Hello Garack,
wood, wine , beer, steel... are not found on the map. They are "refined" resources.
Wine is gained from grapes if you build a wineyard (building), wood (lumber) is gained from the lumbermill, beer is gained with a brewery, this building must be build in a city that wheat in its radius.
To play in multiplayer you need to use multiplayer modmaker. I will try to compil a MP pack tomorrow.
Hi Jinxed, I found nothing in your log files.
Do you have other mods enabled? did you wait long enough : the loading time is terrific (5 minutes on my PC) I'm still trying to fix it.
Hi Stasiulaska, I'm still trying to find the reason for the CTD. I have it with your saves but for now I don't see what's the reason.
wood, wine , beer, steel... are not found on the map. They are "refined" resources.
Wine is gained from grapes if you build a wineyard (building), wood (lumber) is gained from the lumbermill, beer is gained with a brewery, this building must be build in a city that wheat in its radius.
To play in multiplayer you need to use multiplayer modmaker. I will try to compil a MP pack tomorrow.
Hi Jinxed, I found nothing in your log files.
Do you have other mods enabled? did you wait long enough : the loading time is terrific (5 minutes on my PC) I'm still trying to fix it.
Hi Stasiulaska, I'm still trying to find the reason for the CTD. I have it with your saves but for now I don't see what's the reason.