic. We have Boudica to represent the Britons (who encompass the tribes from the Welsh regions). The Irish/Hibernian Celts were distinctly different even back then.

FWIW, Boudica wasn't from the Welsh area. She was from a small kingdom on the east coast of Britain, somewhat north of where London is today. She led a rebellion against the Romans after the Romans double crossed and killed her husband, the king of that area, who was a loyal supporter of Rome, when they decided that the kingdom should be part of their empire instead of a vassal state.
FWIW, Boudica wasn't from the Welsh area. She was from a small kingdom on the east coast of Britain, somewhat north of where London is today. She led a rebellion against the Romans after the Romans double crossed and killed her husband, the king of that area, who was a loyal supporter of Rome, when they decided that the kingdom should be part of their empire instead of a vassal state.

Yep she was of the Iceni, who lived in the East Anglia region. If I remember correctly the 'Welsh' tribes were the Ordovices, the Silures and a couple others. They didn't have a Welsh/English divide back then though, they all considered themselves Britons even as far north as the Brigantes in the area of York. The western tribes were the main allies in Boudica's rebellion (and in Caratacus' rebellion before that) and that's what I was referring to when I meant that she also represented Wales (because she can represent all the Britons).

In a way it's a pity that we have Boudica as a leader rather than Caratacus. He was the one who really united the Celtic tribes of Albion, was quite successful at defying the Romans before his betrayal and was by most accounts an inspirational leader and tactician. However, history gave Boudica most of the glory and Firaxis gave her the leaderhead art so that be that :p
I tried a new method to play this mod : not anymore victory conditions :goodjob:

So, it makes a game without any goal or limit of time...

Game is less nervous and more History related...

Game rythm is slower without a goal...

MAFs are lowered...
I got a crash... I'm not sure what to do to duplicate it.

Log file attached.


  • CrashReport.txt
    47.2 KB · Views: 44
I would like to see an australian civ and to have bigger maps.

Thanks for this mod.

I'm not very keen to add any more civs that didn't exist prior to Renaissance times, I just find them very awkward to both play and create. I keep America in simply because it's already there. I'm a Kiwi and I don't even wish to add my own country. However, I might look at making an Australian Aboriginal civilization. Depends on some art being finished though.

As for bigger maps, though they are fun, in a mod like History Rewritten that has a lot of art there are going to be some serious memory issues trying to play them. I have a very recent MacBookPro and it struggles to run the included Earth (192x120) map without MAFs. This is the fault of Firaxis/Aspyr's poor programming and no amount of increased computer performance/memory will help :(

I got a crash... I'm not sure what to do to duplicate it.

Log file attached.

I've not seen a crash like that before but it seems to be related to a texture. Is it preventing you from playing further in your game? If so, please post the saved game. Otherwise let me know if it recurs (semi) regularly and I'll see what we can figure out.
Okay I'm ready to start thinking about and working on 0.7. My original intention for this version was to tackle civics and the tech tree. The tech tree is likely to be a massive task and thus I've decided to leave that out for now as I'd rather not work on something so big so soon after Unique Wonders and the buildings overhaul. I'll probably still do something with civics in 0.7 but at this stage I don't know quite what yet.

It's been quite a while since I've added any new civs or leaders so that will be a priority for 0.7. I'll definitely start work on Poland (leaders will be Casimir the Great and Jan Sobieski) and 1 or 2 more civs that I've not decided for sure yet.

Other than that and the usual bugfixes/optimization, I'm going to peruse the Mod Component forum to see if there is anything compatible that could add some small features or flavour to HR. If you have any suggestions let me know.
I got another crash -- they seem to get more frequent as the game goes on.

While this isn't represented in the attached log, I've seen crashes twice when loading wonder animations.


  • CrashReport2.txt
    39.8 KB · Views: 45
I got another crash -- they seem to get more frequent as the game goes on.

While this isn't represented in the attached log, I've seen crashes twice when loading wonder animations.

That's one of the audio related crashes that some systems seem to get and some don't. I don't know if I can ever fix them as I never get them. Unmodded BTS spits out a ton of audio errors too (in audio.log) so I'm pretty sure it's the fault of Aspyr and they're not interested in fixing any BTS bugs anymore.

