JFD and Janboruta's Civilisations

Ok, I'm looking at the Republic of Venice and I'm curious to what the glass resource is? Is that just a new luxury resource added for that particular mod? I purchased Gods and Kings recently and haven't come across a new resource by that name.
Hey there JFD, just wanted to give you a belated thanks for the Venetian civ. Have used it for a while now, but I'm sure you won't be too disappointed that I'm not going to be using it much longer.
I am in the process of gathering comments and ideas from here and the Steam Workshop on how to upgrade my civs in preparation for Brave New World. As long ago pointed out, some of the existing abilities are OP, - such as the Goths - restrictive - Germany - or could at least be more appropriate - such as the USSR. I will update Venice and Portugal as well with the new graphics from Brave New World, in case anyone wants to still use their attributes.

If anyone has any suggestions, now is the time to let me know. Thanks.
I absolutlely love your Maori civ. However they don't have a leaderhead artwork. Do you have plans to make one?
Hello JFD,

I still have to study before my absolutely final exam, but because it will be pretty easy, I can catch up with Civ art I was postponing for such a long time. I don't come empty-handed, here's new art for your UK mod.

Spoiler :






I do hope you like those. I'm not sure when I'll send you updated art for the Papal States, but I'm going to dedicate quite some time for mod art in the following days.
good lord those look nice!
The city list is just taken from the Wikipedia list of Norway's largest cities, except for that I switched Bergen and Oslo, as Bergen was the capital during Haakon's time. I can always switching back.

I chose the Nordland because a Unique Workboat is certainly unique and because I wanted Norway to endeavour to have a strong, coastal economy. The pedia entry is just a paraphrased version of the Wikipedia entry. The use of the Nordland is mostly nominative. But if you have any ideas I'd like to hear them.
Thanks for all the great suggestions. I'll implement your city list for sure and change the UA name as well. I was struggling to find an appropriate one.

In regards to the UU, I do see why that might be better, but I have to bear in mind that there are no unit graphics for them and that I want the civ to work toward a designed flavour - which, in this regard, is toward being the best civ at making the most out of sea resources. To an outsider such as I, this is representative of Norway and it also suits my personal playstyle.

That said, I'm going to have it as an alternative to the Ski Infantry.
I didn't know you had a Norway and Hungary mod. They look good, but on the description for Vanillia Norway, you have the uniques from Hungary instead.
Looking forward to seeing these for BNW, I maintain the opinion that your Venetian civ was one of the best I've seen; beating even the official verson in my eyes. Will you be including UK & Italy in the update?
Looking forward to seeing these for BNW, I maintain the opinion that your Venetian civ was one of the best I've seen; beating even the official verson in my eyes. Will you be including UK & Italy in the update?

Of course. And the UK will finally be polished, too.
can you put the "swastika" flag instead of "iron cross" for nazi germany? thanks for the mods by the way
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