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Ideas needed: Common Events

Just wondering, does anyone know if new events are added with every FFH patch? Random events and lairs really make this game even that much better.

Well, none of the patch notes have mentioned new events in a while, but it's possible that some have been added without being specifically noted.

Kael hasn't yet told us to stop proposing new events, so until he does I think we should keep this thread going.
A greedy bureaucrat/merchant/majordomo has been found guilty of funneling food into his/her/its own stores and selling his/her/its ill gotten gains to outsiders.
Shall we

a) confiscate his/her/its belongings after his next trade => small amount of cash

b) confiscate his/her/its stores => small amount of food for the city

c) hang him/her/it right now and share out his hold to the people => few turns happiness (+good)

d) this man/woman/creature has ambition, if he had more cunning we would promote him/her/it but getting caught is a crime in itself. Dispose of him/her/it in a creative way! => a bit of culture (+evil)
Here's one inspired by LOTR

A Long-Expected Party

A prominent citizen of [City Name] recently celebrated his eleventy-first birthday with what was reported to be a party of special magnificence. (+1:) in city)
Here's one inspired by LOTR

A Long-Expected Party

A prominent citizen of [City Name] recently celebrated his eleventy-first birthday with what was reported to be a party of special magnificence. (+1:) in city)

Wow Eleventy, is that really old
A Long-Expected Party

A prominent citizen of [City Name] recently celebrated his eleventy-first birthday with what was reported to be a party of special magnificence. (+1:) in city)

Technically, it's the Hobbit, which is also LOTR, so why am I posting.....

But good idea. I love that book.
oh which ever, they both start with gatherings of some sort, so...
Passing tribe:
Conditions: just one city
A new tribe marches across erebus, and they happen to come near your town.
1-Raid them! They may have valubles! (50%chance 50 gold, 50%chance barbarian warrior spawn)
2-Invite them to join us. It is good to increase our population.(cost 20 gold. +1 population in capital)
3-Ignore them.
A couple of straightforward events, simple enough to be common, I think.

Requirement: One or more naval units on a water tile.


Text: "An extraordinarily strong unfavorable wind has arisen, slowing some of our ships."

Result: All naval units on the tile lose 1 movement point for 1 turn.


Text: "Some of our ships have experienced an unexpected strong favorable wind, speeding them along."

Result: All naval units on the tile gain 1 movement point for 1 turn.
Requires City with Dancing Bear

"Sire, the Dancing Bear - it has broken free from it's chains and is making it's escape!"

Option 1: "We're going on a bear hunt! We're going to catch a big one. What a beautiful day! We're not scared"
20% chance: "Uh-oh, grass. Long wavy grass. We can't go over it, we can't go under it. Oh no we've got to go through it" - 1 tile in cultural borders changes to wheat
20% chance: "Uh-oh, mud. Thick oozy mud. We can't go over it, we can't go under it. Oh no we've got to go through it!" - 1 tile in cultural borders changes to swamp
20% chance: "Uh-oh, a forest. A big dark forest. We can't go over it, we can't go under it. Oh no we've got to go through it!" - 1 tile in cultural borders changes to Ancient forest
20% chance: "Uh-oh, a snowstorm. A swirling, whirling snowstorm. We can't go over it, we can't go under it, we've got to go through it" - 1 tile in cultural borders changes to ice - perhaps also generates a snowstorm
20% chance: "Uh-oh, a cave. A narrow, gloomy cave. We can't go over it, we can't go under it, we've got to go through it" - 1 tile in cultural borders gains a lair

Option 2: "Have you tried the lure it back with fish trick?" - No effect

City has a dancing bear

"Sire, the Dancing Bear - it has broken free from it's chains and is making it's escape!"