All I can suggest is switching the music off and see if that helps. The only audio changes I've made are the religion sounds but I've tested those pretty thoroughly. I've made no changes to wonder movies whatsoever. I think the higher resource usage of HR is exacerbating an underlying audio issue, leading to occasional crashes on some systems.
I'm not very keen to add any more civs that didn't exist prior to Renaissance times, I just find them very awkward to both play and create. I keep America in simply because it's already there. I'm a Kiwi and I don't even wish to add my own country. However, I might look at making an Australian Aboriginal civilization. Depends on some art being finished though.

So, Poland, Aborigines and... ?

Three slots, by example Etruscan, Tupi and Java... or Venetian Republic...
Or simply Armenia (the Roman one with capital named Artaxata) for a scenario circa 100 AD...
Or Kingdom of Jerusalem for middle ages for scenario circa 1100 AD...
Why not Caliphate of Cordoba for circa 1400 scenario...

That are good ideas, isn' it ?

If you want only civs prior to Renaissance, you should have to remove or rename some civs, so civs from Renaissance and later should be removed...

That implies the fact for a certain number of slots to be liberated...

Ideas for that :

Russia --> Tsardom of Muscovia
Hungaria --> Empire of the Huns
Germany --> Holy Roman Empire
America --> replaced by Carolingian Empire (ideally for have fewer civilizations in Europe and more on other continents (ideal for 800 AD scenario)
Korea --> Silla or Goguryeo
Japan --> Yamato
Spain --> Kingdom of Castille or Iberia
Portugal --> Lusitania
Netherlands --> replaced by Venice
Why not dividing China and India into two or more entities, for long times were not united ? Prior to Renaissance these two nations didn't exist ?

That are too many ideas, i know ;)
Tried it with music turned off, and got another crash. Log file attached.

This time, it occurred when I was opening the military advisor screen.


  • CrashReport 3.txt
    37.1 KB · Views: 37
Tried it with music turned off, and got another crash. Log file attached.

This time, it occurred when I was opening the military advisor screen.

That's that texture crash again which should be fixable if we can track down where it's happening. Please post a saved game if you have one.

So, Poland, Aborigines and... ?

Three slots, by example Etruscan, Tupi and Java... or Venetian Republic...
Or simply Armenia (the Roman one with capital named Artaxata) for a scenario circa 100 AD...
Or Kingdom of Jerusalem for middle ages for scenario circa 1100 AD...
Why not Caliphate of Cordoba for circa 1400 scenario...

At the moment for 0.7 I'm thinking Poland, Indonesia/Java/Srivijaya, and a Central Asian civ based around Gandhara/Kushan Empire. This may change or evolve.

Etruscans - we have Rome representing that part of the world, so not a priority
Tupi - maybe someday, another South American civ would be good
Venetia - same deal as Etruscans
Kingdom of Jerusalem - no as I don't consider this a civilization, just a conquest state
Caliphate of Cordoba - same as above, covered by the Arabs or Berber conquering Spain

If you want only civs prior to Renaissance, you should have to remove or rename some civs, so civs from Renaissance and later should be removed...

That implies the fact for a certain number of slots to be liberated...

Ideas for that :

Russia --> Tsardom of Muscovia
Hungaria --> Empire of the Huns
Germany --> Holy Roman Empire
America --> replaced by Carolingian Empire (ideally for have fewer civilizations in Europe and more on other continents (ideal for 800 AD scenario)
Korea --> Silla or Goguryeo
Japan --> Yamato
Spain --> Kingdom of Castille or Iberia
Portugal --> Lusitania
Netherlands --> replaced by Venice
Why not dividing China and India into two or more entities, for long times were not united ? Prior to Renaissance these two nations didn't exist ?

That are too many ideas, i know ;)

It's important to not confuse civilization with a country or state. All of the civilizations you list except America existed prior to the Renaissance - they just had different names and politics. But they all have cultural and (usually) ethnic continuity across the eras and that's what I consider to be the main definitions of a civilization.

Civilization is a game that stretches across all the eras so I ideally like to have civs that also stretch across many eras. It's also much easier to create (and more realistic!) to have a civ that disappeared (e.g the Aztec or Sumer) survive to modern times than it is to invent a completely fictional past for a country like America or the Netherlands.

