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If you could add great works what would they be?

Ok, a few more then:

- The Persistence of Memory (Salvador Dali)
- The Treachery of Images (René Magritte)
- Guernica (Pablo Picasso)

- Jailhouse Rock (Elvis Presley)

What the heck, I'll throw in Evis lol and René Magritte
Elvis is a real cultural icon, he really deserves to be in.
Some more (apologies if these have already been mentioned, but they appear not to be in the game):

* indicates a work which may still be copyrighted.

Writing (apologies about the bias towards the French and the medieval, but I really feel there are some very influential works missing)
- Consolatio Philosophiae - Boethius
- Lais - Marie de France
- Le Livre de la Cité des Dames - Christine de Pizan
- La Belle Dame sans Mercy - Alain Chartier
- Le Roman de la Rose - Jean de Meun
- The Kingis Quair - King James I of Scotland
- The Chronicles of Narnia - C.S. Lewis*
- Gormenghast - Mervyn Peake*
- Things Fall Apart - Chinua Achebe*

- Portrait of Dante Aligheri - Giotto de Bondone
- Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry - Limbourg brothers
- Summer - Giuseppe Arcimboldo
- Magdalen with the Smoking Flame - Georges de la Tour
- Marie-Antoinette en chemise - Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun

- Can vei la lauzeta mover - Bernart de Ventadorn
- Ordo virtutum - Hildegard of Bingen
- Come again - John Dowland
- Viderunt omnes - Pérotin
- O magnum mysterium - Tomás Luis de Victoria
- Requiem in D minor - Gabriel Fauré

- Guernica (Pablo Picasso)

Do you really mean to tell me that this wonderful painting isn't a Great Work in the game, despite featuring in the intro video?

Do you really mean to tell me that this wonderful painting isn't a Great Work in the game, despite featuring in the intro video?


Indeed I mean - at least I couldn't find Picasso in Civilization Wiki's list. I won't rule out the possibility that the list is incomplete - and given that the work is fairly young, it may still be under copyright. However, using it in a non-commercial mod is fair use.

Wouldn't be the first time - the Leaning Tower of Pisa is in Civ V's cover despite not being in the game prior to G&K, too!
Indeed I mean - at least I couldn't find Picasso in Civilization Wiki's list. I won't rule out the possibility that the list is incomplete - and given that the work is fairly young, it may still be under copyright. However, using it in a non-commercial mod is fair use.

Wouldn't be the first time - the Leaning Tower of Pisa is in Civ V's cover despite not being in the game prior to G&K, too!

Good point... still, it feels wrong to have famous artworks popping up in the game and not have Guernica, which is surely one of the best and most famous artworks of the 20th century!

On the subject of paintings, I left the amazing Tamara de Lempicka off my list of artworks: The Musician
Actually, now that I mentioned copyright, surely they would've got the permission to use it if they use it in the intro!

I wonder if the problem is with the aspect ratio - aren't most of the great artworks squarish or portraits, while Guernica is a landscape?
Actually, now that I mentioned copyright, surely they would've got the permission to use it if they use it in the intro!

I wonder if the problem is with the aspect ratio - aren't most of the great artworks squarish or portraits, while Guernica is a landscape?

I'm pretty sure "清明上河图" is in the game; it's a really long landscape.
Actually, now that I mentioned copyright, surely they would've got the permission to use it if they use it in the intro!

I wonder if the problem is with the aspect ratio - aren't most of the great artworks squarish or portraits, while Guernica is a landscape?

Orientation doesn't matter as long as one of the sides is around 600 pixels and the other is bigger or smaller as it needs to not change the aspect ratio
A few more!

J.R.R. Tolkien; The Hobbit

“Good Morning!" said Bilbo, and he meant it. The sun was shining, and the grass was very green. But Gandalf looked at him from under long bushy eyebrows that stuck out further than the brim of his shady hat.

"What do you mean?" he said. "Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?"

J.K. Rowling; Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

“Harry - you're a great wizard, you know."
"I'm not as good as you," said Harry, very embarrassed, as she let go of him.
"Me!" said Hermione. "Books! And cleverness! There are more important things - friendship and bravery and - oh Harry - be careful!”

E.B. White; Charlotte's Web

“Why did you do all this for me?' he asked. 'I don't deserve it. I've never done anything for you.' 'You have been my friend,' replied Charlotte. 'That in itself is a tremendous thing.”

Yann Martel; Life of Pi

"'Tigers exist, lifeboats exists, oceans exist. Because the three have never come together in your narrow, limited experience, you refuse to believe that they might. Yet the plain fact is that the Tsimtsum brought them together and then sank.'"
So how are you going to find narrators for all these quotes? Would be great if you found multiple people.
So how are you going to find narrators for all these quotes? Would be great if you found multiple people.

Sadly we cannot as modders add sound, we can replace it but that only is useful for civ's peace/war themes. So there wont be narration/music, I instead put the music from discovering great works of art in instead. The point of adding more great works anyway is to avoid people running out of them late game.
Do you really mean to tell me that this wonderful painting isn't a Great Work in the game, despite featuring in the intro video?


Guernica is still under copyright... the intro video shows Picasso painting a very suspiciously similar painting to Guernica, but it is not actually in the intro video even though it is clear the narrator is referencing it. Picasso's ingame Great Work is Les Demoiselles d'Avignon because it is not under copyright.
there is probably a site or something that can list various public domain works (music and writings that no longer have copyrights). the books are usually free on some websites like audiobooks or e-reader sites. i think all you need to do is check both BNWs list and that one to make sure you arent getting into infringement territory.
there is probably a site or something that can list various public domain works (music and writings that no longer have copyrights). the books are usually free on some websites like audiobooks or e-reader sites. i think all you need to do is check both BNWs list and that one to make sure you arent getting into infringement territory.
Isn't the rule if its 100 years or older and the original artist is dead than its public domain beside in this situation its fair use and I don't mind putting a clause saying if u want me to remove this art than sure kind of a thing, I fairly sure I'm safe as the newest painting I have is from 1903 that's 110 years old and should be in public domain.
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