"If you go out in the woods today you're sure for a big surprise" - lose dancing bear. Three barbarian bears appear.
"If you go out in the woods today you'd better go in disguise" - lose dancing bear, Four barbarian bears appear. Gain scout with Mask
"If you go out in the woods today you'd better not go alone" - lose dancing bear, Five barbarian bears appear. Gain two scouts.
"It's lovely out in the woods today but safer to stay at home" - lose dancing bear, no other effect

City has access to Pigs, a dancing bear and caged tiger

"Sire - strange thing, but the dancing bear, tiger and a piglet have been on an adventure. Well it seems like they've struck the hunny lode!"
"Share the hunny with the bear - there is enough to go around" - gain 1 commerce in a forest tile
"Show me the hunny!" - lose dancing bear, lose caged tiger, enraged barbarian bear and tiger appear - gain 2 commerce in a forest tile

With apologies to Michael Rosen, John Walter Braton, AA Milne and err Tom Cruise
Inspired by this news story:


Wouldn't exactly be an event, but having some moving ice in the game might be interesting, if it's even doable. Presumably would have to restrict it to the top and bottom 1/3(?) of the map.

To our friends in New Zealand, stay safe.

EDIT: Another, similar, news story, not worth a separate post. This iceberg must be quite a sight: twice the size of Manhattan!

A group of merchants from [city] are complaining that their prices are being undercut by traders from [civilisation with open boarders] They demand we protect them from this destructive competition!
Requires: not mercantilism.

Place a tax on these imports
+ 50 :gold:, -1 trade route, -1 relations with civilisation.

Apply stringent health and safety standards to the imports
+1 :health: in the city, -1 trade route in city, -1 relation with civilisation.

subsidise our merchants.

+1 :) in the city, -25 :gold:, +5% inflation.

It is good to see the processes of creative destruction enriching our people

+1 :( in city, -5% inflation.
A little wager
Gamblers in [city] are offering you a wager on the horse races. Fortunately, they’ve forgotten that they pay taxes. Would you like to accept the bet?
Requires: Gambling house in [city]

I feel the Gods are with me
50% chance of +60:gold:, 50% chance of -40:gold:.

Prudence is a virtue
Nothing happens.

Yes, and rig the bet
80% chance of +60 :gold:, 10% chance of -40 :gold:, 10% of +1 :( for 10 turns.

Yes, and rig the bet properly
Requires: Council of Esus
100% chance of +60 :gold:.

Limited Liability.
Sir, a Gambling house in [city] seek permission to expand their operations into a ‘stock exchange’. They have a strange idea that merchants might want to buy and sell each others businesses.
Requires: Gambling house in [city], tech: trade.

Excellent; I’m pleased with their ingenuity.

Gambling house in [city] gives +10% :commerce:, +1 :gp: (Great Merchant)

No, this smacks of villainy. Their ‘invisible hand’ is clearly an agent of Esus!’
+1 :) in all cities for 5 turns.

National Debt Sequence

Sir, a Gambling house in [city] seek permission to expand their operations into a ‘bond market’. They say they’ll able to offer us a huge amount of money in exchange for some fancy certificates.
Requires: Gambling house in [city], tech: currency.

Free money? Of course!
+100 :gold:, causes event ‘interest payments’ next turn.

No, money must be earned; this is sinful.’
Nothing happens.

Interest Payments

Those thieving liars in [city]’s ‘bond market’ are claiming we have to pay ‘interest’ for those certificates!
Requires: first option chosen on ‘The National Debt’

What? Outrageous; we won’t pay.
+5% inflation, ‘National Debt’ won’t reoccur.

Fine. Give to Mammon what belongs to Mammon...
-4 :gold:in Gambling house in [city], ‘National Debt’ may reoccur, ‘Balancing the books’ may occur.

Balancing the books
It seems we may be able to get out our ‘interest payments’; we buy back those certificates, and then are free! Unfortunitly, those greedy blood-sucking parasities of [city] won’t offer us a fair price.
Requires: second option chosen on ‘Interest Payments’.

Buy them back; we never should have got involved in the first place

-200 gold, +4 :gold: in Gambling house in [city], ‘National Debt’ may reoccur,

We can’t afford all of that, but we need to keep the debt collectors from the door somehow
-100 :gold:, +2 :gold: in Gambling house in [city], ‘National Debt’ may reoccur, ‘Balancing the books’ may reoccur.

We can’t afford that
‘National Debt’ may reoccur, ‘Balancing the books’ may reoccur.

Seize them!
+10% inflation, +4 gold in Gambling house, ‘National Debt’ won’t reoccur.

Make them more... amenable to a fair trade
Requires Council of Esus
-100 :gold:, +4 :gold: in Gambling house in [city], ‘National Debt’ won’t reoccur.
Call of nature
One of our units has started spent so long amoung the trees, it seems to have affected him; he says it spoke to his very soul.
Requires: unit in forest.

