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Immortal University 90 - Hammurabi

Emperor 1630 AD Domination

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Alright my plan fell into place pretty nicely, a little longer than I would have liked but it was fun. Below is the pic when I took giggle's last city. He was a pretty easy victim, Cuirs stomp.

Now I wanted to regroup and take a little strain off my economy. I had sury teching towards Cavs, and I went to Communism. SP is awesome. My tech rate jumped at least 150 beakers, and maintenance was lowered which enabled me to spam Cuirs, and in just a little bit Cavs to take out Saladin.

Just a pic when I got Communism, started GA as well to speed up production.

Saladin was a stubborn little bugger. I think I took five cities, including his capital which had alot of shinnies. I believe after one or two more he would have capped but I realized during the war with Saladin I was very close to land domination, already had pop, so I bumped the culture slider and hit my domination victory at 1630 AD. Didn't even need to mess with Darius, which he hated me all game!

Hope everybody still had fun with this map, even though we had a not so nice neighbor! ;)

IU 91 is going to be Justinian, (robert fin your in luck! :p ) if anyone has suggestions on map type or anything else post on the Immortal University Bullpen
2200 BC

LOL I kinda play slow...54 minutes to here :) Time to write this and think over dinner on how to proceed.

Let's start with one LOL!
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And continue with Doh!
Me said:
...what to use in attack against axes? Swords? So IW then?
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Ok, there was one more, but I'm not gonna say it LOL Let's continue instead. With Pottery. I should have time for that. But not to settle 1N of pigs:
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Well due to recent discovery that chariots do well against axes I was starting to think that settling horses would be better anyways. Maybe do one of early (likely -ish in my case) rushes I see a lot? I guess settling on horses is bad right? I think city tile is still 2-1-1?
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On turn 38 settler is done, with chop and overflow worker will be done in 3 turns. I guess I'll chop some more.
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I guess I'll settle here. Maybe should've chopped this earlier? Dunno. Is it safe to move settler here? Dunno. I guess it is, cause turn or two earlier warrior defended against wolf here, so I think there shouldn't be another barb animal so close.
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Time for Slavery.
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Turn 39 Shaka settled GunGunLove and I settled on blue circle LOL
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Akkad. Started on barracks. Someone founded Judaism.

Turn 41 worker is finished and well, I'll put overflow into settler. "New" worker went toward horses and "old" back to chop cause he couldn't reach horses in that turn anyways.
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Turn 42 met Gilga and Saladin.
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I guess that's all of them. Boy, a lot of cre and protective AI's here and we got Shaka next door. And we are aggressive with defensive UU.
Hehe LOL

On turn 43 I whipped settler. It's a bit too early for 3rd city, but oh well...
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I guess time to start dot-mapping LOL I have too much screens of all possibilities, I guess best option would be this:
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I guess plain hill is next. Shared food and lots of forest to chop. And Babylon's gonna expand soon enough to get ivory in BFC. Overflow from settler and another chop into 3rd worker. I'll need more.
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This time I had warriors all around to bust where settler is going. And worker followed to connect.
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Interesting possibility to steal a worker. Although I need more workers asap I think it's better not to alarm him. It could be done, with 2 archers in capital he shouldn't move them out, right? But then I'd need a lot more chariots later...hmm, I need to think about it.
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Pasture is done, so switched tiles. Barracks in 3, just in time to connect horses and probably start on chariots.
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Kingdom for your thoughts :)


  • Dubioza BC-2200.CivBeyondSwordSave
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umm until 150 BC

