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JFD and Janboruta's Civilisations

Adler von Lubeck was a Hanseatic war galleon. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adler_von_Lübeck The name Adler for a UU is a bit unfortunate, I think. While named UUs are not a bad thing for modern-era ships (like Dreadnought or Yamato), since they adhere to series or classes of warships (but were still standardised within said series that usually numbered more than two or three vessels), doing so for ships of the age of sail is a poor choice. Each ship during the renaissance was more or less unique, be it in size, shape or fame. Having a fleet of Adlers (or Royal Charles's, or De Zeven Provinciens, or Santa Marias) may not be factually incorrect, but would make way less sense than having fleets of standardised Dreadnoughts or Yamatos.

So yeah, a generic Kogge is much better. And more medieval in nature. :)


Oh, but that is a one of a kind ship (cool none the less)

You wrote that before I edited my post - and you pretty much wrote what I meant, and wasted less time and words doing so. :D
Had this idea:

UA: Lübeck Law
May not build settlers nor annex cities. Upon entering a new era, you receive another :trade: trade route and an :c5influence: influence boost with city states(up to 30). :trade: trade routes may be used for a kontor. :c5production: Build ships 33% faster.

UI: Kontor
Automatically spawns in a city of your choice(in exchange for a :trade: trade route). Increases the yields from :trade: trade routes you send to the city by 4 :c5gold: gold and 2 :c5production:. If built in a city state, increases the resting point by 10, and may be used to :c5puppet: puppet the city state In exchange for :c5gold:, as long as you send trade routes to it. If built in a city of other civilization, it may be upgraded to a Hanse center, claiming and adjacent tile and spawning a :c5greatperson: great merchant.

UB: Hanse hall
Replaces constabulary. Reduces :c5unhappy: unhappiness from population by 25%, and destroys the kontor(if present). It increases the :c5production: production of naval units by 50% of the city's gold output, and increases the city's :c5strength: strength if a naval unit is stationed in it.

Its... Fun to play against?
(And what you mean hypercube?)
Hey, JFD - I was thinking the other day and I have a little bit of an odd question. Since it seemed up your alley, just as a thought experiment, how do you think you would do a Hanseatic League civ? I'm just kind of curious - I was trying to think up ways to make a real 'hypercube' civ like Venice was advertised to be pre-BNW, and the League seemed appropriate.

Of course you've already done a little bit of a similar thing with your HRE, though of course to a lesser extent. Would there be some way to work controlling a 'trade organization' that maybe involved you controlling components or cities of the other empires in the game in some way, instead of having your own cities? Anyway, I was just curious on your or Jan's thoughts.

It's been brought up before, and AFAIK, someone (Viregel or Hypereon, I think) still hopes to make a Hanseatic League civ. It would be an interesting challenge to come up with a befitting design, but not enough to motivate me into the civ - especially against any existing plans by others for it. Remember, monarchist; which basically means I'm more interested in the leader than the civ.
The Empire of JFD (and Janboruta) ('the Empire') is currently undergoing a reformation of the Tojo Client State in Japan, in preparation for the installation of the Meiji Emperor as the Empire's Japanese dignitary. This act shall occur alongside the adaption of Prestige as the primary currency of the Japanese State, so that when the new currency is introduced into circulation the Japanese State already supports it.

The Empire thanks you for your patience and apologises for any inconvenience caused. Now be a good citizen and get back to work/worship! :D

Okay back to work! And this are not the druids you looking for, no! *continue the dreaming about more civs*
Does that make the Union of More Civs the Rebel alliance?
And 16 Nations as a loose conglomerate of groups scattered around that break out in open street fights and riots with the police (and sometimes National Guard, where claimed territory overlaps too violently with the Empire's), fighting for... something. Independence? Recognition? Civil rights? Or just because we love a good riot? We don't really know ourselves.

What does that make CL?
The Empire of JFD (and Janboruta) ('the Empire') is currently undergoing a reformation of the Tojo Client State in Japan, in preparation for the installation of the Meiji Emperor as the Empire's Japanese dignitary. This act shall occur alongside the adaption of Prestige as the primary currency of the Japanese State, so that when the new currency is introduced into circulation the Japanese State already supports it.

The Empire thanks you for your patience and apologises for any inconvenience caused. Now be a good citizen and get back to work/worship! :D

Hail his modjesty!
I shall defeat those rebels myself, those earning prestige for my kingdom!
(Attacks the barbarian city with a knight, guess what happend :p)
Releasing a mod every four klekkets.
But... but nobody likes the Yuuzhan Vong... they're like if Jar-Jar had syphilis...

*looks at self*

I love the Yuuzhan Vong. Not their fault the authors couldn't keep their details straight :p
hey how do i add TSL values to the ynaemp on giant Europe?
I want to play with Iceland and Norway but i am unsure on how to add values to it, i've got on the ynaemp and i see hoe you do it for the giant earth map, but i cant find any of the TSL values for the giant Europe.
Tojo's Japan (and WW2 Pack) updated:

  • Added support for ViceVirtuoso's Wish for the World and JFD's Prestige.
  • Fixed an issue with the CIV Traits support
  • Revised UA; now: Gain :c5science: Science for each new Coast or Ocean Tile acquired; doubled in conquered cities. :c5production: Produce Naval Units 50% faster in conquered cities.

Icon Civilization Leader Download Credits Notes Supported Mods Japan Tojo Thanks to JFD, Leugi, Regalman, Janboruta, Danrell, Knightmare12, whoward69, and Andreas Waldeloft. This mod does not replace Oda Nobunaga's Japan, though it does replace Nobunaga's Zero with the Dojo. See wiki for full details. Civ IV Traits in Civ V , Community Balance Patch , Cultural Diversity , Ethnic Units , Events & Decisions , Exploration Continued Expanded , Map Labels , Piety & Prestige , R.E.D ., Unique Cultural Influence , Wish for the World , YnAEMP .
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