It's always good to understand our enviroment
Unit gains Channeling and nature 1.
Intelligent Young Officer
A Captain in our [unit] shows remarkable understanding and intelligence. The army says his skills would be useful, but many other sectors of life would value his talents.

Have him lead his force
+1exp for [unit]

Have him join the city elders
+1 :science: in [science building] in [city]

Fund a surgery for him to tend to the sick
-10 :gold: +1 :health: in [city]

Have him Sacrifised!
Requires: Sheaim or AV
+1 to the armageddon counter
A young scholar called Bryan Caplain has authored a treatise called 'the myth of the virtuous voter', where he attacks the idea that 'Republics' are run as well, because the peasants are too ignorant.
Requires: Someone to have adopted Republic.

Excellent! This vindicates my rule.
Requires: Player not running Republic
-10% civic :( for all civilisations (i.e. it reduces civic :()

Unfortunately, the Rule of Law means we cannot stop him publishing this tome
Requires: Player running Republic
-10% civic :( for all civilisations (i.e. it reduces civic :()
Pirates or Ninjas?
The time has finally come, my Lord; you must take a stance on this most important of issues.
Requires: Lanan in the game, Council of Esus founded*

+1 relations with Lanan, -1 relations with Council of Esus civilisations.

-1 relations with Lanan, +1 relations with Council of Esus civilisations.

Arrr! Was there ever any doubt mehearties?
Requires: Lanan.
+1 :) in all cities

They need never know what we chose...
Requires: Council of Esus State Religion
+1 relations with Lanan, +1 relations with Council of Esus civilisations.

*Does not require any civilisations to have adopted Council of Esus, for balance reasons.
Junil rewards the resolute
Trigger: Worship Order, combat victory, unit damaged.

My Liege, Junil truely is with us- he has healed our [unit]!
unit healed.

Junil rewards the faithful
Trigger: Worship Order, combat victory.

My Liege, Junil truely is with us- he has granted our [unit] insight into their victory!
unit receives +1 exp

Junil rewards the Crusader
Trigger: Worship Order, combat victory, unit undamaned

My Liege, Junil truely is with us- he has granted our victorious [unit] new vigour!
unit receives blitz and hasted.

Junil Rewards the vallient

Trigger: Worship Order, combat victory.

My Liege, Junil truely is with us- he has granted our [unit] his blessing!
unit receives Blessed promotion

Possibly the events should requite the combat to be against a civilisation that doesn't worship Order, or for the unit to worship Order (or perhaps to unit could change religion)
Time for this thread to be bumped back to the first page.

Just for fun, here are three events inspired by some favorite episodes of favorite TV shows. I'm sure some of you will recognize where these come from.

The Parking Space (inspired by http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Parking_Space)

"A dispute has arisen between two coachmen in [City Name] over a parking space for their carriages. The two arrived at the open space at the same time. One coachman started backing his carriage into the space, while the other tried to enter the parking space headfirst. Local authorities disagree over who should be awarded the parking space and have not been able to resolve the dispute; they are therefore asking for your wisdom in resolving this matter."

a) "Award the space to the coachman who went in headfirst." (50% chance of +1 :) in the city, 50% chance of +1 :mad:.)

b) "Award the space to the coachman who backed in to the space." (50% chance of +1 :) in the city, 50% chance of +1 :mad:.)

Mister Sparkle (inspired by a segment in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_Marge_We_Trust)

"An inventor in [City Name] has invented a new cleanser. He describes it as 'a magnet for foodstuffs' and boasts that 'it will banish dirt to the land of wind and ghosts.'"

a) "Um, okay." +1 :health: in [City Name]. If the Sidar are in the game, +1 :yuck: in a random Sidar city.

b) [Sidar only]. "Um, WE are the land of wind and ghosts -- well, ghosts, anyway. We don't want everybody else's dirt. Shut down production immediately."

The Angels Have the Blue Box

Requirement: The Mercurians are in the game.

"We have received a strange message: 'The Angels have the Blue Box.'"

a) "Um, okay." A treasure chest is revealed in Mercurian territory.

b) (Mercurians only). "Um, WE are the Angels." Gain a treasure chest in your own territory.
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