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HNDY15 - AWD...again. As the Iroquois

50 AD – Everything looks good.

IBT – Several units sally forth from Rome and Babylon. Produce a cat and a spear.

70 AD – Kill three Babs (2 Bows and a spear) (3-0)

IBT – Mayans drop off an AC, several Romans step forth. Produce a mountie, a temple, and a spear. Centralia gets some walls.

90 AD – Bombard and kill the Mayan. Kill four Romans. (8-0)

IBT – Produce a mountie and a market.

110 AD – There is a dark red boarder to the SE. I send a mountie to investigate. Kill a bow. (9-0)

IBT – Kill a bow. Poly => CoL (due in five with positive cash flow) Pisae gets some walls. The Mayans drop off a fearsome combination of a warrior and an LB.

130 AD – We send our mountie east and…

Of course we declare on Theodora, but we collect some intel.

She’s hurting. Well yes, her face hurts because I slapped her, but with only two cities, Theodora is not a threat.
Kill two Mayan LB, and a warrior. Kill a bow. Two Roman archers. (16-0)

IBT – Barely survive a bow at Ironwood. Four Mayans are dropped off. Produce two Mounties. The Mayans start Cop’s, and complete Sun-Tsu.

150 AD – Lose three Mounties and an archer, killing the four Mayans. Ironwood would have been lost otherwise. (20-4)

IBT – Lose a mountie guarding an outpost. (20-5) Build a barracks, a mountie, a spear & a cat.

170 AD – Lose two Mounties killing three bows. Kill a Roman archer (24-7)

IBT – The Portuguese build KT.

190 AD – Kill a Roman. (25-7)

IBT – Produce a mountie and a cat. Ashur has walls.

210 AD - @ Eulbar – kill a spear.
Kill two invading Mayans, a bow and a Roman. (29-7)

IBT – Lose a mountie outside Eulbar, retreat a mountie in the jungle. Kill three Romans at Pisae. Col=>MM (due in 5 @ break even) Produce two Mounties. Mayans build Leo’s. (32-8)

230 AD – March on Akkad with three Mounties. Kill two Romans and two bows. (36-8)

IBT – Produce a settler, two cats, and some walls for Akwasane.

250 AD - @ Akkad – kill three spears. A slave is defending? Attack with a spear and kill a defending bow.

Kill another bow, a Bab spear and a Roman archer.

@ Ellipi – Attack with our elite* mountie and lose. (43-9)

After Action – Not a bad set, but I’ve certainly had better sets. Almost 5:1 kill ratio. Must get better, but those jungles hurt. We’ll probably want to heal at Akkad and then drive south. I think Babylon is due south of there. And of course the Byzantines.

I started chopping that jungle in the south to make a better killing field for the Mayan drop offs.

I have the army off to the west pillaging and exploring. It has plowed through a pretty thick jungle so we should be getting to some tiles to pillage soon.


Save: http://www.civfanatics.net/uploads9/Handy15,_250_AD.SAV
looks good, what I am amazed is the fact that we still have no army. I suggest to keep the army (in case we get one finally) for the other continent. I am sure we should be able to grab our own continent sooner or later.

this looks so far the most promising deity AW we started. A pity I can't take my turns after handy... :sad:
hardware issues resolved. igor successfully removed a bad CD drive and replaced it with a burner :) Thinking of allowing him to go for an apaloosa license soon.

When we get Monarchy, are we revolting at once or waiting until we've cleared our continent?
We have the spear army pillaging in the west. We could use another for a mountie army.

In the past we haven't always revolted to monarchy right away. Iroquois isn't a religious civ in [c3c] are they? If they are, let's go for it, not let's pick our poison.
Playing now. We have a new toy.


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Sorry for the typo's, but here you go.

:eek: The Mayans are coming the Mayans are coming.:eek:

Pre Turn
Change some front line rax builds to cats.
I don’t think we need any swords. MW’s get to the front faster for the attack. Spears are cheaper than swords and can escort the cats and NW stacks.
We must have at least one city building infrastructure at all times. Grand River is switched to market & then library. After that we can move to Horse River.

Moo MW – spear (then Settler when box if full)
Horse – sword – Market (then library).
No more resistance in Akkad.

Turn 1 260
We have more culture than Babylon – at deity - :lol:
Kill spear

Lots more Roman archers and the Byzantines drop off spear + archer near Akkad.

Turn 2 270
Kill a Byz spear and archer but lose an MW in the process.
Kill 3 Roman archers and a spear without incident.
Trying to put together a stack of MW to go after more Babylonian cities.
Going to peel a 1-turn worker from Allegheny since the box is full.
Theodora is sending a lot of Dromons that are redlining the units in Akkad each turn. I thought about abandoning it, but then they just might attack Grand River. I guess we’ll keep it.

Babylon has swords
Maya start JS Bach

Our spear redlined but held versus the Babylonian sword.
Allegheny – worker – MW
St Regis – spear – spear
MOO- spear – worker

Turn 3 280
Kill Roman archer.
Elite archer offs a wounded spear an creates an MW army.
Found Marsh Hill, a little close to Akkad but no other safe place to found at the moment.
We hit Babylon’s capital hard next turn.
Turn slider down to make a little gold.

MM – Monarchy (12)
WOW. Rome walks up with 6 archers.

Turn 4 290
Wound 1 and kill 2.
Kill 3 spears in Babylon, but lose 1 MW. There is a sword in the city I passed on. I hope he exits the city and moves toward the lightly defended Centralia.
I’m building units in any city with a rax, and cats or settlers in the others.

HE message comes up.
The Deity part of AWD kicks in as the Mayans land Musket, 2 LB, MI and warrior near the corrupt jungle city of Ashur.
Also a Roman spear dropped from a boat pillaged a tile. I could not deal with him last turn.

