Jotnar citizen limit?


Dec 12, 2005
I've just started playing as the Jotnar, and I really like the flavor. I wonder about the citizen birth rate, though - I'm 250 turns in, and I've still only gotten 4 citizens, all within the first 50 turns. Is there a certain point where the births shut off, like with the Scions?
No. You have a certain chance of getting one each turn and it gets lower as the AC rises. You probably just have bad luck.
Yeah, really bad luck, apparently. I've now gone over 300 turns with no new births. Luckily my 4 masters of arms have been able to stave off any serious invasions! XD
Have you been expanding? Are only supposed to get 4 or so per city, with House of the Ancestor providing a fe more (I think, I could be wrong though)
Ah, that would have been it, then. I was doing a one-city challenge. I had thought that it would be more difficult than usual due to the restrictions on the cities, but I hadn't known that the citizens were limited by city number. Thanks!
Might want to check into this anyways...turn 144 in a marathon game when my first citizen popped.

No, I had 1 city at the time. Built 4 Militia @ 20 turns each for protection before starting my first settler (@ 120 turns :cry: ).

Bad luck? Probably. Crippling? Very likely.
That is because you played on Marathon most likely. I think 144 turns is something like 25 turns on quick and 40 on Normal.

Most things scale when you slow the game down. If you had a 10% chance per turn on Normal It becomes like a 2.5% chance on marathon.
If you are afraid of being unitless, try playing as Uxol the halfblood. You can then buy limitless numbers of gobbo archers from the barbarian forts.

Its also somewhat calculated in that you'll build a lot of cities. Since you can pack them all so tightly together.
Need to do something a little different for One-City-Challenge then.
That is because you played on Marathon most likely. I think 144 turns is something like 25 turns on quick and 40 on Normal.

Most things scale when you slow the game down. If you had a 10% chance per turn on Normal It becomes like a 2.5% chance on marathon.

Yeah it is because I play on marathon (which is 1/3rd normal speed, so turn 144 would turn 48 in normal). Maybe I should have explained it better, but even at that speed, not being able to get a worker until that late is pretty crippling imo.

I couldn't upgrade any terrain, so my production was at a crawl. Normally at that point with any other civ I've got 2 workers, perhaps 3 depending on the terrain and research path.

I ended up scrapping the game honestly. I got my 2nd citizen about 30 turns later, opened up WB and started looking and was already 2 or 3 cities and about 2 techs behind most of the other civs.

It was probably just terrible luck but man...bleh.
Doesn't their hero count as a super worker? I haven't played jotnar much, but I seem to recall him working that way.
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