IV is still more fun

Yeah I learned my lesson with Civ 3... wait a few years until they have it all worked out. It was killing me to wait until CIV 4 came out on dvd ("complete") but it was worth it.

let's give CIV 5 about 4 years to work the kinks out...

Yea, I did the same exact thing after getting burned on Civ3 by buying it when it came out. I didn't play Civ3 beyond a week after it came out, and of course didn't buy the expansions. I got Civ4 for a song with both expansions, fully patched and playtested. Fireaxis lost a lot of money on me by suckering me into buying Civ3 beta. I'm doubtful that I'll ever buy Civ5 from the looks of it, but if they fix it perhaps I'll have a look at it in a few years.
Yea, I did the same exact thing after getting burned on Civ3 by buying it when it came out. I didn't play Civ3 beyond a week after it came out, and of course didn't buy the expansions. I got Civ4 for a song with both expansions, fully patched and playtested. Fireaxis lost a lot of money on me by suckering me into buying Civ3 beta. I'm doubtful that I'll ever buy Civ5 from the looks of it, but if they fix it perhaps I'll have a look at it in a few years.

Same here. If you buy CivV right at the start, you are somewhat of a "Beta tester". And you're paying for the privilege.

I made this mistake on CivIII and IV. Bought it when it first came out and then bought the expansion packs. Since I still enjoy CivIV a lot, I'll wait for all the testers to get done and then see if I want the finished products.

We owe a thank you to the first time buyers who help test and improve the game. So far the feedback on V has been underwhelming and a lot of the changes I don't think I like (1 UPT, maintenance for buildings from CivIII). Saves me some money and disappointment.
Same here. If you buy CivV right at the start, you are somewhat of a "Beta tester". And you're paying for the privilege.

The funny thing is, if you explicitly told everyone it's a Beta release but you have to pay for it, a lot of people would do it. You might even get fewer complaints about shoddy AI and questionable game mechanics :lol:
Yea, I did the same exact thing after getting burned on Civ3 by buying it when it came out. I didn't play Civ3 beyond a week after it came out, and of course didn't buy the expansions. I got Civ4 for a song with both expansions, fully patched and playtested. Fireaxis lost a lot of money on me by suckering me into buying Civ3 beta. I'm doubtful that I'll ever buy Civ5 from the looks of it, but if they fix it perhaps I'll have a look at it in a few years.

Civ 3 Conquests, was quite possibly, the greatest game of all time when it was released.

Loved it.

BTS poo's all over it though :)

Having said that, as long as Jon Shafer (?) and the 2K clowns are in charge of Civ 5, I do not have much hope for anything to do with Civ 5, patches and expansions included. They want to make a game that I don't think I want to play. I am obviously not in their target demographic. I don't want a dumbed down consolised panzer-generals-mod-for-civ type game.
Having said that, as long as Jon Shafer (?) and the 2K clowns are in charge of Civ 5, I do not have much hope for anything to do with Civ 5, patches and expansions included. They want to make a game that I don't think I want to play. I am obviously not in their target demographic. I don't want a dumbed down consolised panzer-generals-mod-for-civ type game.

I see, do they have some history along those lines or have they said that is the direction they want to go in? In terms of tile/hex size, Panzer Generals was at a much smaller, operational level scale. Civ has a strategic level map. The concepts are not compatible.
I see, do they have some history along those lines or have they said that is the direction they want to go in? In terms of tile/hex size, Panzer Generals was at a much smaller, operational level scale. Civ has a strategic level map. The concepts are not compatible.

I would agree, they're not compatible. That why I dislike 1 UPT. On operational level, that's the best way to go. On a strategic level map, I don't think that's the best choice. SOD may have its' problems, but I don't think they solved it.

A game can't be all things to all people.
Im in the group thats unsure that Civ V is really salvageable even with expansions and mods.

The biggest concept of the game: City States, annoys me to no end and I gain zero enjoyment out of that.

I also dont like 1upt, embarking.... actually most things on Civ V I dont enjoy. Played about 10 hours, was bored.... tried again for an hour, couldnt stand it and now play more Civ IV than ever.
I never got back to IV because I never left the game in the first place. Civ 4 graphics is just my cup of tea. I love the tongue-in-cheek humor behind it. Maybe this is why I avoid graphics that seem to take itself too seriously like the dark and gloomy civ4marble and to a certain extent civ 5's attempt at surrealism.
Civ 3 Conquests, was quite possibly, the greatest game of all time when it was released.

Loved it.

BTS poo's all over it though :)

Having said that, as long as Jon Shafer (?) and the 2K clowns are in charge of Civ 5, I do not have much hope for anything to do with Civ 5, patches and expansions included. They want to make a game that I don't think I want to play. I am obviously not in their target demographic. I don't want a dumbed down consolised panzer-generals-mod-for-civ type game.

I hear you and agree completely. Take out stuff I like and add stuff I don't seems to be what they've done here. I'm all for a reappraisal of the Civ series, there is plenty that could be changed, but these aren't the right changes in my opinion. It's disappointing in that it means in all likelihood no new Civ game for me for another 5 years. But I'm still playing Civ4 and there are a lot of other good games out there so..
Seems to me game makers are only targetting console players nowadays, hence games are becoming simpler/less complicated (i.e. suffer from 'Consolitis').
Perhaps this is the fault of all the PC piraters making PC games (with their increased level of complication, re-playability etc) non-profitable?
Seems to me game makers are only targetting console players nowadays, hence games are becoming simpler/less complicated (i.e. suffer from 'Consolitis').
Perhaps this is the fault of all the PC piraters making PC games (with their increased level of complication, re-playability etc) non-profitable?

I think the re-playability is honestly more of a problem than piracy. People who steal games are just plain less likely to buy them if they can't be stolen. People who buy games are likely to be able to spend more than ten cents an hour (or whatever value Civ4 gives you). When you produce a greatly re-playable game you effectively cut off a revenue source for a long time.
No, don't give Civ 5 four years. Let it die as soon as possible. But give the developers four years at hard labour in the Bangkok Hilton, Sing Sing, or other prison of your choice.
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