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Humanity is causing Global Warming, for sure.


No upper ocean warming guys. Try again. :lol:

Where's the missing heat? ;)

Look at my picture guys! Ha! I bet you feel really stupid now with your articles :lol:

What's up with that Dale? :)

Oh I remember. Avoidance and side-stepping techniques. Or was it side-stepping and avoidance techniques? You're the master. You tell me ;)

Oh well. You'll always have Cavvie's adorable, unwavering admiration. That's worth a thousand well-made arguments.
Denying NODC observations Ziggy?
Data source: National Oceanographic Data Centre.


Can anyone spot any kind of upward trend from this Dale-approved source guys?
Upper ocean warming Daley baby :lol:

And 3 times the amount of pictures no less (ignoring your witty punny one)

Try again :)
Go back and read post 196. What year did I say?

That's what hyperlinks are for. Graph's from our favourite climate scientist Jolly Nova or from http://www.jonova.com/

You might want to recheck that. It was actually from the anti-nova site. :lol:

Go back and read post 196. What year did I say?

You might want to recheck that. It was actually from the anti-nova site. :lol:

I just read the link my dear, from there on my Holmes-like qualities took over. :)

Boy you're making an effort for witty comebacks. Rather crude, but I appreciate the simplicity of caps and repetition so I'm not going to be dismissive.

Well played dear sir.

Now about your second picture ... :D
Interesting. For a few years now, whenever a "denialist" says Global Warming Pause FTW! an "alarmist" has come along such as Dr Kevin Trenberth and said It's in the deep ocean.

Now that ARGO shows no OHC rise (0-2000m) since 2005, and this new paper shows no OHC rise (2000m+) for the same period, it joins the atmospheric records showing no change in air temps since 2005.

So basically, since 2005 neither the air nor the ocean nor the surface shows warming as predicted, if any at all. So where the hell is all this missing heat? Until it's found, one must continue to ask.....

Did we get the theory of AGW wrong somewhere?

reposting here for people who are interested in reading the original
That means that, within the uncertainty, there’s nothing left to be accounted for by temperature change below 2,000 meters. If those depths have warmed over the short time period since 2005, it can’t have been by very much. The warming—and there has been plenty—has taken place in the upper 2,000 meters.
Also reposting for those not really interested in reading.

Post #202 has lots more of goodie info
I urge people to read the entire linked post that Tokala provided above:

It's very relevant to these graphs, and it shows how Anthony Watts and Joanne Nova can fool people into thinking that the oceans aren't continuing to absorb heat.

If you want to claim there's been no heating of the oceans in the last decade or so, you'll have to do way more massaging of the data that classical_hero claims happens in no other branch of science (which is patently false, of course)
So we've reached the point of some people posting flat graphs, others posting rising graphs. Pffft we can all do that. Every time it returns to this point.

So instead of continuing this paradox, we should just all agree to disagree. No one's going to convince anyone on this forum.
Look at my picture guys! Ha! I bet you feel really stupid now with your articles :lol:

What's up with that Dale? :)

Oh I remember. Avoidance and side-stepping techniques. Or was it side-stepping and avoidance techniques? You're the master. You tell me ;)

Oh well. You'll always have Cavvie's adorable, unwavering admiration. That's worth a thousand well-made arguments.

Absolutely! I got a lot of respect for the guy. He played the toughest sport on the planet and lived, no pencil necked geek thisun. He helps the cub scouts, and I'm still hoping for a medal someday. I've spent gazzilions of hours playing his outstanding mods, (sorry no graph) am a member at his game designing site, and just generally like Aussies simply because one can call them 'mate' without they want to take a ride in one's caboose. Also, there's Crocodile Dundee.

Now, back to discussing global cooling.

Just think of the cosmic rays let in by our froward sun forgetting its duty. Those cosmic rays are essential for cloud formation. Those clouds reflect light, that light not hitting darker regions (where Ziggy lives) means less heat, and I don't have to tell you that less heat means more cooling in the coming years. To complete this cool picture a more sedate sun means less direct energy. (see: Solar cycle 25)

Okay? :)

Besides, the entire lack of gracious gratitude for enlightening this rather dark and unseemly forum, the manner in which this lot completely fail to admit the error of the AGW political science movement, a more fruitless pursuit cannot be imagined and one that I hereby absolve myself of. That is to say nothing of the contrary local bunch being bereft of grace, and personally unsightly if the picture thread is to be believed, and that's all I have. :wallbash:

:snarl, grumble, sniff:

Me too, that's what this guy means. ---> ;)
So we've reached the point of some people posting flat graphs, others posting rising graphs. Pffft we can all do that. Every time it returns to this point.

So instead of continuing this paradox, we should just all agree to disagree. No one's going to convince anyone on this forum.

Personally, I'm not posting to try and convince you (nor Cav). After all, you are knowingly cherry picking data and your flat graph is just a conveniently flat section from the whole graph (which shows a rising trend).

I'm posting so that anyone else reading the thread is aware that the various "counterproofs" of AGW are nothing of the sort.
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