IOT Minecraft Server? IOT Minecraft Server!

At the request of the Eastonian government, a team of political scientists at the Luna Miranda Svanhvinge Institute of Science in Blåkulla, Eastonia has put together a Political Map of the Iotanian World. Please note that some international borders represented on this map are merely approximations as we have not been able to collect sufficient data in certain regions. Special thanks to @Angst for making the political map overlay used as a base for this map.


Sovereign states
Dalheim*, Free City of
Eastonia, Republic of
Ogania, Empire of
Panzeria, Empire of
Reuselerria, Holy Union of
Ruby Coast
White City

Other entities
Bungalow Bill's Trading Company**
Miscellaneous territories***

*The Free City of Dalheim is an independent city-state in free association with the Republic of Eastonia.
**BBTC is a Pan-Iotanian trading company based in the northwestern jungles.
***Miscellaneous territories refer to settlements for which neither a name or status of sovereignty could be determined.

The team at the L. M. S. Institute has also compiled a summary of domestic demographics and geographical data**** on the Republic of Eastonia, and a map of its municipalities, territories and associated states. Please note that the underlying base map was made at an earlier date than this post (2017-08-05) and as such recently built structures can not be seen. This has no effect on the administrative map overlay.

****This data excludes the Free City of Dalheim as it is not an integral territory of Eastonia.



1. Eastonia City***** (capital)
2. Kaupmannavik
3. Blåkulla

4. South Eastonia and the Lesser Kylling Islands
5. New North Eastonia
6. Westonia

Associated states
7. Free City of Dalheim

*****The area with dotted borders in northern Eastonia City marks the Joint Border Zone with Catvia, where the administrating nation depends on the altitude of land and other specifics as defined in relevant bilateral treaties.
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OMG you did post it! Suits me for being an idiot that don't visit the forums often.

Have a couple of questions ---
How did you do the Wiki thang again?
How did you measure area?
There might be a more elegant way to do that, I don't know, but what I did for the wiki thing is I edited a real wikipedia page for an actual country (in my case I started with Estonia) and added my Eastonia info to the infobox template. Then I saved the code for future edits before cancelling the edit, took a printscreen of the infobox and opened it in Paint.NET (any image editing software works ofc) where I did some things I couldn't achieve in the wikipedia template such as changing km2 to blocks.

Measuring the area was done simply by marking the colored areas in my map of Eastonia in Paint.NET and the program told me how many pixels that was. And since 1 pixel = 1 block on the map used as a base for that one that gave me the area.

Our Cosmonauts abroad the Concord-3 Space Lab provides us with a small yet meaningful picture to remind the world that we are but a powerless speck of dust among the vast universe that our omnipotent Goddesses had created. All of our great monuments, glorious conquests, and show of force means nothing compared to the power of the Goddesses. Only our piety and faith can bring us strength and unite us in concordance upon this turbulent cosmos. And thus we praise their name and hold them in our hearts; and endlessly pray for their light to continuously guide us in the darkness. May the Goddesses bless Reuselerria and the faithful nations of the world in Glory and Prosperity.


-Empress Reus XIII
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Catvia must be a hell of a mob spawner.
Spoiler Easttram line map :

Easttram (stylised as £ᴀꜱᴛᴛʀᴀᴍ) is a network of tram lines serving all corners of the Eastonia Capital Region on Terra Gurrana. With a total population* of 5,311, the continous urban area of Eastonia City-Blåkulla-Kaupmannavik is the most populated in the Iotanian world and on top of that a major transportation hub for intercontinental traffic between Westerland, Terra Gurrana and the Eastern continent owing to its central location. The first tram line to be opened was Line 1 between the diplomatic quarter at King Angst Street and the parliament Austramot at Eastonia Avenue, which was later joined by a Line 2 connecting the west coast harbor town of Kaupmannavik to the central train station in Eastonia City. Recent infrastructure projects have seen the extension of these lines to Blåkulla and the Terra Gurrana International Netherport, eventually coming together as the fully realised network we have today.

In addition to trams, a commuter train line known as the East Coast Express traffics an old freight train route between Eastonia City and Blåkulla. This line has seen a slight reduction in passengers following the extension of Easttram services to Blåkulla but is still the no. 1 connection to Blåkulla Harbor on the east coast which is not accessible by road.

*A "fake" population has been calculated using the following formula: 100*x*(1+0.1*(n-1)+0.01*y) where x = no. of beds in residential buildings; n = no. of resident players; and y = no. of non-resident players owning residential property
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Now that Angst has updated the world map, a new map of Eastonia has been made. You can find the original full world map here or Daftpanzer's improved version here (with dirt colored roads instead of magenta, and far flung regions cut out).

Since the last map update, the Republic of Eastonia has transformed into the Eastonian Federation, which is a federation of two states: the Republic of Eastonia itself, which covers southern Terra Gurrana and some outlying territories, and the Free State of Westonia in the southwest.


Republic of Eastonia
1. Eastonia City (state and federal capital)
2. Kaupmannavik
3. Blåkulla
4. South Eastonia and the Lesser Kylling Islands (unincorporated)
5. New North Eastonia (unincorporated)

Free State of Westonia
6. Westerköping (state capital)
7. Dödsträsk
8. Westonialandet (unincorporated)

Hekki tehere, IOT! After ~1½ years of playing in two different worlds on this server the time has come to move to a third new world as Update 1.13 with all the ocean stuff drops now this week, and we would love for you to come with us!

