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JFD and Janboruta's Civilisations

Yeah ill just keep using my tablet's auto grammar. Which claims there is no such word tablet. It also claims pangolian isn't a word... :p:p:p:p:p
Pangolin isn't a word either...

Abandon Thread.
It took me until halfway through college to learn that the British pronounce the name of the letter Z like zed, not zee. My world was shattered.
It took me until halfway through college to learn that the British pronounce the name of the letter Z like zed, not zee. My world was shattered.

I'm fine with being called British, but I expect my fellow NZers and Australians wouldn't be :lol:
Well I discovered this in context of seeing Shaun of the Dead, and that's British, right? Don't worry, I know the difference! As an American most British English things make sense to me as the 'original' version that we screwed up. But I can't understand why there's an extra u in colour.
But I can't understand why there's an extra u in colour.

There originally was the extra "u", Webster dropped it for the American version.

We are getting way off track though now....we should return to the focus of the thread, which is JFD's civs. I must say that I've really enjoyed playing as Arminus.
Well I discovered this in context of seeing Shaun of the Dead, and that's British, right? Don't worry, I know the difference! As an American most British English things make sense to me as the 'original' version that we screwed up. But I can't understand why there's an extra u in colour.

Blame the French/Normans :p
We are getting way off track though now....we should return to the focus of the thread, which is JFD's civs. I must say that I've really enjoyed playing as Arminus.

While I do enjoy being at peace with the Barbs, they sometimes cause problems for me in terms of loitering where I don't want them to. Also, I get mad when I have a chance to "rescue" captured civilians from other civs...only to find that I really cannot because of our "peace."
So for me, the jury is still out on Arminius.
Arminius is for mongering. That's how i have infantry,Broadway and Eiffel tower. At 1820.
Tile with tribal village: 2 food, 2 production, 3 gold, 1 culture and 2 science.
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