JOE-05 - The Crusades

"You wish to raze the city of YWEH! What folly will this act cause...

*points finger at Jesus*

You wish us to become like Sodom...I cannot support this path...mabye I do not belong in this misdirected crusade!"

(Yeah, I'm kidding, but I figured that's how I a crusader would handle it. And yes, I'd like to backstop Liz at once. A small strike force of Cavs is all we need. And ok, if we can get Hatty to give us a few techs first, lets do that before finhing her off.)
"You have a sinful mind! Go, and cleanse yourself of such thoughts..."

(And yes, it is! We really should all RP for the rest of the game, would be a blast :p)
Well guys then choose your knight. I have chosen the "Black Knight" as my Crusader what do you choose?

Some ideas and a favourite: Paladin Holy Knight, Sir Richard the Lionheart (although he did speak French), and here's one from HN-01 series. Death Knight. I love role playing as crusaders so that could be fun.

Isn't the "dead sea" near the old sight of Sodom.
Isn't the "dead sea" near the old sight of Sodom.

Yes it is. I went there a while ago. I went to Jerusalem too. It is a very interesting place. Lots of walls and towers built by Sulieman. I saw the temple mount where the Templar Knights made their HQ, untop of the most sacred site in Islam.

When we take Mehemed's capital it will be the equivalent of capturing Jerusalem. Although we will raze it in game, it will be the same as stamping out all signs of Islam in Jerusalem, like the templar Knights did.

vra said:
Je suis Jacques de Molay...

and me , Hugh de Payen

By the way vra, I didnt get the 'mice eating the spear straps' reference. It's nothing to do with me. Is it Shakespeare? Henry the V ?
Yes it is. I went there a while ago. I went to Jerusalem too. It is a very interesting place. Lots of walls and towers built by Sulieman. I saw the temple mount where the Templar Knights made their HQ, untop of the most sacred site in Islam.

That would have been an experience to see that. Were you able to see the pillar of salt too of Lot's wife? I have heard there is something there that is suppose to be that.
That would have been an experience to see that. Were you able to see the pillar of salt too of Lot's wife? I have heard there is something there that is suppose to be that.

I didn't see anything that was supposed to be Lot's wife. I hitchhiked through the Negev desert and it nearly killed me from thirst. I was just happy to get to the dead sea alive.
mice ate the leather straps of thier spears. (Bonus point to whomever knows where the mice referance is from ;P)
Egyptian mythology. Enemy invading, god orders rats to eat all bowstrings, victory Egyptians.
Interesting. I'm curious, what period did that come from in Egyptian Mythos?

I ask because I was referring to the Seige of Jerusalem in 701 BCE, called the Deliverance by the Jews, when Taharqa and an army drawn from Egypt defeated Sennacherib. (And the Bible attributes it to hornets and mice.)
Hi guys

Sorry but I don't have the time to write a full turn-by-turn report today. So here is a quick summary:

Hatty is not dead yet. I took all cities except Memphis and Giza, lost a few cats and one maceman I think. Btw I vote against vassalizing Hatty.
Memphis was defended with Musketmen with city defense promotions when I arrived there. That's why I wanted to join the two armies before attacking which took quite a while. City defense is now at 0% and Memphis can be attacked with a huge army next turn (satisfaction guaranteed).
A few freshly built units are marching towards Rome to be shipped to the Island for the conquest of the last egyptian city.
A settler is on the way to Memphis.

On the science front Nationalism was researched. Since I don't like the Taj too much and couldn't find a consensus from you guys I did not start it. We also got a GG which I used as an additional instructor in Orleans.
I set research to Astronomy now, to get Galleons.

On the religion front I built a few missionaries for our cities and those of fred. A monastery was built in Essen since it's close to Fred and I couldn't find anything better to build there.
I also made a mistake, I think. I checked whether Fred would be willing to convert to Christianity and in fact he wanted all our gold and the world map for it. I decided to wait until Memphis is ready to be razed and hoped that by converting one or two of his cities we could lower the price.
But alas, he said "it can't be done" when I asked him again a few turns later. The option to convert is still white but we don't have enough to offer.

He also proposed a corn for dye which I agreed on mainly to keep relations on the positive side.


