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It seems ICS is really some good fun...blek

Mar 31, 2012
It's really great therapeutic relief from work. As you spam settler after settler, first the diplo penalty goes dark red on one leader, then dark red on several, then bright red on all of them. Then leader after leader threatens to announce your "sins" but they know they can't afford to go physical with your sheer size. :D

As the topic suggests, it's not a strategy per se, rather just something to do for fun than always cracking head for turn 200 spaceship. But you can still win because your ridiculous number of cities can do any nonsense you want. :D

For those who don't know, in vanilla with liberty's policy giving +1 happiness for every city and the order opener, you save +2 happiness thus leaving you with only 1 per city to be mitigated through other means. In GAK it's even better because if you can just get one particular belief - ceremonial burials, you can fully negate the base -3. With Egypt (which is what he played) it's funny and ridiculous - add religious centers and burial tombs alone will add +4 to the pool.

Though it's more practical on large if you disregard the reduced base anger, I don't think you would get so many cities on standard size even on extra happiness. You want 50 cities in +50 happiness, go spam settlers and enjoy! :lmao:
I was having fun with that going for the "Longest Name...Ever" achievement.

And I just love how some of them hate me for four cities that I didn't really build in any abnormally short amount of time. Especially the ones with even more :lol:
I think they hate you if you have more than 50% the number of cities they do (minimum of 3 cities). So 1 hates 3, 2 hates 4, 3 hates 5, 4 hates 6 etc.
I was having fun with that going for the "Longest Name...Ever" achievement.

And I just love how some of them hate me for four cities that I didn't really build in any abnormally short amount of time. Especially the ones with even more :lol:

I'm actually going for that one now. How many cities in does Llanfair-something come? I've founded 7 cities so far and was wondering how much razing I should do to clear land for that tongue-twister.
I'm actually going for that one now. How many cities in does Llanfair-something come? I've founded 7 cities so far and was wondering how much razing I should do to clear land for that tongue-twister.

I think its the 33rd city? Something around there anyway.
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