Hello and thank you so much for taking the time to create some cool civs!
Unfortunately, I'm having some problems, I hope you could help me with ...
Trying to get both USSR and Hitler to work, but with no luck. None of them show up on the leaders list.
Have been looking into the database log, and found this for the USSR-mod (removed Hitler again, to test one mod at a time):
"[9807.015] no such table: ContentPackage.LocalizedText
[9809.437] no such table: ContentPackage.LocalizedText
[9811.125] Database::XMLSerializer (Sound/CatherineAudio2DScripts.xml): 'Row' or 'Delete' expected, got 'Script2DSound'.
[9811.359] table Buildings has no column named ExtraCityHitPoints
[9811.359] In Query - insert into Buildings('Type', 'BuildingClass', 'Cost', 'GoldMaintenance', 'PrereqTech', 'Help', 'Description', 'Civilopedia', 'Strategy', 'ArtDefineTag', 'ExtraCityHitPoints', 'TrainedFreePromotion', 'MinAreaSize', 'GlobalExperience', 'ConquestProb', 'HurryCostModifier', 'NoOccupiedUnhappiness', 'IconAtlas', 'PortraitIndex') values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);
[9811.359] In XMLSerializer while updating table Buildings from file CIV5Buildings.xml.
[9825.125] no such table: ContentPackage.LocalizedText"
I have used the Vanilla-non-replacer files and followed the installation steps.
My setup is Win XP/DX9 w. vanilla Civ 5. I have tried clearing the cache-folder, verifying game cache from the steam-app and even tried manually fixing the xml-errors, but without luck.