If you were a CivIV leader


Dec 30, 2006
What would be your traits, according to your own personality?
I think i would be Phil/Fin.
Aggresive, Expansionist
Aggressive and Nuclear for me although unorganised would fit me too.:lol: :crazyeye:
Ooh, I like this thread.

If I have to be honest, I'd be creative and organized. I'd like to be charismatic and philosophical, but what are you gonna do.

Creative, Philosophical, Unorganized (I were beaten to this trait) (Half production of Courthouses and stuff, increased civic costs).

Pacifist, Signs Open Borders only if relationship is +20, Never starts Talking in Diplomacy screen (waits 'till he is adressed).
I would probably have to say..Philosophical/Spiritual.
Philosophical because I think (think) I'm wise :D
And spiritual because I'm a religious person. Go to church on Sundays.. A true Protestant :)

But when I come to Civ, I'm more warlike and the opposite of what I am in real life. I prefer Aggressive/Protective and Industrious/Financial over the "soft" traits. :D

I love that combo. I love to warmonger but it usually drags down my economy. That's where Financial kicks in.

There are three traits I like: Expansive, Agressive, and Industrious.

Generally I play the Zulu and get the first two, and I mix in Stalin to get my feel of Industrious. Aggressive is my overall favorite, not that I am a war monger, but that it allows me to more easily customize my troops promotions.
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