Humankind Strange / funny screenshots

I really love the map...


(and yes that's a strange screenshot, in my current alternate history session, the Franks just settled in the Kamchatka Peninsula)
So... does Humankind have 4194303 cultural wonders? Something must be wrong with my wonders UI then, b/c I'm not seeing all of them.

I've built the Temple of Artemis and Statue of Zeus in pretty much every session after the first, as well as the Eiffel Tower a few times. That makes the 0 a little confounding.
I think I got the unique Shintoism event! But...
View attachment 608744
We follow Shintoism not Shintoism its all in how you write it.

Bold font is an affront to God

the strategy is valid but the timeframe doesn't fit... not only she was getting huge bonuses in research but it seems she has infinite gold available

never requested the non aggression deal... perhaps i need to look into it next time

i went on a surprise war after she attacked one of my scouts stacks

a surprise indeed

fortgot to mention she had a poorly placed astronomy house without adjacent farm

yay cheating AI!

I've seen the AI run what looks like Collective Minds but without losing any industry.. shouldn't be enough to get swords by T25 even with serious beelining though

Speaking of beelining

Spoiler :
my wife latest game : "seriously ?!?"

Referring to the Egyptians and Ghanaians being in the end game? That stubborn trait (never change cultures) is powerful in the hands of AI (and some here have argued in the player’s as well). I’d argue, as I am in the other thread, that this is because the AI doesn’t utilize its ability to choose cultures advantageously.

Ironically gold is the one affinity it actually seems to work well to take repeatedly, but apparently +30% fame worked well for them too.

Lol, and if that’s not what you referring to, I’m oblivious ;)
Referring to the Egyptians and Ghanaians being in the end game?
I believe it's sooner about Miaou being overtaken by Gilgabro by 5 fame points at the end.
By the looks of her, I think, she's about to demand a recount, organise a number of 'Stop the steal' rallies and make a unilateral announcement of a landslide victory during a hasty press conference in the parking lot of some suburban gardening tools shop :)
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Ah yeah, that’d do it. I mean free beginning of era stars, what’s that about?!
Not a step back!, ordered both rulers. We will fight this battle to the bitter end! Fight like lions, for glory and honour!, bellowed the warlords. Rawrrr!, replied the warriors on both sides.
And they did it as it was said, at the Battle at Lionrock, to a tee.
Was it worth it, though?

"They say it was a shocking sight
After the field was won;
for many thousand bodies here
Lay rotting in the sun;
But things like that, you know, must be
After a famous Victory.

And everybody praised the Duke
Who this great fight did win."
"But what good came of it at last?"
Quoth little Peterkin.
"Why that I cannot tell." said he
"But 'twas a famous Victory."
- Robert Southey
Not a step back!, ordered both rulers. We will fight this battle to the bitter end! Fight like lions, for glory and honour!, bellowed the warlords. Rawrrr!, replied the warriors on both sides.
And they did it as it was said, at the Battle at Lionrock, to a tee.
Was it worth it, though?

I just had one of these, but it was my single scout vs. 2 grey spearmen. Totally worth it (from the ruler's point of view, if not the scout's).

Most hilarious thing has happen. So Hittites just vassalized Harrapans, while on the SAME turn they are ready to become a vassal of Rome (yours truly). I don't think it was ever possible in Civ4... Anyway, guess how game handles this? Vassal of my vassal becomes my vassal -- contrary to the well known catchword!
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