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Ugh, this is hard. Just dislike most of the land and the fact that you have to tech AH when land has no commerce. Went AH/bw and decided for pottery instead of writing 1st. I knew Shaka was right next to me and he will dow me sooner or later and he had metal which I did not. So I stole a worker and pillaged his gold mine. He did manage to settle a city super fast as he always does but I didn't care. Met the AI's one by one and some of them can be a pain if they get strong, like Sury, Cathy, Saladin. I blocked of his bronze with warriors until Shaka decided to attack anyway. His archers are promoted so his odds are a little better. Fortunately for me chariots was on its way after hooking them up in my 2nd city. I built it on the desert tile so I eventually could get the pigs to support the city. With chariots I could choke him better but it was impossible to pick of his workers :( I did let him settle a 3rd city by the deer in hope he would move some of his archers from his capitol. Time just flew by though as I was looking for an opening. Took his 2nd city with little problem 800 BC. I dunno how but Saldin is turning into a monster. He got the oracle late and is sitting with 10 cities and is most advanced. Well, after taking his 2nd city I tried to lure some archers out from his capitol and did succeed. With only 2 I knew my 10-15 chariots would win. Then that **** whips out 1 more just before my attack :(
Well, at least it wasn't promoted our fortified yet. I went ok, with 5-6 chariots lost.
But with his capitol gone I thought he would be easy. I knew he had built one more settler was going to wait until he moved out of his city with it but that **** refused to move and I just couldn't sit there so I attacked with 10 chariots. He had 5-6 archers in his last city so I was a hard fight. But Shaka finally bite the dust. Now at 400 BC there was a lot of land but my exonomy was awful as I was limping towards Aesth. I saw a few barb cities and hope for some failgold. Lost 1 to Persia just as was going to attack but got the other 2. After my war with Shaka I whiped out libraries and started to run scientists to get me there. And at 150 BC I finally got there. I am still losing money with my 7 cities(still not working gold mines) but at least noone got Aesth before me so I should be able to backfill a little. But besides lots of available land I am I kind of in a big hole way behind the other AI's.
825 BC

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Decided not to stole Shaka's worker. Turn 46 finished Pottery and started even Writing before Hunt-Arch. Looking at it now, it may be a mistake. Settled Dur-Kur on plain hill and started on barracks.
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Turn 48 connected horses and started on chariots in Akkad, while Babylon built granary, one more worker, barracks and then chariots.
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Started on 1st cottage in T54
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Got Writing and finally went for Hunting. OB with all except Darius and Saladin. Some relations, I cant tell who's worst enemy of whom, if anyone can explain this I'd be much gratefull!
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Shaka escorted his settler with Impi to SW. 2 archers in both cities. I should've gone all-in with chariots, I'd probably have enough by now.
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Ohh, and I whipped another settler in capital to settle coast and share some cottages.
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He got 1st axe out. Well better axe then Impi, cause I went for Math, not for Archery. That was probably mistake as well.
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SHenge went in 1480BC
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In 1080 BC I had 15 chariots + 2 little behind + one on the otherside with medic1 warrior + 2 out next turn. My slider was at 0% with 2 gold in bank. I had to do something.
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So yeah...let's do this!
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Impi and 2 archers in GunGunLove and impi, axe and archer in capital. Decided to go for GGLove.
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5 died, 4 withdrew and finally 3 won! Killed that barb warrior nearby and captured 2 workers as well.
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Chariot 11 won at 34% odds. I had some wins like that in last NC as well! I think one at 15% and 2 or 3 at 35%. And some losses at 95%. Despite what event log say, he wouldn't talk to me. Was regrouping there, rearranging, healing and his impi killed my 2 chariots, but axe failed!
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Eventho I had around 12-15 chariots left, I though I was too weak to go for capital, this was maybe decisive move! So, while those most wounded healed for turn or 2 in newly captured city, the rest of them went closer to capital. So finally I thought of pillaging copper and luring impi on open ground. Hehe!
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So I suicided one, but got him down to 0.9! I put slider on 100% and go for Math.
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I was still regrouping by his capital when axe killed another of my chariots. But archer failed!
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I had to go for it now! Brought not fully healed ministack
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while pillaged stuff around
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with lucky 28% win
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I killed his GGeneral
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and took his capital!
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He's down to 2 mostly tundra cities, but I have only few units left. But he still won't talk to me.
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still 825
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Feels kinda weird, only 2 WW's so far.
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My losses are soou big. I'll have to regroup now, connect new cities, get gold mines online and finish him later hopefully. With some axes or smtg.
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Current relations:
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Looking at this glance I get it, I'm Shaka's worst enemy and Saladin is Darius's. Right? But from those earlier screens I have no idea!
And Domestic thing:
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EDIT: Reading back what I wrote, I see few mistakes. Should've road to ppl (well at least to nearest neighbour), should've delayed Writing as I didn't build any Library's yet or actually build one or two, I probably built too many cities for rush, chopped almost all forests around for now mostly dead chariots. Maybe I should've teched archery sooner and join some bowman's in stack....movement was not superb as I lost few chariots by being careless, or to say it better, for not knowing better. If you see more mistakes, or anything I don't - please share!
As well as how I should proceed. I think I should build at least granaries, somewhere libraries, let whipping unhappy pass while building some farms&mines&cottages, connect copper and finish him with axes. If he won't want 10 turn peace, then axes&finish him first.