Turn 5 300
First things first.
Kill 4 spears and then Raze Babylon netting 5 slaves. No idea where that sword went.
Kill two Roman spears.
Kill 4 Roman Archers. I sent an elite spear versus redlined archer and lost. Rookie mistake, sorry.
OK, now for the hard part. Play it safe and Abandon Ashur and pull the lone spear and 3 cats back toward the core to ward off the Mayans. I hope we can resettle near there soon.

Defend against 2 archers
Moo- Settler – MW
Allegheny – MW – MW
Horse River – MW – MW
Tonawanda – cat –cat
Another Roman 6-pack of archers is at Pisae. Recycled archers are beginning to add up.

Turn 6 310
Kill Mayan spear.
Kill Bowman.
Kill spear & capture settler near ruins of Babylon.
The dromons left. I wonder if Babylon and Theodora are fighting.

Win three on defense.
Lose two against Dromons followed by archers on Babylonian Ruins. That is my second big mistake on this set.

Turn 7 320
Waiting on the Mayans

Mayans move to hill near Centralia.

Turn 8 330
Move army towards next Babylonian target and kill 1 spear.
The ruins of Babylon will get founded again, but we need to get the army to take out the existing core cities first. It can double back later.
Six cats take 2 of 4 musket hit points.
Elite MW takes 1 more pint before the MW dies.
Kill Mayan MI.
Kill Musket.
Kill warrior (Why do the LB always get to hide?)
Kill LB
MW wounds last Mayan and retreats.
Kill 2 Roman spears.

Kill 2 Romans on Defense
Dromons bomb the army be careful to not park it near the shore or it will get bombed and attacked.

Turn 9 340
Kill a spear at the Eridu city and now we have to rest. One more MW and we could take out the city.
Kill bowman
Kill Byz Spear

Maya ask to talk.
Grand River – Market – Library
Lose the Army’s spear cover, so the Army will have to retreat.
Defend versus 2 Roman.

Turn 10 350
Army retreat to 1 tile S of Akkad
Kill Archer and LB
Take unit from Allegheny to kill archer @ N of Cows. Hire scientist in Allegheny. Fix this next turn.

Rome has iron, but it's not hooked up yet. Keep the army over there to pillage it. We can't handle legions right now, much less a Roman GA. Rome has lots of cities and lots of Jungle.
Razing Babylon was great news. If we can consolidate the east we will be in good shape. The Mayan drop offs are certainly a pain. Without a navy though, there isn't much we can do.
Sir Bugsy said:
Razing Babylon was great news. If we can consolidate the east we will be in good shape. The Mayan drop offs are certainly a pain. Without a navy though, there isn't much we can do.

The Dromons are becoming a real PITA. They bomb anything on the coast. Theodora only has 3 cities.

Babylon has 5 cities total left, and two are jungle infested.

Rome as 11 cities. Were it not for the jungle, they would be killing us. If Rome hooks up their iron we will be hurting.

Mayans have 16 cities, 2 lux, and a ton of techs. We know they have guns and Music Theory and I saw a caravel so they have astronomy also.
Mayans are certainly in line to become a run away.

If we keep building our cities, infrastructure, and expanding we should be able to slowly catch up.. The Portuguese need to be met.
Preturn: Wake up a Spear for the Iron Mountain.
Decide to build some sword so we can have defense 2 and offense when needed.

IBT: The 1 hp Mounted Warrior on the mountains is killed by a 1 hp Archer. Kill an Archer.

360 AD: Kill 2 Roman Archer, a Babylon Bow, a Byzantine Spear.

IBT: 2 Musket, 3 Longbow, MDI, and a warrior is dropped off by Mayans of course. Not going to be easy to deal with either.

370 AD: Capture Nicea in the South. Move units into endangered town.

IBT: Get Monarchy and Revolt. Mayans complete Magellan.
We lose a Spear and 2 Mounted Warriors to the Mayan attack. One Musket attacked and lost which was good. The MDI also lost to a Spear.

380 AD: Bombard the remaining Musket. Kill the 2 hp Musket with our Army. Mounted warriors kill the 3 Longbow.
Kill a Spear near Nicea after Bombardment.
Build a City in line with Nicea to hold the Peninsula.

390 AD: Healing for the most part and waiting for the Anarchy to end.

400 AD: Defend

410 AD: Defend

420 AD: Attack and Capture Eridu.

430 AD: Healing.

440 AD: Capture Adrianople.

IBT: A Musket/Longbow combination is dropped off by Maya cutting of Adrianople and our army.

450 AD:
Army Kills Musket and going to 3 hp. It retreats into town.
Rather than Fight the Roman Longbow this turn, I retreat slightly. Attacking without letting them attack back is difficult. This seems safer.

Building aquaducts so our cities can grow as well as doubling our unit support. I like the 1/2 cost Aquas of Agri civs.

Byzantines have 2 more towns on the Peninsula. After that I suspect the Peninsula will be clear ( glad we didn't start in the Byz position).

We can see Babylons 3 remaining town.

After that it is the Romans.

I think the Mayans may have grabbed much of the Portuguese land. Fighting them will be the real challenge of the game.

Here is a map of our newest lands:

Nice set of turns. At least we continue to gain real estate. No iron for the Romans has been a big plus. Keep the Roman iron Pillaged. We can deal with Roman LBs, Legions are 3x harder to kill.

We need to somehow get a pillaging army over to the Mayans to have any chance.

1. Handy
2. ThERat
3. Greebley
4. Admiral Kutzov UP
5. Bede
6. Sir Bugsy
Excellent work! The Babs are no longer in our backyard and Theodora is down to one city. Let's press the attack on the Byz as soon as practicable and get rid of those pesky Dromons.
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