At the request of the Eastonian government, a team of political scientists at the Luna Miranda Svanhvinge Institute of Science in Blåkulla, Eastonia has put together a Political Map of the Iotanian World. Please note that some international borders represented on this map are merely approximations as we have not been able to collect sufficient data in certain regions. Special thanks to @Angst for making the political map overlay used as a base for this map.
Sovereign states
█ Bairana
█ Catvia
█ Dalheim*, Free City of
█ Eastonia, Republic of
█ Imperia
█ Jamestown
█ Ogania, Empire of
█ Panzeria, Empire of
█ Reuselerria, Holy Union of
█ Ruby Coast
█ White City
Other entities
█ Bungalow Bill's Trading Company**
█ Miscellaneous territories***
*The Free City of Dalheim is an independent city-state in free association with the Republic of Eastonia.
**BBTC is a Pan-Iotanian trading company based in the northwestern jungles.
***Miscellaneous territories refer to settlements for which neither a name or status of sovereignty could be determined.
The team at the L. M. S. Institute has also compiled a summary of domestic demographics and geographical data**** on the Republic of Eastonia, and a map of its municipalities, territories and associated states. Please note that the underlying base map was made at an earlier date than this post (2017-08-05) and as such recently built structures can not be seen. This has no effect on the administrative map overlay.
****This data excludes the Free City of Dalheim as it is not an integral territory of Eastonia.
1. Eastonia City***** (capital)
2. Kaupmannavik
3. Blåkulla
4. South Eastonia and the Lesser Kylling Islands
5. New North Eastonia
6. Westonia
Associated states
7. Free City of Dalheim
*****The area with dotted borders in northern Eastonia City marks the Joint Border Zone with Catvia, where the administrating nation depends on the altitude of land and other specifics as defined in relevant bilateral treaties.

Sovereign states
█ Bairana
█ Catvia
█ Dalheim*, Free City of
█ Eastonia, Republic of
█ Imperia
█ Jamestown
█ Ogania, Empire of
█ Panzeria, Empire of
█ Reuselerria, Holy Union of
█ Ruby Coast
█ White City
Other entities
█ Bungalow Bill's Trading Company**
█ Miscellaneous territories***
*The Free City of Dalheim is an independent city-state in free association with the Republic of Eastonia.
**BBTC is a Pan-Iotanian trading company based in the northwestern jungles.
***Miscellaneous territories refer to settlements for which neither a name or status of sovereignty could be determined.
The team at the L. M. S. Institute has also compiled a summary of domestic demographics and geographical data**** on the Republic of Eastonia, and a map of its municipalities, territories and associated states. Please note that the underlying base map was made at an earlier date than this post (2017-08-05) and as such recently built structures can not be seen. This has no effect on the administrative map overlay.
****This data excludes the Free City of Dalheim as it is not an integral territory of Eastonia.

1. Eastonia City***** (capital)
2. Kaupmannavik
3. Blåkulla
4. South Eastonia and the Lesser Kylling Islands
5. New North Eastonia
6. Westonia
Associated states
7. Free City of Dalheim
*****The area with dotted borders in northern Eastonia City marks the Joint Border Zone with Catvia, where the administrating nation depends on the altitude of land and other specifics as defined in relevant bilateral treaties.
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