  • Dubioza BC-0825.CivBeyondSwordSave
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I played this map on Monarch, my normal difficulty.

I started out by chariot rushing Shaka as fast as I could. I caught him by surprise with 10 chariots and was able to take Ulundi while facing only one archer and one impi. I took umgundgundlovu next and then razed his last city. I then oracled CoL and built the ToA/shwedagon paya in babylon. I made ulundi the new capital after it became the confu holy city and built the national epic/the great library/parthenon there. used my first scientist to bulb philosophy.

i won the race to music and built the sistine chapel on a hammer city bordering gilga. used the ga to caste/pacifist starve generate scientists in ulundi. i accidentally generated a great artist from the parthenon :cry: but i settled him in a city next to sury who had overtaken one of the gold mines with his culture. i was able to produce 2 scientists to bulb through education on the way to lib. won lib before 1000 AD, could have had it much earlier, around 600 AD but waited to bulb military tradition. while taching up to MT i mass built horse archers for upgrade. once lib+MT were in i mass upgraded and quickly destroyed sury. i then started carving a hole in gilga but the ap religious victory vote came up and gilga, darius and saladin all voted for saladin and he won the game. :mad:

375 BC
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Fired up the game and got notice: Shaka will sign peace and trade bunch of techs. Well, he didn't want to. I stil don't have OB with Darius cause he was worst enemy of Saladin, who asked me to OB with him and I did. Don't want to ruin our relations...mainly cause he's no.1 and Darius at end of pack. I switched my EP from Shaka now to Saladin as well, for the same reason. Found barb city nearby, I'd like 10 turn peace just to take that and get back to Shaka. Maybe next turn? We'll see. Math is done, so I start on Currency. I don't know what is best here, I hope someone beside Shaka would research Alpha so I can finally trade some.
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Finally, 2 turns later Shaka is willing to talk to me! He didn't want to give not even Masonry instead Myst, so I took it.
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And went for barb city. Just in time! Well, Surya will need more then 2 archers for that...
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Most of my workers went toward newly captured cities. Shaka is the only one with Alpha stil...I traded with Surya clam for sheep. 7 chariots +2 +2 near barb city. Time to attack. First won with 22% second withdrew and third lost with 66% and others won. By that time copper was online, so I started on few axes.
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Left 2 most wounded in, others went back toward Shaka. They all like Shaka, and I have -2 with almost all for declaring on their friend.
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My Unit cost is getting high again. 2 turns to end of PTreaty.
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Here we go again!
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This guy was here almost 10 turns. Dunno why Hehe
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Moved axe close to see in his city - Impi and archer. Killed one more archer moving toward his other city - axe and archer.
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So I send another axe, 3 chariots and bowman toward Bulawayo and 2 chariots joined axe toward Nobamba, followed by 2 axes.
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Surya wanted to trade IW for Math. I guess I'll take it. Axe and 2 chariots lost in Bulawayo, then axe killed archer, bowman lost at 77% and last chariot killed impi at 70% Pheew, close one!
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I kept it, I dunno why, it has granary LOL Got GGeneral in Akkad. He got another archer in Nobamba, but I had to wait the turn so I don't attack across river and I didn't want it to be close call like Bulawayo was.
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Restarted for screens. Axe died, chariot won at 20%, axe died at 70% and chariot&axe won. Turn 100 - Zulu is gone!
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Currency comes next turn, and this is our empire now: 7 cities, 2 semi-cities coming online soon, 2 settlers almost done and I see one more barb city nearby. Hopefully I can take it in time!
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I plan to settle near Carib (ex barb city) and near silk&gold&copper. Backfill west coast later, and maybe one more somehow west of GunGunLove. I need more workers and get the economy going, get some GP! Connect trade-routes with the rest and explore the rest, trade techs&res. I don't know what I'll research next, but I feel it should be economic tech. Only TGLighthouse went beside SHenge&TGWall so far.
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EDIT: What to do with GG now the war is over and I think I won't go to war soon-ish? And I don't see yet which city will be best for production? (cities that have some hills, don't have food). Maybe in:
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Or do I make chariot medic anyways?


