Hulfgar's Modpack Extended Edition "Rise of the Machines"

Hello Garack,

wood, wine , beer, steel... are not found on the map. They are "refined" resources.
Wine is gained from grapes if you build a wineyard (building), wood (lumber) is gained from the lumbermill, beer is gained with a brewery, this building must be build in a city that wheat in its radius.

To play in multiplayer you need to use multiplayer modmaker. I will try to compil a MP pack tomorrow.

Hi Jinxed, I found nothing in your log files.
Do you have other mods enabled? did you wait long enough : the loading time is terrific (5 minutes on my PC) I'm still trying to fix it.

Hi Stasiulaska, I'm still trying to find the reason for the CTD. I have it with your saves but for now I don't see what's the reason.
Hi Hulfgar,

I already tried it without other mods, and I waited for over 10 minutes. So, I guess it is just bad luck for me. As I've said, the loading icon changes from the globe to the arrow for only a fraction of a second and then goes back to the globe. It somehow hangs up.
Still, thx for looking into my logs:)
Hey Hulfgar, many thanks for your fast answer!

Wow! A multiplayer Pack would be very nice! Thanks!
Hi everybody, version 7 is out :

Changes in version 7 :

When a Civ has discovered Cannon Foundry any Palisade or Motte and Bailey Castle will be removed from its cities.
When a Civ has discovered Rifling any wall will be removed from its cities.
When a Civ has discovered Rifling any Castle will be removed from its cities and replaced by a version without defense bonus.
Add the City Fortification has defense building. Available with Ballistics.

Cruiser will upgrade as Missile Cruiser
Increased the cost for all Carriers
Carrier maximal number is now 6 per player.

Land unit defense penalty vs bombers down to 50%

Fixed AA battery skin changed for Sharick's Flak 88, converted by Wolfdog

Merged Barbarian Immersion in the mod.
Barbarian Immersion is from Leugi with corrections from Serp.

And some fixes in the Lua code.

The new Hulfgars Modpack ArtFiles v11 is required for version 7 and this version is not compatible with Leugi's barbarian immersion since I merged it in the mod.

Eventually compatible with previous savegames but without guarantee (with my savegames the walls and castles don't go obsoletes but this feature works properly with a fresh game).

Stasiulaska this new version doesn't seems to fix your CTD (unless the reason for the CTD is embedded in the savegame and can't be removed with a patch) so I'm still working on it.
I really want to enjoy this mod, I see a ton of work put into it... But glitches just kill it for me.

For example, the city name icon with name/turns to grow/turns to build. It's getting black for some reason all the time. Also resources/units randomly get glitched icons, and tile yields display red lines on the map. There are other glitches, like bold white grid when you enable the map grid...

I can't be the only one, can I? And if that's the case, have anybody (or author) figured a way to deal with it? I have never seen anything like that in any other mod, but it must be due to the amount of graphical content or something.
Hello Garack,

here is the Multiplayer Modpack :!z8UTVLzI!-Qr_rko_NDyU_aaK1puWtPOV3cWlL2eWFyovUJQXNZE

Instructions to install :

* Unzip the Modpack in the DLC folder of Civ5. Usually it's located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization V\Assets\DLC
* Multiplayer : Start the game as "Multiplayer" (in this case all players must have the same Modpack)

This Modpack uncludes :
The mod Hulfgar's Modpack Extended Edition "Rise of the Machines" version 7, the 2 required graphics assets mod and IGE.
Hi Hulfgar,

I already tried it without other mods, and I waited for over 10 minutes. So, I guess it is just bad luck for me. As I've said, the loading icon changes from the globe to the arrow for only a fraction of a second and then goes back to the globe. It somehow hangs up.
Still, thx for looking into my logs:)
Hi,jinxed. I had the same strange problem with my mod. I changed prereq to ROCKETRY tech and game begin hanging. Problem is somehow related to APOLLO PROGRAM. If it less than 45 steps away from start game start normally. If more - game takes 2 more minuts for additional step to start. No idea why this affects only you and me.
try moving APOLLO PROGRAM into medieval era.
Spoiler :

<Set TechPrereq="TECH_GUNPOWDER"/>
Hi zafhos,

If it less than 45 steps away from start game start normally. If more - game takes 2 more minuts for additional step to start. No idea why this affects only you and me.

