Is there a list of AI leaders based on aggression level?

There are quite a few, I have seen at least 3-4 charts across the forum and there are surely more. My favorite is this one because of its simplicity :


  • bastards-chart.gif
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Well, I'd like to see one with BtS leaders, too.
It is how much units the AI makes. for ex an AI could be agressive but makes too few units to be a real threat, or the inverse. ;)
Uh, I asked for an aggression level chart with Beyond the Sword leaders, too! Didn't you hear?
So the second column roughly described how many units a leader will build. I guess warpleased is the chance that someone attacks you although he is pleased with you but can someone explain backstab and war column to me ?
In addition i would be interested in such a chart for BtS leaders, too.

Greetings Knightly_
"War" would probably be just the chance they declare war on you at Cautious. "Backstab" probably would be the chance of war on Friendly.

I am curious though. Is that chart straight from the game code, or made up from many data points from many games?
It is extracted from the variables in the game's XML.
@ Swein

Err, there are BTS leaders in there... the first one on the list is Ragnar.

@ Intercontinental Ballistic Missile:

I think that Cathy and Ragnar are the only two civs that can declare war at friendly. Backstab would probably be the willingness to be bribed into war against you (or someone else). But I could be wrong.
Ragnar is a Warlords leader. I meant BtS-specific leaders like Lincoln and Hammurabi.
Can someone explain backstab and war column to me ?
In addition i would be interested in such a chart for BtS leaders, too.

Greetings Knightly_

I would ask the same things.
@ Swein

Err, there are BTS leaders in there... the first one on the list is Ragnar.

@ Intercontinental Ballistic Missile:

I think that Cathy and Ragnar are the only two civs that can declare war at friendly. Backstab would probably be the willingness to be bribed into war against you (or someone else). But I could be wrong.
Pretty much completely wrong on both counts. Thanks for playing though!
I stand corrected, then. I never played Warlords, just went straight to BTS.

What is backstab, in that case? If it is the ability to declare war at friendly, my games are extremely unstandard: no-one except Ragnar and Cathy have declared war on anyone when friendly with them in my experience.
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