Idea: Philosophies instead of corporations in BtS version of TAM?


Jun 23, 2007
Pacific NW
Instead of corporations, how about adding philosophies? In the ancient world, Greek philosophies had a huge impact on the post-Hellenistic Mediterranean world. Doing a wikipedia search for philosophy (Hellenistic philosophy to be exact) yields nine major philosophies, with two of those (Hellenistic Judaism and Neoplatonism) being concerned with religion. Leaving off the latter two philosophies leaves seven, a magic number (it seems) for Civ IV. Even if the philosophies don't use the corporation mechanic, they can just use a modified version of the religion mechanic. (I can't think of resources that would get sacrificed to grant bonuses for most philosophies. Maybe Epicureans and Hedonists would both lose the use of certain luxuries in their cities-- the former because they abstained from using those resources, and the latter because they consumed them all!)

Each philosophy could give different bonuses, based on their focus. For instance, military units built in Stoic cities might get +1 (or possibly +2) experience, based on the principles of acting in correct judgment in response to suffering. Stoic cities might also suffer an additional +1 :mad: if running slavery, and/or slave quarters may generate an additional :mad:
Skeptics could generate more :science:, either per city or as part of their special building, Eclectic cities could generate more :culture:, etc.
I personally think having a bonus and a penalty for each philosophy would be the best way to run it, especially if the benefit slightly outweighed the penalty. I just can't think of specific examples for all seven philosophies right now.
That would be pritty cool. I'm afraid the stoics might be a tad overpowered though- a philosophy like theirs would breed a very tough nation.

Oh! Oh! Oh! Conflicting philosophies could consume the same resources, to make them mutually exclusive.

Maybe the academy for a HQ?
I think that would be an appropriate use of corporations, though not all philosophies need apply. The more cultist ones such as Pythagoreanism would fit nicely as corporations.

Possibly other historical entities would fit in as well, such as the more centralized, dogmatic religions. In the end perhaps a mish-mash of religions, cults, philosophies, and secular organizations would come together as competing corporations?

Generally I'd see them consuming hammers / commerce for lightbulbs/culture/unit experience/hammers, rather than specific commodities.
Thanks for the thoughts and discussion, guys.

We have come up with a different use of the corporations mechanic. Nothing is set in stone yet, but it seems like a very good implementation. Corporations will be used as centers of trade to simulate the Silk Road trade route.
Thanks for the thoughts and discussion, guys.

We have come up with a different use of the corporations mechanic. Nothing is set in stone yet, but it seems like a very good implementation. Corporations will be used as centers of trade to simulate the Silk Road trade route.

Sounds cool; I'm downloading the BTS version right now...
I think it would fit, as long as we can think of the appropriate civics and bonuses that they give.
IMO the silk road is a great solution for the space-race question.

I'm not sure wither I like thinking of Philosophies used as the religious civic or not. While I suppose some changes might be nice to the religious civics, I believe using the corporations to represent philosophies might be more effective. What else would we use corporations for?
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