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If Australia was in Civ IV...


Apr 5, 2007
This is purely for a bit of speculative fun.

If Australia was in Civ IV:
- what would our unique unit be?
- what would our unique structure be?
- who would our leader be?
- what would his traits be?
damn a what if thread... shame on you.

Id give australia a settler unit that can move further or whatever to show austrialias (or rather, britians ¬¬) expansion across the continent.

Building? uh.. Commercial harbour? just some trade based building that gives happiness from resources as well as habour benifits.

Leader? Captian Cook. hah. my knowledge of that little country isnt amazing so i cant mention any leader that was as good to australia as say, Stalin was for Russia, or Garibaldi was for Italy.

Traits?... as above, traits in the game reflect the leader more than the civ he is part of.
Just a seppy's opinion, but the obvious UU would be the ANZAC replacing standard infantry, and I'd vote Bob "fastest-yard-of-beer" (charismatic?) Hawke as your leader, only because I don't know much about any other Aussie leaders (Fraser? Menzies? Anybody but Howard).
UU: ANZAC or Lighthorse
UB: Cobb & Co. Double land based trade.
Leader: Robert Menzies
Traits: Charismatic/Financial
UU: Light Horse - mounted infantry.
UB: RSL/Sporting Club +2 Happy/-1 health/+%5 tax revenue from gambling.
Leader: William 'Billy' Hughes.
Traits: Charismatic/Aggressive.

Still, nothing beats 'die laughing'. :lol:
UU - Drunk Idiot
UB - Pub
Leader - Ned Kelly

In all seriousness, Australia would be a terrible civ. As the previous poster said "Nothing beats 'die laughing'."
Because apparently:
- according to all the previous post the 20million people living here a worthless bunch of fat slobby drunks that live in some sort of dock town pub.
- the fact the we fought in WW1 & 2, Vietnam, gulf and Iraq just means sweet f_ck all to the world.
- the fact that we fought in WW1 & 2, Vietnam, gulf and Iraq is totally unacceptable for a expansion pack set during those time periods.
- Because we dont all imbreed like the americans we dont have a high enough population to be considered important
- the fact that people having been living here for 42000 years means nothing just because they arnt white british/english colonist, they didnt like to smack the sh_t out of their neighbor's over religious or political matters and they like to enslave or sacrifice them.
- apparently the gold rush in the 1850's never happened along with the conflict between bushrangers an law(made worst by the gold rush) that lasted from 1790's to 1880's.

what would our unique structure be?
either of:
- Sydney Opera House: +culture
- Dingo Fence/Rabit proof fence: +food (It is one of the longest structures on the planet, and the world's longest fence... other than that its pretty unimpressive :()
- sydney harbour bridge: +commerce

who would our leader be?
... anyone but jh, that dam balding git.
those are wonders more you mentioned a UB has to be something common in a country. i think it has to be something to replace the grocer, possibly to do with barbeques. and aussies do drink a lot.

bds are you an aboriginal or decended from british settlers? just out of interest.

all the civs in the game have changed their region that is the criteria for getting in the game so a lot of your sarcastic points are actually good points, aboriginal australians are not in the game because they did not have wars and did not have culture that spread around the world. the creators have to pick some civs over others perhaps if this game was made by shane meir we would see an aussie civ.
and aussies do drink a lot.
And thats why myself along with my entire family are non-drinkers is it?... again people persist with the stereotype's.
Aussies being stereotyped as heavy drinkers comes from the fact that a large number of us are of irish decendance. Last i heard america & italy out drinks us by far in terms of average number of drinks per person.

bds are you an aboriginal or decended from british settlers? just out of interest.
Neither. I just find it rediculous that people claim australia has very little history because they only count whats happened since british settled here as history, whether its significant history or not is irrelivant as anything that effects a individual is significant to them and the same applies to groups... in other words the assasination of jfk might of meant alot to americans but it means sh_t all to the rest of the world just like aborignal/australian history means sh_t all to the rest of the world because it doesnt effect them, yet both is important from eithers perspective... so when someone's claiming ones history is more important over anothers gets on my nerve and just makes me wanna tell them to get their head out of their arse.
IMHO aboriginal culture & history is really only just starting to come out with films such as ten cannoes and so on...
Also not many people know of events that happened between the settlers & indigeonous, most people that claim to be aussie dont even know what national sorry day is.