We play on Survival and currently without any mods (but we have discussing adding some minor ones later on) so all you have to do to play is get whitelisted by one of our two admins: Daftpanzer and Angst. Many of us like to build cities and towns and do some worldbuilding around them as you can see on our own dedicated wiki ( but you can do literally anything on the server as long as you respect other peoples' builds and don't steal or destroy anything.

Join us in the #minecraft channel on the IOT discord if you have any questions or just want to say hi! In the spoiler you'll find a map and screenshots of some places I and others have built on the server as an example of what we have been up to in the past:

Spoiler :






We have not yet switched over to the new world so if you want to visit the places in these screenshots you can still join the server and do so within the next day or two.
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No Birch Coast pics?
With a new world I might get back into it for a while haha! Imperia lives on! If one of you mods would like to whitelist me and PM me the IP, I'll likely check in when the world is up.
With a new world I might get back into it for a while haha! Imperia lives on! If one of you mods would like to whitelist me and PM me the IP, I'll likely check in when the world is up.

I do believe if you have played on the server before you don't need to be whitelisted again as it's just a new map but I may be mistaken
Yes, what James said, the new world is on the same server so only total newcomers need to get whitelisted. You two should be able to just log on, here's the IP:
So y'all know we have an active Minecraft Server, and after 3 years its still here with reasonable activity. Every now and then the game would have a major update and when that happens we usually have a map reset that allows a fresh start. A new Minecraft update (1.14) is going to launch on the 23rd this month (so 4 days from now!) and thus we'd have a map reset soon, and this fresh start would be a perfect time for everyone, especially new players to hop in and join the fun.

Since the 1st server the only plugin we use is Spigot to improve performance among other things but otherwise the game is vanilla. We play on survival and most players usually go around creating their communities, cities, nations, and empires - writing up extensive lore and history (We have our own Wikia!) and oftentimes RP with each other in many forms from seasonal elections to internal conflicts. We're always looking for new players to participate both in-game and in the RP stuff, so even if you're not too active in the game you can still have a lot of fun in the server participating in RPs with others.

That being said, here's a summary of what everyone did in the current (3rd) map, which would end soon and pave way for a new one that would hopefully be filled with a lot of new faces!

You can hop in to our Discord server here.


The civilized regions of Severia.
Welcome to Severia
Severia is a diverse region, boasting numerous empires and cultures of varying backgrounds - from the extensive Daelic and Calavarian natives, to the technologically advanced Iotanian (2nd world) colonists, and even the mythical (even magical) shrouded people of Haghole.

Spoiler :

The city of Newport, Centralia. A key trade hub in Severia. (Joan, Daft, & Herobrine)

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The massive Ark ship known as Sidonia. (KaiserElectric)

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Desperia, a small community of zealous pilgrims led by a megalomaniacal priestess. (My Siblings)

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The mysterious and enigmatic Shadowlands or Haghole. (Angst)

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Kingdom of the Isles, a seaborne Daelic civilization. (Daftpanzer)

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Winter Wonderland archipelago, housing the Suid Republic and Rainfall (NinjaCow & Omega124)

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City of Cordoba, New Gryphonia. Home to world's largest sheep farm. (GryphonPrince)

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Red Pepperland, a major trade hub of the south and the center of Eastern Daelic culture. (James & Red)

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Ysbïwr, Great Mushroom Swamp Republic - a Socialist Paradise. (Red)

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The gold-mining town of Tirsych in the far-east. (James, Reus, Red, Gurra, Joan)

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Marzien, capital city and second most populous city of the Therionese Empire (Reus)

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Viviensmund, the world's largest city and Therion's economic and trade center. (Reus)

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The communal farming town of Meganstadt, Therion. (Reus)

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Wollbrück, Therion. A border town by Hekkia's Akzelea. (Reus)

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Lechsienfeld, Therion. An oil town and industrial heartland of the icy south. (Reus)

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Akzelea and Hekkiadal metropolitan area, the central axis of the Republic of Hekkia. (Gurra)

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Separated settlements in the border between Ottilla and Hekkia republics. (Robert & Gurra)

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Fort Temezi in the Republic of Ottilia a small part of the extensive Calavarian Confederacy. (Robert)

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A series of Calavarian towns and villages in the far-west. (Robert & Caesarinoh)

You can hop in to our Discord server here.
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Hello IOT! Long time since we posted anything in this thread. As you may or may not know we have had a Minecraft server going since 2017 (!) which has been on a short break since March. Now with the 1.17 update out today we are planning to get back into it again with a whole new world, and what better time for new players to join or old players to return? Come join us on our Discord server to talk more and get on the whitelist:
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Hi, it's me again! With the recent update 1.18 which brought new terrain generation and cave biomes to the game, our little group of IOT Minecrafters have decided to start over on a new survival world again which will probably go live on our server sometime this weekend. If you think you might be interested in joining us, come over to our Discord server to say hi and get your name on the whitelist:

We are a friendly bunch and you can expect a lot of roleplay on the server (we are old IOTers after all) but our rules are pretty much just be nice and have fun. If you want a sample of what we have been up to in the past there's a bunch of old pics right here in the thread and we also have our own wiki with lore from our previous worlds at

Hope to see you on Discord and in Minecraft!
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