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Journey to Nowhere - Game Thread

Terni Cursed.

"Ricky! Ricky! Why did you let yourself get eaten?" He sobbed as he took the stomach out of the hog. He slowly cut out a dark shape and buried up. On top he added two sticks.

He turned to the Hog and dissected it. His knowlege lead to a large beast to be reduced cleanly into chunks of meat, fat and leather. He wraped it up and asked,"Dude, we need to smoke this thing. Who wants to help me make it travell-proof!"

Then he took one last at the grave and started to gather firewood.

"You can wear this Boarskin, I know how to treat it: cut the hairs off, wet it down and heat it quickly.*"

(I read that in a book, turns rabbitskin into felt. What happenes is the hairs release and then with the heat, the protiens bond together.)
Selena can have my green shirt. It is fairly large button up shirt and should cover you up for the most part until you find something better.
Thank you a lot, i bet it will be cooler in the caves as well if we do plan to head in there...
OOC: Has she been walking around naked without anyone to help for the last 24 hours!? I'm appalled :p

Well, I'm glad I survived that. Are we all going into the cave at once? What's the plan?
Well, I know you've got a handgun now and all, but I got kind of excited at making a weapon, so why don't I craft you a tiny little knife? The enemies won't suspect it. It'll be made of wood, but as sharp as steel. Think of it as a last ditch weapon, from your friend Mike Hammer.
Well not compleetly naked, but certainly not well clothed either. Her clothes are burnt and tattered. As she have barely been concious she have hardly noticed, up til now, but of course she would prefer some clothes to almost none.

Anyway do anyone have any idea what we are aiming for? Are we just going to run forever without any direction but the horizont?

Mike, a knife certainly wouldn't be useless, so thanks a lot for the thought.
*Dickie approaches Terni with sadness in his eyes.*

I'm so sorry for your loss. If you was anythin' like as attached to Ricky as I am to Dazzler... Well, I can only imagine how you'd be feelin' right now.

*He sighs, and shakes his head.*

Still, we got to get movin', else it'll the rest of us gettin' caught in the jaws of them Imperial pigs.

Selena asks a valid question. The empire's so strong, and we're but a tiny group...

Way's I see it, we got three long-term possibilities: We could turn terrorist, and look to provoke a wider rebellion. Or we could seek help from some foreign power. Or we could look to get some influence on the inside of the Imperial war machine, and try to provoke a coup.

*He pauses, self-consciously.*

Erm... I mean...

*He lapses into silence, looking somewhat disturbed at his own words.*
While planning long term goals is good and well, we need to look to our immediate concerns. Somehow Imperials caught wind of our scouting party. Honestly how could they smart bomb three tents without some intel? I believe we have a traitor in our midst.

We need to keep heading deep into these caves and hope it takes somewhere safer than the region North and East of our positions. We should also lay traps as we go to at least hinder pursuit.
Hearing Dikie and Jeremy, Terni stood up.

"I don't have much to say this day, but I can tell you that I have a few traps of mine, they are small, but they are good enough to catch the odd larger creature, humans too."

"Mike Hammer is a great trap-maker, I almost looked at them with envy last night after comming for a drink break before..."

*Sighs, then sits down*

"We should spread out to reduce damage of direct attacks and, if possible, make automatic campfire to leave behind that will flare up days after we leave to mis-direct our enemies, the Vlax. I will not hunt tomarrow, but will hunt the next, and I know how to find the best place to set traps."
*Rhawn(to be replaced after I learn all character names. or just put it in your sig)*

OOC: Or, you could look at the first page, with a post dedicated to basic stats for everyone. It doesn't take much effort, and this game isn't worth it if the players don't put in the effort to look up someone's name.

