Is anyone else tired of the city distance "minigame"?

The game certainly could benefit from allowing swapping tile control between two cities if there is no urban district. It might not be too difficult to program. Any rural population could be moved using the existing code that gets triggered when you urbanize.
What do you mean by "can't destroy them"? They are pretty easy to disperse. But yes, there is a decision to be made - keep the existing city and accept sub-optimal placement, or take the razing penalty (which is significant) and settle it yourself.
on higher difficulty (4/6?) with AI mod I have not found it that easy at least early game, I need a good amount on units and also need them against AI civs
I think this is my favorite version of city states/barbs so far. I absolutely love that destroying them doesn't make you take a warmonger penalty with other leaders. I also like the bonus options for converting them. You can even have them become an actual city/town in your empire.

It would be nice if they gaps in your empire would just fill in like they have done in previous versions. I know Civ 4 will close in 1-2 tile gaps that you haven't expanded to yet.
Independant really limit city placements, you need to kill them to have some choices after 2/3 cities.

If you want to ally them or can't destroy them its quite limiting. And its an extra thing to consider about city placement: if i dont want to lose a resource, i need to settle 1 tile east but for that i need to destroy that settlement;

Is this anyone else experience? Should something be done about it?
To me they are free experience and then a free city
I wouldn't object gaps between cities if the AI would learn to not settle there because it technically can (if they have strategic reasons to annoy me that way, ok...but I doubt someone wants to program a logic being that granular)...until that is achieved, I perceive the inability to expand beyong the 3rd ring as pretty restricting and unfun.
You know, with the new requirement that urban tiles must be adjacent, it might not hurt to just remove the city radius limit completely.

Yeah, hence my preference for the Old World system, which works like this.
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