I need a new game


Sep 9, 2007
Hey guys, i am looking into buying a new game, everything else got boring so i need something to kill my time after work once again.

Anyway basically what im asking is if this game is worth my 60 dollars. Is it hard for a newb to get into the game or the learning curve is fairly simple? also what are the system requirements for the game to run at a nice pace.
Where did you find Civ IV for $60.00?:hmm:

The specs I have and it runs very well: 3Ghz Pentium 4 HT,1gb of RAM,128 mb ATI Radeon X300
well it was civ 4 plus the sword expansion. But still need an answer for my question >.<
Civ 4 plus Warlords is not; Civ 4 plus BtS is. If you do end up buying it, make sure you skip Warlords altogether and get BtS (which you are doing). It includes everything from Warlords except the scenarios.

If you have played any previous Civ game you will find it easier than if you haven't, but either way it does take some time to learn all the nuances. I think of that as a good thing: it means you won't get bored any time soon!
Anyway basically what im asking is if this game is worth my 60 dollars. Is it hard for a newb to get into the game or the learning curve is fairly simple? also what are the system requirements for the game to run at a nice pace.

there's a tutorial. While it will take a couple games for you to truly start understanding how the whole game works, you shouldn't have too much trouble getting into it (especially since you have us to pester with questions :lol: _

System Requirements? Depends on the map size.



These are the Gamespy reviews of Civ Iv and the expansion, check them out.
"War makes strange giant creatures out of us little routine men who inhabit the earth"

- Ernie Pyle
JDF, if you are looking for a good game and don't feel like spending $60 then you can do a search for Alpha Centauri. It is an older game of Sid Meire's and is the game mentioned in every civ game that features a space race. I am not sure but I believe it is counted as abandonware now and should be available for download on www.abandonia.com If I'm mistaken on this it's because I own the disc and haven't bothered to check in a while.
so to get this straight before i make a decision, in this game you basically compete against and with each other while upgrading through the ages? Like age of empires i guess? Or is it a fixed age for each fight.
No, not even close.

Age of Empires is a Real Time Strategy Game. Civ IV is turn based. In AoE, you go around clicking on things and making your units move around in real time. In Civ IV, you do whatever you want to do and then end your "turn", which advances time. The AI then makes its move. It's more slow paced than AoE. It's not in real time, which means that you can take as long or as short as you want.

The objective of AoE is generally to wipe the other players off the map. In Civ, there are multiple ways to win (Conquest is one of them). Even if you're going for that, there's generally more focus on the economy and diplomacy aspect. AoE is a war game where you advance in ages, Civ is an empire building game where you can make war.

Civ IV is far more deep than age of empires when it comes to things like diplomacy and empire building, and each game of civ lasts longer generally. AoE is more deep combat-wise, and is faster paced.

Each game of Civ starts out at 4,000 BC (usually, you can set it to change) and goes up through 2050 AD (assuming no one wins before then). There are no set "ages" like in AoE. Rather, your civilization advances technologically (and you of course choose what to research).

I can't explain it very well. Your best option is to try out the Civ IV demo here

It should give you a general idea of how the game plays out.

One thing you should be aware of is that there a several gameplay concepts and rules that aren't fully explained in the game or in the instruction book. In fact the instruction book itself is full of mistakes. I'd suggest you take a look at the war academy and this message board to further clarify things. You may end up having to do independent experimentation to fully understand it all. Not that you should feel overly worried.

War Academy


Also the demo is way too short and might not seem much fun.
ok im just about ready to buy it but my final question is, is beyond the sword worth the extra 20 dollars or should i just get civ 4 by itself? I was told not to get warlords so i wont get the gold package. If i get civ 4 alone il be buying it at like gamestop or direct2drive.com if i get the package of swords and civ 4 its 60 dollars at direct2drive.com
If you like Civ IV, then BTS is an awesome expansion pack that I would highly recommend. I would probably buy Civ IV, patch it to the latest version with the ingame updater, and then play a game or two + the tutorial to see if you like it. If you do, then get BTS.

And yes, what you read is correct-no point in getting Warlords if you have BTS
I suggest CIv3 with the full line of upgrades to get you upto date with whats happening in 2006. That line includes a wicked processsor with but only 512 mb of ram to support lifelike numbers in world size, citys, and countries playable at one time.

There actually hasn't been a game like this till civ3 2006. Reason being, before that computers were to slow to manage the lag effects if you tried and CIv4 was designed to avoid them(real sizes/numbers accumulation) entirly

Have a good day and hope your happy with what you decide
well i dont think il be getting civ3 and then 4 if i like it, il just get 4 il probably like it. My computer definately can run the game fine right? Its an alienware aurora 5500, 1 gig of ram, nvidia geforce fx 5500

also how is the pace of the game, good speed or takes a year and a day per fight?

and i swear my final question, does the game go by turns or you do what you want when you want.
1) Your computer should run it pretty well, although you may want to turn down a setting or two and should avoid the largest maps.

2) The pace is customizable, which is awesome. The default I believe is too fast (things go obsolete before you can use them), so I like a slower one. If you think the game is dragging on too much, then you can up the game speed. Individual battles can take awhile (as there's a few second long animation for each individual unit battle, which can sometimes be about 40+ fights). However, there are options that allow you to instantly skip through all that crap, so that's not an issue.

3) It goes by turns. I'll set all the stuff I want to do on one turn (maybe build farmland near one of my cities to encourage growth, maybe set a new resource project, tell one of my cities to build a different unit, maybe found a new city, etc...). I then hit the "end turn" button and all the AIs do the same. The game then advances a number of years and you start your next turn.
Fights are behind the scenes. Fighting is relatively simple in the game (no Rome-Total War style combat). Combat itself is resolved by RNG roll. It's the strategy that you concentrate on.

If you mean fight as in one game, it takes awhile on the larger maps. It's really variable. Play tiny map/quick speed for a quick game, Large map/marathon speed for the chess-board like dance over land and resources.

Yes, it goes by turns. Play the demo for a quick taste. You've really never played any of the Civ games, have you?
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