btw dont get me wrong or anything im not claiming that australia should be in the game or anything like that... i just think its pathetic that people think it definately shouldn't and make out as if were some historically insignificant backwards country.
Whether they like it or not Australia is going to be around for a long time yet.

all the civs in the game have changed their region that is the criteria for getting in the game
Incorrect... that is what you've determined as your criteria for who deserves to be in the game, quite frankly i think that all modern day civs deserve to be in game by default.
Also what the hell did the aztecs do to get in the game huh, other than get slaugheted by the spanish... their civ lasted from approx 1248 to 1521, gee real significant and region changing.

aboriginal australians are not in the game because they did not have wars and did not have culture that spread around the world
If thats the case then why have ghandi or the aztecs?... also im not claiming that aboriginal australians should be a civ im just trying to point out that the history of australians dates back before british colonisation & before it was named australia/New Holland & whatever else they named it before they mapped it out.
aboriginal australians are not in the game because they did not have wars and did not have culture that spread around the world
One other thing to say on that is that they do now... who doesnt know about boomerangs, digery doos & dreamtime stories and so on...
Don't have culture that spread around the world?

Then why is EVERY souvenir shop in Australia FULL OFF sepos and Japs buying boomerangs, diggeree doos and useless tea towels with dreamtime pictures on them? ;)

Who doesn't know about Fosters, Paul Hogan, lawn mowers, clothes lines, BBQ's, "G'day" and many other things?

And if Australia is so insignificant militarily, then why is Bush begging for the SAS to return to Iraq to save their sorry asses when they get lost? (I always find it funny to hear that the SAS had to rescue some yanks with all their GPS, night-vision and whatnot ROFLMAO).

Just because YOU don't know our culture doesn't mean we don't have any, and haven't impacted our region. How many South Pacific islands exist purely by our generosity?

I DARE you to come to Australia on wednesday 25th and say we're insignificant. Even better, go to an RSL and say that wednesday 25th means nothing.

And economically, who controls 25% of the world's remaining natural resources? We do!

Who leads the world in medical and agricultural research? Who invented the stealth technology for the yanks? Think about that next time a family member gets an MRI or cancer treatment, or next time you bomb the **** out of some poor innocent country, or drink a good wine or eat a good cheese cuz chances are its Aussie.

EDIT: BTW, my family is a convict family, Second Fleet, and DAMN PROUD OFF IT!
Thought of some more (some more obscure to foreigners than others):

- Steve Irwin
- Ian Thorpe
- Shane Warne (for good AND bad reasons!)
- Princess Mary
- Kylie
- All the Aussie actors in Hollywood
- One day cricket
- Aussie rules footy
- Melbourne Cup
- Eureka (the foundation of modern day industrial relations laws world-wide)
- Ayres Rock and Olgas
- Great Barrier Reef
- Sydney opera house and bridge
- "Marvelous Melbourne" and the Victorian gold-rush of 1850's
- The Ghan, Indian Pacific and Overlander
- The Adelaide-Darwin telegraph
- Snowy Mountain Hydro Scheme (a modern day wonder of engineering)
- Acubras
- Ugg boots
- Slouch hats
- Dry-z-bone
- Hard Yakka wear
- Stubbies (blue singlet / shorts)
- Port Arthur
- "The Rocks"
- Kings Cross
- St Kilda
- Sandringham Yacht Club
First off stereo types are ******ed and numerous. According to stereo types Britain is full of snobs, Southern Americans are all red necks, the Irish are always drunk, the French are obnoxious and cowards, and we Canadians always finish are sentences with eh and play hockey. All Stereo types aside I really don't know a whole lot about Australia, however I heard that the Aussie's had the best trained troops in WWII so maybe a UU about that? Also weren't the first settlers prisoners or something? If so maybe have their unique building as a special jail. :lol:
Excuseme, bds, Australia DO have very little history.

Also, we've never been independent. Politically we're part of the British Empire, and culturally we're part of the American Empire.
Wow. Cultural cringe meets text book nationalism. Aussies are well known for their dry sense of humour, when did that pass away? Besides, if you don't want 'a bit of speculative fun', don't ask for it.
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