  • Dubioza BC-0375.CivBeyondSwordSave
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1 AD

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GGeneral is still waiting for decision. Detail I didn't mention, Persian scout was (and still is) conveniently trapped behind my borders from early on when I founded Dur-Kur, so I could move my fog-buster from there and garrison him.
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I saw Surya (now converted to hindu) have Alpha, so I put a turn into it and traded for it turn later.
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I could have traded Writing to Darius, but being only buddhist he was now worst enemy of hindu trio. Traded with Cathy Math for Masonry and Poly.
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And decided to go for Aesthetics (8 turns or so on 50%). Next turn traded Math for Medit&Priesth with Giggles.
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So I tried for 14 turns Oracle, as 2 workers started quarrying marble and few gathered near Dur-Kur (highest prod.with some forests left) to chop. But only 2 turns later someone finished it. It was Cathy, and went for CoL, turn after she converted to hindu as well. I got 27 gold from it.
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One settler was done, I sent him north. Now I'm sure I have to go north, cause I saw Surya's settler going west.
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Other settler is done, and I wanna settle east of ex-Shaka's capital, but I think I have time to settle this, so I sent him north as well.
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Army is gathering near Gaul, but I don't want to take it yet - I think it still wasn't at size 2.

I don't know where to settle here, but I want to settle close to those resources...ex-barb city and that one can hopefully together push Surya's culture. If that fails, I'll fight for it later.
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Hoho, just in time!
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Well, not to settle planed position. So I settled 1S of that.
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Other settler was on plain hill SW of new city, so I thought about 2 options: 2S or 1E of where he stand. Neither is perfect, but 1E leaves 5 plain tiles out of any BFC (west of GunGunLove), while 2S would leave some riverside tiles, but it would share pig with GGLove. I settled near river, on same turn:
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Surya had researched Construction and Calendar, so I switched my EPs to him. Well, I don't know who's better tekkker(!) I assumed score leader might be. He started GAge already! At least he didn't settle that spot!
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Got some of religion spreading my way finally!
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Dang, Surya's capital looks mighty nice! 4 food res??!!?!! Well, I know who's next target then!
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But CRAP he have Constuction and elephants! Maybe I should've tried to kill him right after Shaka. But, I didn't scout him early enough...
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I didn't take that trade, I'll wait till next turn for Literature and then look at options. Nope, still doesn't look appealing. So I put 1 turn into Construction.
That takes us to 1 AD.
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I was building ToA in Ulundi, hoping for fail-gold. Was 9 turns away, so it'll be more then 27 gold this time! I'm building 'mids for fail-gold as well.
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And no, still no one want to trade anything but Monarchy. I think I'll trade with Giggles, cause Surya is already ahead in techs.
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I guess Darius is boxed in, he should be doing better, right? Maybe different religion is holding him back? So, should I convert to hindu as well? Should I try to whip some swords&axes&spears and kill Surya asap? If I wait, how will I counter his Elepults? Longer I wait, more impact will that have of relations with the rest, right? I have my EPs on him, do I try to convert him with spy and then attack? I want his capital! He settled so close to barb city (one I still didn't attack) that I don't know if I wanna take it now. Do I raise it and rebuild somewhere close?
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One more barb city spawned on south coast. Do I want another early tundra city? I can put one north of it and block Giggles.
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I was preparing to settle around sheep, around that lake...so all that means I need 3-4 more settlers. And I still have 3 (I think) to put on west coast. I can't do all of that! Help!