Cosmichail - Black Knight
Rince - Teutonic Knight (just played)
JesusOnEez - Knights of the Realm (UP)
Mice - All Knight (on deck)
Vra379971 - recovered from battle


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I just checked Fred. He wont sell us the conversion, but he will give it away !
Could you spare this for a good friend. Problem solved.
I just checked Fred. He wont sell us the conversion, but he will give it away !
Could you spare this for a good friend. Problem solved.

Asking for a favour never hurts. At least now we can focus on the heathen.

Nice on bringing Hatty down to two cities and see we are well positioned to finish Memphis.

Corrected Roster according to RP.

Cosmichail - Black Knight
Rince - Teutonic Knight (You have not chosen your knight) - just played
Jesusoneez - Knights of the Realm (King Arthur) - UP
Mice - Hugh de Payen - The First Grand Master of the Knights Templar - on deck
Vra379971 - Jacques de Molay - Grand Master of the Knights Templar
Interesting. I'm curious, what period did that come from in Egyptian Mythos?
I afraid I know very little about egyptian mythology, I just read some of the legends.
Everything looks rather spiffy.

TURN 1 - 1598AD
Mediolanum finishes a Missionary and is sent to Hamburg where he fails to spread the faith.

The Battle of Memphis is won with no losses as two Trebs intended for suicide duty won against Muskets at 30% and 46% respectively!

Memphis is razed, then I realize I have made a horrible mistake...I forgot to get Freddy to convert, and what with razing his Holy City, he is cautious with us and won't convert.

TURN 2 - 1601AD
Hatty converts to Christianity...that won't save you love! I want to get a Galley or two on the move to Giza, but she has a Caravel and Galleon roaming around the area. Troops move to Asyut...the last Egyptian city on the continent.

TURN 3 - 1604AD
Asyut is taken for no losses.

It is kept to prevent others from settling. Arpinum is founded on the site of Memphis. Since We can't get to Giza quite yet, I decide to sue for peace...this is what she will give us.

Notice she has another city other than Giza somewhere! I decided this offer sucks and try to get some techs. I only manage Printing Press but it does drop our deficit somewhat. It was -63 during the war, now it is -9 so I up research from 30% to 40% for -50 deficit.

TURN 4 - 1607AD
Pi-Ramesses is going to be the troop pick-up point, and Galley's are heading there...

Stuttgart is converted to Christianity, and Freddy converts! My earlier mistake is nullified!

I traded Printing Press for the rest of Astronomy from Liz, and we are now researching Chemistry.

TURN 5 - 1610AD

TURN 6 - 1613AD
Freddy offers Gems for Silk and I agree. I use the GE in Pisae for the Taj Mahal.

TURN 7 - 1616AD
Golden Age begins. Deficit of -44 turns to +14! I change research from 40% to 50% for -42 deficit.

Peter demands we cancel relations with Liz...I tell him to stuff it.

TURN 8 - 1619AD
Peter offers Divine Right for Nationalism...I'm sorely tempted despite the huge beaker difference because of the Spiral Minaret, but I decide against the trade.

A Bank in Pisae takes 14 off our deficit.

What's this?!?! :mad:

The heathen dare settle our lands. Some troops start moving towards this's only got a Longbow...I suggest we take it out.

Troops arrive at Pi-Ramesses ready to be picked up by Galleys/Galleons.

TURN 9 - 1622AD
Arpinium is building the Forbidden Palace.

Arpinum is converted to Christianity.

TURN 10 - 1625AD
Bank in Rome helps us to +7 gold at 50% research although much of this is the Golden Age. We've got ourselves a Great Scientist as well. I've noted where he is with a sign.

TURN 11 - 1628AD (Ooops)
Liz makes this offer which I accept.

Here are the cities we have that need a Missionary.

Generally, get this done, finish Chemistry and start on Grens whilst taking out Giza with some troops from Pi-Rammesses. Once we've wiped out Hatty (if we can find her hidden city), keep building/upgrading Grens and send them off to Mehmed. Note that Mehmed has Replaceable Parts so he may not be far from Rifling.

Cosmichail - Black Knight
Rince - Teutonic Knight
JesusOnEez - Knight of the Realm (Just Played)
Mice - All Knight (Up)
Vra379971 - Knight of the Old Republic (On Deck)


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