Australia and many other colonial nations have almost no cultural or ethnic continuity to the medieval era or earlier and that's why I don't wish to include them. They are really extensions or colonies of their parent civilizations, not civilizations in their own right (by the definition I use). I'd like to make an Australian Aboriginal civ one day but that probably won't be in 0.7 as the art needed doesn't exist (yet).
the loading error seems to be isolated to someone of the "Mongut" civ(or something like that, I didnt write it down). I fixed the configuration files to set modularloading = 1, and except for the missing files that are mentioned in your bug list, the game works well.

Someday I will be modding on either Civ4 of Civ5 mods(my junior year probably). I got serious studing to do before then.
the loading error seems to be isolated to someone of the "Mongut" civ(or something like that, I didnt write it down). I fixed the configuration files to set modularloading = 1, and except for the missing files that are mentioned in your bug list, the game works well.

Someday I will be modding on either Civ4 of Civ5 mods(my junior year probably). I got serious studing to do before then.

Probably the leader Mongkut of Siam. I gave him a new personality in 0.6 and in the process might have broken something for Windows. (Windows BTS is much fussier about some things than Mac BTS). If you could post the error (either as text or a screenshot) it would be a big help.
That's that texture crash again which should be fixable if we can track down where it's happening. Please post a saved game if you have one.

At the moment for 0.7 I'm thinking Poland, Indonesia/Java/Srivijaya, and a Central Asian civ based around Gandhara/Kushan Empire. This may change or evolve.

Etruscans - we have Rome representing that part of the world, so not a priority
Tupi - maybe someday, another South American civ would be good
Venetia - same deal as Etruscans
Kingdom of Jerusalem - no as I don't consider this a civilization, just a conquest state
Caliphate of Cordoba - same as above, covered by the Arabs or Berber conquering Spain

It's important to not confuse civilization with a country or state. All of the civilizations you list except America existed prior to the Renaissance - they just had different names and politics. But they all have cultural and (usually) ethnic continuity across the eras and that's what I consider to be the main definitions of a civilization.

Civilization is a game that stretches across all the eras so I ideally like to have civs that also stretch across many eras. It's also much easier to create (and more realistic!) to have a civ that disappeared (e.g the Aztec or Sumer) survive to modern times than it is to invent a completely fictional past for a country like America or the Netherlands.

Australia and many other colonial nations have almost no cultural or ethnic continuity to the medieval era or earlier and that's why I don't wish to include them. They are really extensions or colonies of their parent civilizations, not civilizations in their own right (by the definition I use). I'd like to make an Australian Aboriginal civ one day but that probably won't be in 0.7 as the art needed doesn't exist (yet).

Ok, i admitted that i was in certain confusion on the ideas of Civilizations and Nations...

Kushans ? Where they take place ?

So for civics, what do you plan ?
Kushans ? Where they take place ?

They were originally from the Tarim Basin on the old Silk Road (and are probably related to or the same as the Yuezhi and Tocharians) but they created an empire centered on the Afghanistan/Pakistan region and reaching also reached a fair way into India.

So for civics, what do you plan ?

No plans yet, I'm focused on the new civs first.
I just upgraded my iMac to one with an ATI Radeon graphics card.

No more crashes, and I reinstalled HW without the unpacked .fpk files.

Note that my old iMac had an nVidia (sp?) card.

So, I'm guessing that the crashed were caused by the nVidia card.
Update on 0.7:

I've decided to not mess with civics in 0.7 after all. Instead I'll finish up the new civs and get it out as soon as possible. Poland is finished and the Kushan are nearly finished. Srivijaya/Java/Indonesia still requires a fair bit of work so it may make it in or it may not. I have a smallish list of fixes to work through as well but expect 0.7 in the next week or so.

I've been playing a bit of Civ5 these last few days and as much as I want to like it I just can't. So much potential but it's woefully unbalanced, undertested and worst of all the AI is dreadful. So I won't be switching to Civ5 too soon. It does have some good new features though and that's got me thinking a lot about potential gameplay changes for History Rewritten. There's not a huge amount I can do without DLL support but I'm sure I can come up with a few things here and there. So 0.8 will be the 'changing game mechanics' version.
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