Interesting Screenshots

there is this Psargadae building a settler while it has just 2 people ? Depending on how much it takes to clear those jungles and swamps , the AI will have a cleared grassland tile , possibly with a bonus shield in 5 turns or so .

Clearing out a jungle or marsh square only yields one more food. With 8 food needed to grow for a city at size 2, that means 8 turns come as needed for the city to reach size 3 when a settler can get produced after clearing has finished. The AI does stack workers before rails for jobs on unroaded tiles (which I try to avoid most of the time, since it's less efficient overall for workers than one worker per roaded tile). I think I saw that it did take them fewer turns than I expected to clear such a tile. But still, 8 turns for a settler without more production seems like a long wait to me.

When I have cities like that, I've had them put out workers, if they can grow to size 2, until enough of those jungle/marsh squares get cleared for better shield, food, and commerce production. If they can't grow to size 2 in time to produce a worker (like the worker finish time is 10 turns, but the growth time is 20 turns), then I'll have them put out a warrior or more preferably a catapult. Then a worker. And more workers until most to all of those tiles get cleared.

With a jungle/marsh start, I guess I would doubt any claim of "this is too much of a focus on workers, we should make other units else instead!".
speaking solely on the basis of the scenario ı play . 27 worker turns to plant a forest in the jungle equivalent with additional 9 worker turns to build a road if there isn't any . 4 worker turns to cut down the forest . Can easily buy a setller later in the game and drop it to 1 settler turn and abandon it the next turn . Will require 3 worker turns and after that whatever seems fitv.

Gandhi is such a bro. Not only did he give my stranded warrior a free lift back to my side of the continent, but he dropped him off at an undiscovered goody hut for a free tech.
he is biding his time !
ai assigned Great Library to France . France started it in its most useless city . Something happened . Most probably a war or two . Meaning the Library had to be replaced by a defender at its 295th turn while under construction . The best move would have been capturing Lyons at 399th .
How did that happen?
I didn't get the AIs Literature when I learned it, and never sold it to them. But, the 10 AD save from MapStat says that plenty of them having Literature, but I could sell all of them Education or Theology. I had just entered the industrial era on that turn above. It's emperor level. Honestly, the more I think about it, the more I feel surprised that The Great Library hadn't gotten finished until the above turn date.

I did get them Education to get Banking at some point, I think. I could have gotten some of them Education before they had started The Great Library. But the 10 AD save kind of suggests otherwise to me.
My my, that's an impressive stack of doom you've got there, Bismarck, over 100 units by my count. Just one small problem....


Of course, having all those units on that one (unroaded!) gold hill means they're not defending your cities, which makes things a lot easier for my Bombers and Cavalry Armies.
Don'cha just love 80% Archi maps...?
Of course, having all those units on that one (unroaded!) gold hill means they're not defending your cities, which makes things a lot easier for my Bombers and Cavalry Armies.
Bomb them enough to redline them and let them live so that their upkeep costs bankrupt Bismark. They'll just get sacrificed through disbandment or suicide attack when you conquer a couple of big cities and their economy crashes.
it's not that bad . He has one musketman to defend them all . And if it goes allright and ı get a leader at maybe 14 straight wins by elite units and let's make that 30 and you have 3 new armies to be made there .
Bomb them enough to redline them and let them live so that their upkeep costs bankrupt Bismark. They'll just get sacrificed through disbandment or suicide attack when you conquer a couple of big cities and their economy crashes.

But I wanna kill them now
Pretty sure I'd Ctrl-N on that one! :lol:
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