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Idea for when we Release v1.0


Live 4ever! Or die trying
Oct 24, 2005
an Aussie in Boston
How about the people involved in this mod play a Succession Game with it once we release v1.0. The aim of the SG would be to highlight our wonderful mod (with a bit of bug testing thrown in).
How about the people involved in this mod play a Succession Game with it once we release v1.0. The aim of the SG would be to highlight our wonderful mod (with a bit of bug testing thrown in).

If you guys do it when you guys release the mod and need an extra player, count me in. :wavey:
Ruff, it was only last night I was thinking the same thing! Both to test, and to advertise as well. What should we call it? The BUG Mod Test Game, or something with style?

I also think that we do this before 1.0 is released.

Maybe play 2 games, both fairly quick and small. 1 regular BUG, and 1 flavor BUG.

@Feedback - I'm sure we'll have 1 spot left open.;) I know both me and Ruff play SGs (Although it's been almost 2 years since my last), but I'm not sure if the other guys play 'em or not. Have you yourself had any issues with using BUG in SGs? And are you using Flavorful or BUG?

edit: (Cross post with Nik)

A succesion game is somewhat like MultiPlayer but instead of each person controling a team, the whole group of people (Usually around 5 or 6 max, play the same team. It started back with Civ2, before Multiplayer.

Basically the game is broken into 3 parts... the early game each player normally gets 20 turns, the middle game 10 turns, and late game is 5. For each action you document what you did, and what the AI did. You also take screenshots and post them on the forum. SGs is the whole reason behind the Autologger. It captures everything, and even lets you make custom entries, so you just copy and paste instead of writing up full turn reports. After you play you upload your save, and the next person plays their turns.

Usually after each set of turns there is a little talk about which direction to take the game, and a vote is taken on major things like going to war, or changing building directions.
@Feedback - I'm sure we'll have 1 spot left open.;) I know both me and Ruff play SGs (Although it's been almost 2 years since my last), but I'm not sure if the other guys play 'em or not. Have you yourself had any issues with using BUG in SGs? And are you using Flavorful or BUG?

Alerum, currently I'm using only the Vanilla BUG. The 3.03 version is way too buggy graphically wasted for my tastes and I cannot rollback. Damn Steam... :gripe:
The issues I had got covered already. And the last one, regarding the unit naming, seem to have already been covered too. I must say you guys :rockon:!

So, when the time comes, please add me to the roster. :)
Maybe play 2 games, both fairly quick and small. 1 regular BUG, and 1 flavor BUG.
or we could play the same game with some people using regular BUG and others using flavor BUG - that would really help to highlight the difference.
actually - I was thinking the same game as in ... I play using BUG, you play using Flavor BUG from the SAME save.
I've never played in an SG yet, but I'd like to. I know it'll be tough at times to work in the time, but I suspect this will be rather low pressure. As long as you guys don't mind when I need to punt my turn, I'd love to do it.
I'd give it a go too, the work you've done on this mod deserves it !
Would be great to have you play EF! Have you read any of the SGs?

Also, since we're going to be having alot of newbie SGers, we may want to keep it on a low level... Noble or lower. Is probably better that way to show off all the features anyway.:)
I've read a bunch of Sisiutil's ALCs (not SGs, but similar posting format) and a few of Ruff's crazy SGs from his sig. My only hesitation is the amount of work required to do the actual posting (uploading screenshots to an img-host and linking to them -- yes, I'm a lazy SOB), but the games look really fun.
Firefox has a nice little add-on that makes uploading images very easy. It will even give you a choice of formats to use, and forum post are one of them. With autologger and that plug in, uploading a screen shot & log won't take long at all. I'm guessing if you take your time with the game-play, and do a few random Events that don't pop up, you're looking about 20-30 mins a turn, in total.
All good SGs have a theme. Here is my suggestion ... everyone knows that Japan doesn't trust anyone, no open borders, no trades, no nothing. Also, in Vanilla Civ, Japan was organized so they had low expenses. Now that Japan is defensive, it pines for the days that it was organized.

So, based on this, we are Japan, playing the ultra Japanese game. We don't trust anyone that is close by. People from further away are ok, people from far away are our friends. No one is allowed to touch borders with us ... if they do, we declare war and raze cities until we have cleared some room around our borders. However, we are also aiming for a minimum expense civilization. As such, we can only have cities as such ...

... this will minimize our expenses. This will make the game a 9CC.
Nice, I like that a lot. This will help me with my warring as I tend to be a bit of a pansy when it comes to war. I figure I can always build just one more unit and then I'll be ready to attack. Oh wait, maybe one more. Oooh, CS and if I just tech to Machinery, I could use Macemen instead of Swordsmen.


And then it's 1950 and I almost have Tanks and then I'll really be able to kick some ass, so I'll just wait a liiiiiiittle bit longer. :(

Being forced to declare war (and having others that know how many units are needed to attack) will help. When I eventually do attack, I usually tromp over my enemy, meaning I could have attacked that much sooner. I need to learn the art of shorter, more frequent wars.

I've never tried for a Conquest victory, and I've only tried Domination twice -- once kinda by accident once I had pounded the biggest and toughest kid on the block and realized the others would probably be even easier (they were).
Ring City Placement. Was a strategy exploining the corruption code in Civ 3. You build out in rings to avoid said corruption... didn't know someone has figured out the new maint. as well. Will take a look at it tonight, and see how it goes.
1.0 is out...:)

Civ: Japan
Map: Pangaea
Size: Standard
Climate: Temperate
Sealevel: Random
Era: Ancient
Speed: Normal
Resources: Standard

Conditions: Perm. alliance off. Choose Religion on.

Variant: The further the Better. Any civ we are close too are our enemies. Only those far away are friends. When another civ's border touches are we MUST declare war as soon as it's discovered.

Also, we will attempt the new method of RCP, placing cities inside rings of 4, 9, 13, 18... so the first ring will be 3 tiles away from the Palace, second 8 tiles away, etc... Diag. tiles are counted as 1.5 when rounding, and tiles are rounded down. Refer to Cheese Wheel.

Any changes or additions, or should I roll a map?
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