That's interesting, I will try change to change the prereq for the Apollo program to see what happens but the last time i tried that it resulted in a crash at game start.
Greetings Hulfgar,

There are literally no words to describe how good this mod is. I cannot play without it anymore. Please, in no way take this as a criticism, but to my personal taste, it tends to be a little too easy to get gold and culture. I kind of enjoy the challenge of getting these, particularly in the early game, and it feels off to me to be getting social policies every ten turns or so. If it is relatively simple, would you consider uploading a variant where the values for the acquisition of culture and gold, for example opera houses giving plus 1 culture instead of 5, are as they are in base BNW?
Greetings Hulfgar,

First of all i need to say that your mod is something that changed my civ experience forever. Exceptional work, keep it up !
Now, about a ctd i had repeatedly in an early turn (something like 65). Game crashed when contacted by Persia about a trade agreement. Every time i refused, game crashed. When started IGE, noticed that Persia had a great scientist. After i deleted that unit and accepted the agreement, the game worked fine.(i have no ideea what the persians were going to do with that scientist) I don't know if its related with the agreement or the great person but i just wanted to provide with some help is possible.
Hello Ferris,

If it is relatively simple, would you consider uploading a variant where the values for the acquisition of culture and gold, for example opera houses giving plus 1 culture instead of 5, are as they are in base BNW?

I will see what I can do about it and make you a custom file to use.

Hello Porcelino,

Game crashed when contacted by Persia about a trade agreement. Every time i refused, game crashed. When started IGE, noticed that Persia had a great scientist. After i deleted that unit and accepted the agreement, the game worked fine.(i have no ideea what the persians were going to do with that scientist) I don't know if its related with the agreement or the great person but i just wanted to provide with some help is possible.

do you use other mods?
could you post me a save game and the log files?

it's a strange bug because I didn't touched the Great People or the diplo options in my mod.
Thanks so much Hulfgar.

I hope you don't mind, but I have some ideas about civ and how to make it better that I want to share with you. If they are bad or impractical, don't hesitate to tell me.

1. Quality vs quantity weapons. One of the big decisions that nations have faced throughout history is deciding how to balance quality and quantity in weapons production. For example, Germany was famous for producing relatively small numbers of very high quality vehicles such as tanks during WWII. My idea is to allow players an option to keep units in production for longer than normal, and in return they get to add promotions to the units in proportion to the number of extra hammers invested. If this would be hard to code, another way would be, for example, that when the prerequisite technology for heavy tanks has been researched, there would be three possible units available for production-the normal heavy tank, a "high quality heavy tank," which costs 50% more hammers to produce but comes with, say, two extra promotion options, and a "very high quality heavy tank," which costs twice as much production as a normal heavy tank unit, and comes with three or four extra promotion options.

2. War effort. One thing that has always bothered me in comparison to real life is how little most wars cost. Even if you are fighting a civ that is equal to yours in economy and population, you can often get away with continuing to work on non-military buildings in most of your cities. In real life when countries that are roughly equally matched fight, at the very minimum a huge proportion of the economy has to be switched over to directly supporting the war effort. My idea here would be to take ammunition, for example. When a city completes an ammunition factory, it does not automatically grant ammunition. Instead, an option, "produce ammunition," appears in the same place as the options for producing wealth, gold, the world's fair, etc. The amount produced per turn would depend on the city's production. Every time a unit fights, that activity consumes one ammunition, thus players would have to constantly replenish their supplies. Another idea would be to have a cost in gold each time a unit is destroyed or takes losses (in proportion of course to how bad the damage was), which would simulate the economic impact of casualties. This might force players to switch some of their cities to producing wealth to offset the extra expense, unless they already have a very strong economy to begin with, which would be realistic, because in the real world, all else being equal, countries that have strong economies have an easier time fighting wars than those that don't.
Hi Hulfgar,

I already tried it without other mods, and I waited for over 10 minutes. So, I guess it is just bad luck for me. As I've said, the loading icon changes from the globe to the arrow for only a fraction of a second and then goes back to the globe. It somehow hangs up.
Still, thx for looking into my logs:)

jinxed 75, sorry for my English, but I'm Argentine and I only speak Spanish, but I have the same problem as you, the game hangs after the presentation, at the same time it should start the game. It is charging and will not start. You could fix the problem?
Personally, when i launch a new game it's very long. More than 10min but after a while it starts.
When i load a savegame it's quicker (about 5min).
Your mod is awesome hulfgar anyway :)
Hello Ferris,

I will see what I can do about it and make you a custom file to use.

Hello Porcelino,

do you use other mods?
could you post me a save game and the log files?

it's a strange bug because I didn't touched the Great People or the diplo options in my mod.

Thank you for your reply, Hulfgar. The problem is that i upgraded my pc with an ssd and erased yesterday everything. I had IGE, smartai v2 as mods enabled. Problem is that after i "solved" it, the problem occured again and i gave up on finding the cause, because of the long loading time(around 10 mins - i haven't installed yet on ssd to see if its' improved). I'm pretty sure it's not about diplomacy and i don't know if other civs are trying to build academies or spend the great scientist for science and conflicting with... something else(terrain, science tree etc). I'm sorry i can't help you with something concrete but i want you to know something: no matter how many times i will have ctd's i'm not giving up yor mod.
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