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If you could add great works what would they be?

Guernica is still under copyright... the intro video shows Picasso painting a very suspiciously similar painting to Guernica, but it is not actually in the intro video even though it is clear the narrator is referencing it. Picasso's ingame Great Work is Les Demoiselles d'Avignon because it is not under copyright.

Thanks - was just coming in here to say that I spawned Picasso in my game and he produced 'Les Demoiselles d'Avignon'.

Shame about the copyright, although it worked out rather nicely for me since I was France and did indeed have an Avignon.
Copyright issues are quite obvious as some of the biggest blockbusters of modern times evade us.

I'd love to see Andy Warhol, the image of the modern GA is obviously him:
V. S. Naipaul, A Bend in the River
The world is what it is; men who are nothing, who allow themselves to become nothing, have no place in it.
That's something to consider, as well - should we pick out a snippet for Great Works of Writing?

I'm trying to think of a really characteristic quote in the Sanguo Yanyi and can only think of either the Peach Garden Oath or Cao Mengde's infamous (and probably apocryphal) "I'd rather betray others, than have others betray me."

Interestingly Cao Cao himself was something of an accomplished poet, though I'm not immediately familiar with any of his works.
Orhan Pamuk: My Name is Red.

When you love a city and have explored it frequently on foot, your body, not to mention your soul, gets to know the streets so well after a number of years that in a fit of melancholy, perhaps stirred by a light snow falling ever so sorrowfully, you'll discover your legs carrying you of their own accord toward one of your favourite promontories
A good great work of literature to add that couldn't be in normally for copyright reasons: One Day In the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

He ate his supper without bread. A double helping and bread--that was going too far. The bread would do for tomorrow. The belly is a demon. It doesn't remember how well you treated it yesterday; it'll cry out for more tomorrow.

As far as music goes I'm mostly a rocker and I'm actually intending to make my own mod to add some of those in so I'll keep my ideas to myself on that one. :p
An obvious one: Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

Silent Spring by Rachel Carson

Great Musicians: Tom Lehrer, Poisoning Pigeons in the Park, "Weird Al" Yankovic.

Virginia Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway
Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre
Kumarajiva, Diamond Sutra, oldest known dated printed book

I second the suggestions made earlier for Copland, Rachmaninov, and Stravinsky-- it's a crime Firaxis didn't include them (and I can't imagine the copyrights were more difficult to come by than some of the other 20th century works they did end up using)

Also, Vaughn Williams, Lark Ascending
Firaxis - BNW Opening

Firaxis - BNW Theme

Firaxis - BNW Factory Art
If you do end up using the Sanguo Yanyi, I'd go with the Peach Garden Oath, it's the most iconic moment for those with casual knowledge of the romance and is pretty snappy.

"We three, though of separate ancestry, join in brotherhood. . . . We dare not hope to be together always but hereby vow to die the selfsame day."
Many people have said most of the works I was thinking of but there are still a few I think are critical especially under fair use which is why some of these are not already in the game since it is commercial.


Andy Warhol - Campbell's Soup I

I'm a big fan of philosophy and while some of these might not be stories or novels, I still believe they should be included.


Plato's Conversations - yes I know he's already in there as a great scientist but this is a better fit for him.

Niccolo Machiavelli's Principe (The Prince)

Thomas Hobbes' The Leviathan

John Locke's Two Treatises of Government

Adam Smith's An Inquiry into the nature and causes of the Wealth of Nations - I believe he's already a great merchant but that isn't accurate as he was actually a political philosopher

John Stuart Mills' Liberty

Karl Marx's Das Kapital (Capital) (Volume I)

Friedrich Nietzsche's Also Sprach Zarathustra (Thus Spoke Zarathustra)

Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged - narrowly beating out The Fountainhead

These have been some of the most influential writings in western civilization. I apologize for not being able to ones of non-western origin
Being an artist myself, there are DOZENS of (what i consider) great works I would add to the game. In fact, i`m a little saddened that Civ5 BNW doesn`t allow you to add extra pictures (with a simple written narration) in some kind of `Art` folder for Civ 5 to pick so more variety of Arts can be added. Seems like a massive opportunity overlooked.

Maybe the Devs will add the option?
The Capture of Diponegoro by Raden Saleh (great work of art)
Civilization: The West and the Rest by Niall Ferguson and A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin (all novels). Why? Cause, you know, just for the sake of it
Crazy Frankenstein is still under copyright. :crazyeye:
Being an artist myself, there are DOZENS of (what i consider) great works I would add to the game. In fact, i`m a little saddened that Civ5 BNW doesn`t allow you to add extra pictures (with a simple written narration) in some kind of `Art` folder for Civ 5 to pick so more variety of Arts can be added. Seems like a massive opportunity overlooked.

Maybe the Devs will add the option?

I hope so! Also, it allows the game publishers to avoid all these copyright issues if the end consumer is the one adding the material.
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