Sorry if that comes off as a bit of a rant, but to play in this game, I expect a certain amount of effort.
Trapping the area is good and all, but how are they going to get back to us without triggering the traps? I agree that we should send a scouting party into the caves, but some of us should at least wait by the entrance. After I'm done whittling the knife for Miss Demas, I'll fashion some traps and maybe catch us some animals. I'm thinking like rabbits and foxes.
"I'm in favor of disappearing into the caves as quickly as possible. Even if there is a traitor among us, all the rock should prevent him from contacting the Imperials and leading them to us, and even if it's a dead end, we can at least hide out there for awhile. It's nice to kill as many Imperials and possible, but when they're coming after you with artillery and soldiers, you can't really do much damage to them even if you feel like going down fighting."
I think going into the caves is a good idea. But we need to know if it's a dead end or not or we'll just end up trapped in there - or worse, lost.
On the other hand, if we send a separate party in, we'll lose contact with each other. As far as I know, the radio won't work in the caves to communicate back outside - back the good Doctor says there's a light at the back - which would mean an exit, or habitation.

So yeah, we can split to check that light out and come back to return and risk a lack of communication - or we can go in together, at the risk that we'd get lost or trapped.

I'm in favour of checking out the caves first before moving the whole party in - but again, I'm very worried about our lack of communication.
"If Selena is in any condition to move, we should head down the caves together -all of us. We don't need no more people killed and we need to go somewhere where those airborne attacks can't reach us."
As i said earlier i can move so i am fine with going into the caves together. We don't have anything keeping us here.
"Mike, I really like your improvised weapons. How about say: you make the traps, I set them where I can see the most noctural activity possibly and we both get the credit for the rabit legs later heh?"

"As for the cave, I have a few words... If we all go in there is no going back unless it is a shallow dead end. If half goes in we need communicaion. If we don't go in... its a waste."
Righto, let's all go into the cave then. The good Doc reckons there's an exit so we shall go that way.
Journey to Nowhere – 0100 hrs, 28.05.00 (Update 7)

The first thing that happened on the morning of the 27th was The Brewer’s departure. After realizing that this journey was one with no destination, he decided he would have to turn back and try to make a living for himself again. He left 3 clips of pistol ammo for Selena Demas, and 4 days of food, 2 for each of Benjamin Cook and Selena Demas, who have been living off of everyone else’s food supplies. After that, The Brewer left, despite the others trying to convince him to stay, and he wandered eastward into the sunrise.

At that point, Selena Demas and Mike Hammer gathered some wood, and quickly built some things, while everyone else prepared the breakfast rations. Selena Demas worked on a blowpipe, and Mike Hammer worked on a knife for Selena, 4 rabbit traps, and a wall that mostly sealed the cave entrance. The group then set off into the caves with newly lit torches. Although the group ran into a few occasional dead ends, progress was relatively quick. As the sun began to set, they could see some light, though they had a bit further to go before reaching the cave exit. However, they traveled past sunset, and could eventually see outside. The group, tired from a long cave journey, went to sleep near the cave exit, though they did at least make some basic fortifications.

At 0100 hrs in the morning, a massive explosion woke everyone up. A rocket was launched from outside the tunnel, and while it did not hit anyone directly, Thomas Berube-Giguere and Ninosca were wounded by the splash damage.

It is now 0100 hrs, the 28th of Blooming, Year 00. The normal days left of rations is currently 7, though that pertains to less than 50% of the group. The next turn will last no more than 24 game hours (probably a lot less), and the deadline for orders is Sunday March 15th at 11:59 PM GMT (7:59 PM EDT – Daylight Savings). Yes, I realize that gives you 48 hours. If you can't send in orders by this time, it's alright, as I can simulate your character's actions in a short timeframe like this. This update will mostly be a battle.

Status Report:

There is a group of soldiers outside the caves, whom you must deal with. If you have specific tactics, they should be included in orders. Also, your orders should include what to do in the short amount of time after the battle, if there is anything after the battle.

All right, it looks we're stuck inside the caves, with no wood...I've got some rabbit traps, but I don't know how helpful they'll be. It'll be tougher defending ourselves with the Brewer gone, but we've got to fight.

Miss Demas, here is your knife. He presses a tiny knife into her hands. I don't know if bringing a knife to a gunfight is exactly a good idea, but here you go.

Anyway, this rocket smashed the tiny wall I built for the exit away too, but maybe I'll be able to fashion something out of the scattered debris. Doubtful. I'm pretty useless in a gunfight, and my cattle rustlin' ancestors are probably rolling in their graves about now, but I'm a lover, not a fighter.

I guess I'll hang back and run defense with the good doctor.
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