EDIT: Looks like it wasn't Cathy that built Oracle.
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It must have been this that made me think that:
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  • Dubioza AD-0001.CivBeyondSwordSave
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No one? Nothing? Is that too much to read? Or does that mean I play good? Or bad beyond repair?
No one? Nothing? Is that too much to read? Or does that mean I play good? Or bad beyond repair?

You are (obviously) in a very good situation :goodjob:

You can really go two ways:

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Attack sury with cats + whatever or settle the rest and tech to Cuis (what I would do).

Surys cap is juicy (not because of the food, but because of GLH), though.

I wouldn't have settled Sippar. It accomplishes nothing and is so food poor that I can't grow until Bio. The city claiming the gold I would have settled on the PH just south of the Gold. Don't like the city 1 off coast either. The barb city in the ice is crap, capture and raze. Instead settle the sheep + Marble by the lake.

It looks like you got your fundamentals pretty solidly in place though, so after you beat this map why not try the next IU at a higher difficulty?
@Ecori & The Others
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You are (obviously) in a very good situation :goodjob:

You can really go two ways:

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Attack sury with cats + whatever or settle the rest and tech to Cuis (what I would do).

Surys cap is juicy (not because of the food, but because of GLH), though.

I wouldn't have settled Sippar. It accomplishes nothing and is so food poor that I can't grow until Bio. The city claiming the gold I would have settled on the PH just south of the Gold. Don't like the city 1 off coast either. The barb city in the ice is crap, capture and raze. Instead settle the sheep + Marble by the lake.

It looks like you got your fundamentals pretty solidly in place though, so after you beat this map why not try the next IU at a higher difficulty?
Yeah I didn't think through very good those 2 placements. I wanted to grab those resources and deny them from Surya. I guess 1S of gold and other probably on ph to share pig with GGLove would be better. Got scarred by his settler :crazyeye:

Sheep and marble by the lake is what I planed, I even chopped forest on the spot. I noticed GLH but forgot to mention it...I don't even want to wait for catas, more and more I'm leaning toward whipping 2 swords or so in every city and go for it. Crazy...I still have time to think, will play when I get back from work.

I have to check the difference between Monarch and Emperor, but I still need some basics and from what I see so far, Monarch is decent difficulty to learn.
immortal attempt #2
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I replayed and did what many have suggested here: to choke shaka. that worked out nicely. I could not produce enough chariots to capture his capital, but I did get the city on the river north of it. got 3 workers out of it as well.

Now in the early AD's, will be up to 10 cities, soon going bureaucracy, GArtist in reserve. going for cuiras breakout.
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Ok, I'm in medieval era now and decided to live in peace with zululand. I settled all cities in west but Shaka blocked me so there is no way to expand anymore. Shaka attacked Sury and Then he made peace after capturing most of his cities. I decided to beeline vassalage and I DoWed to Khmer. They had only 3 cities left and I took 2 of 'em. Then vassalled bc I couldn't make my way to his island city. However I have a big problem called Shaka Zulu. He is in the lead and he has massive army. How to stop him? He'll vassal everybody if I don't do something!!! Help!! Sorry for no screenies added. I'll post some after next round if I don't lose :)

Save file:
^ I tried to help ya out Robert, but no BAT installed right now. Kinda busy too, if I have time tonight or tomorrow I'll give you a hand. It seems you HAVE to take out Shaka before he becomes an absolute monster. Maybe even think about an Diplo win, or culture if warring is out of the question.
^ Thanks! I'll wait for that! However I didn't know that if you don't have BAT you cannot open my save file. Our nice neighbor is already far away from others, at least in number of cities...
I need an advice!

