[GS] Is there any other way to prevent drought ?


Jan 6, 2008
In my current game , the drought happens near a city where the only tile to build acueduct is occupied by holy district ( because I didn’t know drought would hit there) , then my city just getting ravaged by drought every few turns and I can only sit and watch.

Is there any other way to mitigate it ? Also is there a certain terrain that would cause drought ? I have desert cities that never see drought...
Dams also block drought damage, I believe. India's Stepwell does too, if you happen to be playing India.

Drought occurs on stretches of grassland or plains without woods or rainforest. So another way to prevent it is to plant patches of woods.
Either a dam or an aqueduct will prevent population loss due to drought, but it won't prevent the drought itself or prevent damage to tile structures. Deforestation will make the chance of drought higher, but I don't think there's any way to make the chance lower, or to shorten or end a drought once it's underway (and unlike the other storms which only last a few turns, drought can last quite a long time).

Drought occurs on stretches of grassland or plains without woods or rainforest. So another way to prevent it is to plant patches of woods.
While woods or rainforest are supposed to make droughts less likely, their presence doesn't prevent drought in adjacent tiles.

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