Is Bush a weak leader?


Feb 10, 2003
Now, let me assure you, this isnt an end to my long runnign streek of simply not careing about the BS spewed forth by party A and party B, but my historian curiosity beckons me fourth to see what the generla populace (as if you were a proper gauge of that :rolleyes: but lets assume you are ;)) what your opinion is.

Now then my question si fairlly simple; is Bush a strong leader; he certinally tires to be at leas,t but rubs off on me as being too reliant on other to be a trully strogn leader, or, by contrst is he just an out and out weak leader (which is my own opinion)

My thoughts are that the left will just push for weak, just because it spins off thier views better, so I'm rather curious what the righties are going to put, but i'm interested in seeign it spun both ways, as evidence for his being a strong, and weak leader is rather ample.
He is just a face that fronts the machinations which control his party.

Nothing new.

CurtSibling said:
He is just a face that fronts the machinations which control his party.

Nothing new.


not an answer; all leaders, ot a degree, are controlled by a higher up- it all depends if they view this higher up as the people, thier god, or if it literlyl a back room operation of the Illumantii.

I want to knwo your actual opinion, not the propaganda spewed fourth so often by so many, because franklly, i dont give a fook about anyones propaganda, my own opiniosn were made up long ago.

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A poor leader trying to emulate a good one
This is my opinion.

The whole machination is a game. And I am not willing to play or waste time on it.

Like it or lump it.

CurtSibling said:
This is my opinion.

The whole machination is a game. And I am not willing to play or waste time on it.

Like it or lump it.


I love ya curt, but if your not willing to post a serious, proper, and complete answer in the form I seek, then please, to avoide anyone seeing your post as a troll, dont post at all in this matter.
Consider what has happened in the last 5 years: an inherited recession, major terrorist attack that, among other things, set back the economic recovery by several years, the collapse of several large corporations that had been looming for close to a decade, realization that the enormous benefit packages several major companies, such as Ford, GM, Northwest, United, etc, awarded to their retirees over the past 40 years were a bad idea and are dragging the company down, contributing to the economic downturn, not one but two wars, an extended peacekeeping mission, numerous major natural disasters in the south, higher than normal, constant, and sometimes petty bickering between the two parties in Congress.

America is still the strongest nation in the world, and shows no sign of letting that go anytime soon. I don't care what you personally think of the guy, but it is clear that Bush is a good leader, even if you don't like the direction he's leading.
He was very strong in his first term. He got virtually everything he wanted, after all. In his second term, he has been weak so far.
In the first term he happened to want the same as most Americans: retribution. Anyone can sell $10 notes for $1.

In the second term, he has made attempts to rally the public to create first term support. He has failed.
A weak leader, basing his power on demagogue ramblings, spurring up religious and patriotic sensibilities.
He is a weak leader. To get anyone to sympathize with him, he has to bring up 9/11 constantly.
stormbind said:
In the first term he happened to want the same as most Americans: retribution. Anyone can sell $10 notes for $1.

No, he got his way on domestic issues too. And Iraq wasn't exactly retribution.

Essentially, in his first term Bush was a dynamic President who could take a hard line with Congress and bend them to his will. In his second term, Bush seems extremely detached and Congressional leaders no longer seem to be taking their cues from him.
Weren't his domestic policies like selling $10 notes for $1?

I honestly do not know, but there does appear to be a lot of federal debt.
I beleve that Bush is a week and incompatent leader. I mean during both disasters of 9/11 and Katrina. He was vacationing in his ranch in Crawford. Also, I beleve that Bush is just fighting his father's war just to get Middle Eastern oil and risking the lives of our troops overthere and also risking the lives of inocent Iraqi civilians.
bush is a moron, idiot, and shouldn't be president. he doesn't give a rat's ass about new orleans or any area affected by katrina. iraq is just to get back at hussein after the attempted murder of his daddy. america is still the strongest nation in the world because of our army, honestly we could kick the crap out of any other nation, no offense to anyone. we also have tons more nukes then the world combined. america is strong because of presidents before bush, if anything bush weakened america. also, bush should be impeached with all the lieing he has done, like with the WMD's, i really hope the movement succeds. i suggest paying monica luinski (sp?) to have sex with bush in the oval office. ;)
vikingruler said:
bush should be impeached with all the lieing he has done, like with the WMD's, i really hope the movement succeds. i suggest paying monica luinski (sp?) to have sex with bush in the oval office. ;)

Well, there's still no credible evidence Bush was lying about the WMD's, he was just wrong about them, and neither one is even close to being an impeachable offense. Paying Lewinski to have sex with Bush, and then catch them doing it would be entrapment, which is illegal.

Funny how Bush's biggest critics have no second thoughts about violating his rights, even as they complain he's taking away theirs.
vikingruler said:
bush is a moron, idiot, and shouldn't be president. he doesn't give a rat's ass about new orleans or any area affected by katrina. iraq is just to get back at hussein after the attempted murder of his daddy. america is still the strongest nation in the world because of our army, honestly we could kick the crap out of any other nation, no offense to anyone. we also have tons more nukes then the world combined. america is strong because of presidents before bush, if anything bush weakened america. also, bush should be impeached with all the lieing he has done, like with the WMD's, i really hope the movement succeds. i suggest paying monica luinski (sp?) to have sex with bush in the oval office. ;)
I can certanly agree to that statement. He even did not give a rat's butt about 9/11 untill someone wispered the event into his ear while reading "My Pet Goat" to the children.
Of course he didn't care about 9/11 until he found out. It's not like he could have predicted something like that.

apperentlly, many of you dont grasp what I'm asking- I dont care if you think bush is an idiot, I dont care if you think he didnt care about this, or that, or what ever, I dojnt care how much you think he can bench; I care about how much stregth and force of persona you belive he hask, if any, and how this is responsible for how he presidency has so far followed through upon. If he cares abotu anything isnt an issue; its about how strong of a leader he is/how much force of persona is resposnsibel for pushing through what he wants pushed through. Nicators assessment is indicative of what I'm looking for. Not pansys whineing to me about whatthey hate- I dont care if you love him, or hate him, I merelly want to see how the current generation- the people who will wreite the next generations history books- views this current president.
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