Had no time to play yesterday, played little this morning, have no time to write much atm nor to search where I read about it LOLOLOL

Will update later, can anyone please check the save, I need a advice - 1st late GS (and GA from Music) in 300 AD - to bulb Philo or to build academy? In capital or GGLove and later switch capital? Or some other option I don't see?

I would much appreciate it!


  • Dubioza AD-0300.CivBeyondSwordSave
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Immortal domination / conquest 1430 AD

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The cuiria conquest began in 1100 AD after hitting 2 GAges. It went without any real problems. Khmer capped after I took 4 cities (left his capital) (and 1 turn before he got MS), then I took Moscow for the pyramids, switched to police state. Gilgamesh capped on the turn he got rifling, after I took his cap and about 4 cities. Arabia Capped after I took a single city and destroyed his SOD (all with cavs now). Persia fell a couple turns later.

This entire time I was riding on an edge, where one or two turns either way, and the AI would've gotten a tech to seriously slow me down. I made a test where I decided to completely wipe out sury (extra 4 turns), only to find that giggles had rifling. just underscores the importance of speed. I also got lucky that the GP from the GAge was the right kind to get the second GA.

I had a monster score of 345k - highest yet, along with the earliest date yet. this is a great series, and its definitely improving my game. thanks for the challenging map.

using bootcamp on mac, and for some reason screenshot fails ><

choking on deity?
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I very rarely choke AI, but this made the game a lot easier. I will use it more often. Im about to search for some in depth choking strats, but im curious if one could pull off the choke on this map on deity.
@ Robert Fin

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Why is there so many forests!!! Really that is alot of production laying around that you could chop. First your capital could desperately use some cottages, this is something you really want to do ASAP, in the BC's, to get some commerce going. But I would start with that, this will help speed up your research. It looks like you can beat everyone to Lib, so its time to really focus on economy and teching towards Lib. When going towards Lib pick up Nationalsim, and lib military tradition. Cuirs is your best bet to really put a hurting on Shaka. You could decide to turtle and go for a culture win, but that would take a while. So for now focus on getting commerce, teching towards lib and military tradition.

Now to put some of those forests to use, aka production, you could either:
- Start building horse archers now, and when you get MT, upgrade to Cuirs, or
- Wait to chop majority of those forests till you hit MT and use them on Cuirs

But please keep in mind, one's capital is usually your commerce hub. That's usually where you get the majority of your commerce. So improve those tiles!!! Also keep in mind this isn't a general rule, in Civ you should always play the map.

Regarding BAT: You have to have BAT running to view saves that were used with BAT. Now BUG is a different story, you don't need BUG running to view saves that weren't used with BUG, and vice versa. Hope that makes sense. :crazyeye:

@ Dubioza

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I would use the GS to bulb Philosophy. Building an academy really helps when your still in the BC's. Also if you bulb philo, you have access to pacifism. Wait until your MoM, Great Library, and Parthenon finishes. After the wonders finish, use the GA for a golden age. Now switch into caste system and pacifism. Try to generate more great scientists to bulb education, and get towards Liberalism for that free tech. Or you could try to generate a great merchant for a trade route. If you do that use the money to upgrade troops.

I think your best bet is to Lib military tradition and go Cuir stomping. Also you could Lib steel, build treb's before hand, and use that great merchant to upgrade the treb's to cannons the turn you get steel. You are in a pretty good position, now leverage that and stomp some AI butt! :king:
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