Hulfgar's Modpack Extended Edition "Rise of the Machines"

Mod is great, with art and everything. I dont know if its only me but loading game with this mod takes ages, and in some point the game crashes. Thx for great work.
Hello stasiulaska,

I dont know if its only me but loading game with this mod takes ages,

It's an issue that I have not fixed yet. I'm back from holidays and will work on it.

and in some point the game crashes.
can you give me more details?
do you use other mods?
can you attach the log files?

thanks :)
Hi all

a bug fix for the Modpack Artfiles (version 9)

This version will correct the display for the Japanese Early Jet Fighter and the Navy Jet Bomber.

This version is required for the Extended Edition.
Download is highly recommended : the bug leads to crash!

Thanks to Sonihi for pointing it out.
Ok, so the loading issue its not a big problem i can live with that but crashes. Huge map, 12 civs, about 560+ turns a lot of stuff on the map and at some point in one turn game crashes always at the same point at the same turn. I dont think its a RAM issue i have 8GB, i was trying many things like change dx9 or dx10/11,reinstall game, i moved it to SSD drive, minimize graphic setup, run game in the window and always in the same turn game crashes. And still sometimes i have little issues with proper texture display. I mean textures are mixed or something even if i turn off GPU texture decode. Maybe its related. I'm using only your 3 mods, 2 art files and Extended. And i'm on windows 10. I don't know which logs u need so i put whole folder. And i use yor last fix v9 and doesnt chang anything for me. Cheers and thanks for great work!


Hello Stasiulaska,

from your log files you are using version 8 of the artfile :
[21080.546] \Users\Wojciech\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\HulfgarsModpack ArtFiles 8 (v 8)\Version1: --- Hulfgars Modpack ArtFiles v7---

please try version 9 and just in case can you post me a savegame ?

stasiulaska thanks for the savegame.

Do you have a savegame 1 or 2 turns earlier (or more)?

Best guess for now is that the bug is with something that the russians are building (unit, building or improvement) and I need to take their Civ as active player to see what they are doing.
Thanks for the save stasiulaska, I've begun to work with it.
Something strange : I forgot to stop the autoplay that I used to reach turn 569 and it went well beyond (turn 589) without crash.
Now maybe it's just because the AI didn't do what triggered the CTD in your game.

Another strange thing : I can see planes loaded on cruisers, did you see that as well?
Another strange thing : I can see planes loaded on cruisers, did you see that as well?
that's happened to me too I thought it was supposed to be there but it doesn't bother me I also get worker on cruisers too
side note: thanks for those files Hulfgar I'll spin you an email tomorrow I just got home and it's 12:49 am here in NZ
Something strange : I forgot to stop the autoplay that I used to reach turn 569 and it went well beyond (turn 589) without crash.
Interesting. The fact is that i've played two games on your mods and both ends with crash in late game, so i think it will crash later. BTW how can i turn on autoplay? maybe i will try the same? or its some devtool? I think i will try one more game. And we'll see. If it crash i will have all autosaves and stuff.
Another strange thing : I can see planes loaded on cruisers, did you see that as well?
Yes i see them.
Thanks for support ;)
Hello stasiulaska,

to use the autoplay you need to download the Civ5 SDK : from your Steam browser go in Library/Tools and search for Sid Meyer's Civilization V SDK. It's a free download.
When it's installed launch the SDK and select FireTuner, from here look at the tabs (I think it's the "Game" tab) one of them as the autoplay options : you can select the number of turns you wish to autoplay and which Civ you will play at the end of the autoplay session.

Should you encounter any crash again the save before it is welcome. I think what triggers the CTD is a unit, improvement or production. And the thing with the cruiser carrying planes bothers me.

I will keep you informed when I have something new. I will probably have not a lot of time to look into it this week end but be sure that it is at the top of my to do list.

Thanks for your patience :)
Ok maybe I'll try something in free time. And i think it's the only mod that truly meets my expectations so it's in my business to fix it ;-)
Ok, i don't know if you are still into it but as I promise here is new save with the same problem I think. It craches rigth after turn 581 on England turn. Two saves one right before crash second 3 turns before. Peace!


Thanks Stasiulaska it may help me find the bug.

I'm still working on it.
So far I've tested all Russian units of the industrial and post modern era without issue.
The building list of the russian civs holds nothing that could crash the game. Of course it could be that the AI has finished something and tries to build something that triggers the crash.

In the process I've found a CTD bug with the graphics for the Huey helicopter so here is

I highly recommend all players to download this new version to avoid any issue with the Huey Heli.

I don't get your mod running. I can set up the game, but during the introduction speech on the loading screen it seems to hang up. The rotating globe icon flashes for a fraction of a second to the arrow and reverts back to the globe, and after that it is in an endless loop.
Any ideas what could be wrong here?


I played like 40 Rounds discovered a lot but i cant see any ressources? i researched whine, beer , wood but i cant see a single ressource on the map. i have ressources to show enabled!

latest version i am playing i have all civ 5 addons.
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