HOW TO: Import/modify/export LH

Isn't there an other method to assign that to a vertex (without Blender)?

dutchking would know better. I tend to do most things in blender which I think is easier once you get the hang of it.

EDIT: no luck importing it or why. Makin your own from scratch is all I can recommend. sorry.
You ain't gonna find any other way better than Blender, and no one else supports the .nif file format besides 3Ds Max, which costs some 3,000$.
Yeah... So it is not possible to assign it to the vertex with nifskope or sceneviewer?
I'm working on a blender tutorial that I should finish next week. thats the one thing I don't see in these threads a blender basics. So I started a leaderhead but I'm documenting all the steps i do - removing parts, adding parts, assign vertices, etc. I hope you guys take a look at it and help me make it as simplified as possible.
okay i need help bro. im trying to do a a simple torso mount, where his arms wont move but his face will. im trying to attach Zara Yaqob to FDR body. can you help me out bro plz! im not getting very good results
you trying it in blender? I do everything through that.

In blender you would first open up Zara. Go to edit mode and then go to the vertices and select the torso, biceps, clavicles, and then forearms. then click mesh mark seams, and then separate it. Save as a blend.

Do the same to FDR but delete everything but the suit, then export as a nif. go back to your zara.blend. import the fdr suit. line it up and size. go to edit mode select all. then go back to object mode and join the objects. go to edit mode and assign the whole highlighted suit to the torso.

then select al the parts of both hands, including fingers. separate and the press xto get rid of them. export as a nif.

open your zarafdr nif and open a copy of the original zara nif. remove the original zara branches and then copy the branches of your new zara and paste the branches in the same ninode your original zara trishapes were.

thats how i do it. sorry not too much detail but its late. my blender guide has more details. see my sig ;) This is maybe a three hour job at most (well once you get used to blender)
All you do is open up Zara, delete everything but his head and then delete FDR's body and export a 3DS and attach it to ninode torso in Zara.
Not sure if this is the right place to ask: I have some finished LHs that I want to see in-game. So I want to know which lines in which files I need to change.:confused:
Not sure if this is the right place to ask: I have some finished LHs that I want to see in-game. So I want to know which lines in which files I need to change.:confused:
I think it's not really the right place - this thread is about making them. And because of: Sticky: Reminder: QUESTIONS BELONG IN THE MAIN CREATION FORUM!.
You will need to change XML\Art\CIV4ArtDefines_Leaderhead.xml, XML\Civilizations\Civ4LeaderHeadInfos.xml and XML\Civilizations\Civ4CiviliztionInfos.xml. Look (Copy&Paste) how the existing LH's are set up in those files or look/ask for more information in the appropriate frorums/threads.
I'm not sure what I did wrong but I can't seem to get it to work in game. I'm using Asoka, and have removed the stone on his forehead and his earrings. I followed all the instructions but doing a quick test in-game, instead of showing the leader, I get a blown up picture of whichever leader was selected before. In the Civpedia, it doesn't appear at all, just a brown square in the top left.

Any ideas?
Sure, post the file.
Well, he's missing a skin instance. Meaning you lost the skin modifier (or whatever its called in Blender) - that "connects" the geometry with the skeleton - somewhere in process.

Can't tell you exactly how or when it happened tho. Most probably your import/export script is not set up properly. Perhaps take a look at Ekmeks tutorial - i think he has a section on editing Vertex Weights...
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