How to overthrow a foreign Democracy


Nov 4, 2007
In Civilization 2, to quote the Prequels, I hate Democracy, it's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere....wait....

Wrong quote. Point is, in Civ 2 I like bribing units and subverting cities and I can do neither with foreign democracies. Luckily the AI launches more coups than a Latin American military, so all I have to do is wait. But is there anything I can do to destabilize foreign democracies so I can get those sweet sweet NONE units that much sooner and reliably?
For democracies as well as rich countries regardless of government type, gather info on the capital by sacrificing a diplomat or two, then put together a large enough force and capture the capital. The very rich ones switch their capital immediately. In that case, you may have to do this more than once.
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