Industrialization Victory and AI


Jan 21, 2024
First off, love the mod!

In my current game I wanted to achieve an Industrialization Victory, but it seems like this is not really possible since the AI is extremely far ahead, e.g., 7500 of 10000, whereas I stand at 3000 or something. At the same time, the AI is not particularly stronger, actually it is worse in every regard except in food production (which from my understanding is extremely buffed). So, I suspect that food production is part of the industrialization victory score and thus a bit "unfair", is this intended or is this a leftover?
The second question is kinda related, I suspect that the quality / tier of the products don't make a difference, so 10 fur produced is the same as 10 fieldworker tools produced. Or is there a multiplier for higher tier goods?

For my playthrough I sadly have to resort to the military option, since I don't see how I can catch up the AI. Any hints are welcome.
Yes its strange I am ahead of AI in all the graphs on max diff even food but in that victory screen they are ahead on those points. That said though its tough making an engaging endgame with a mod of this complexity and having to deal with an older game engine.
That said though its tough making an engaging endgame with a mod of this complexity and having to deal with an older game engine.
At least the victory conditions and AI are both inside the DLL file, hence we have the source code. This means we can technically do whatever we want. The main issue is not the game engine, but rather lack of our most valuable resource: programmer working hours. The TODO list grows faster than we clear items off of it.

I will be honest, I don't actually know why the AI is doing this well with industrial victory. It's not trivial to look up either as there is no "AI vs industrial victory" code. It's more like a combination of code in multiple files, which results in the current behavior.

I will also say that industrial victory can be turned off in custom games and that maybe it should as it has not been updated to match all the new yields. In fact from my understanding nobody has updated at the code for it in more than a decade. It's on the todo list through as I noticed the victory code in general being of inferior quality compared to some later additions in the code.

Hopefully somebody will get around to improve this part of the code, but I have no idea when that will be.
Thank you!

I will be honest, I don't actually know why the AI is doing this well with industrial victory.
no worries, I suspect that food production is counted towards the industrial victory, because if I look at the end screen / history, the AI leads completely in food production and from what I know the old civ/col 4 AI gets just huge boosts in that area.

I know that it can be turned off, I usually did, but this time I specifically wanted to play with this victory style and was just surprised why the AI was so far ahead.
The irony was, I did not want to fight the AI as much as usual, but it would have won, so total war it was again :lol::crazyeye:
So, I took a short glimpse at the code and it seems it is in CvTeam.cpp starting at 2914. If that is correct and I read it correctly, it just adds all the yield types
this runs in a for loop:
iPlayerProduction += kPlayer.getYieldRate((YieldTypes)iK);
AI gets a bonus depending on difficulty, not particularly surprising.
I suspect that food is just part of "YieldTypes".

Also it seems(!) the author may have intended to expand on it, since two variables are defined
int iProductionRate = 0;
int iPlayerProduction = 0;

But basically iProductionRate does not get used, since the result of
iProductionRate += iPlayerProduction;
would be the same as
iPlayerProduction += iPlayerProduction;
if I am not mistaken.
Btw is there something the AI has to do when it reaches those points or will I have automatically lost?
Btw is there something the AI has to do when it reaches those points or will I have automatically lost?
not from what I know, I achieved the victory yesterday and it just displayed the message that I have won. If you don't know yet, you can track the various victory conditions if you click the top icons, I think the 4th(?) of the left, there it shows all the values for you and I think the leading AI.

I might be wrong here, but I think there might be "warnings", e.g., that Dutch Player / Colonies etc. might soon achieve a X victory, but I am not sure.
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