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Just saw the coolest Strategy game feature!!!


Just one more turn...
Apr 12, 2009
Eagle, Idaho
'Endless Legend' a 4x not dissimilar to Civ came out today.

In options there is something called the 'big screen interface'.

It makes all the fonts and those little bits and bobs on the screen WAY BIGGER AND SUPER EASY TO SEE!!!!

What an awesome feature. I sure hope BE has something like this. I am old and even with a big monitor and reading glasses games it is not easy to play some games.

CiV is fair at this - not great, not terrible.

But check this feature out on 'Endless Legend' - Why don't more strategy game companies do this!!!!!!!
As another geezer, I concur with the coolness factor of this and wish it was more common.
Thanks for the heads up. Endless Legends looks pretty interesting. I'm going to check out some game play videos. :)
Now, if somebody would start working on UIs that would actually get smaller with higher resolution, which is what I'm looking for . . .
I have it, played the betas...it has promise but the map is so cluttered, I'm not sure what I'm looking at. Maybe I'll get into it if I persist but at first blush I find it also a very obscure setting, with entities/sides that are difficult to identify with or leave you totally uncaring/baffled. But no doubt it is precisely what some people have been looking for.
I tried Endless Space but couldn't get into. I was sad because I really want a MoO2 experience. Endless Legend is suppose to be much improved though.
I was disappointed with Endless Space. It had some good ideas, but felt unfinished and was ultimately unsatisfying. Accordingly I'm not in a rush to try out their fantasy version.

Why don't more strategy game companies do this!!!!!!!
The answer there is pretty simple: game developers are almost exclusively very young men.
I don't think that feature is meant for old people neccessarily. My first thought reading the OP was "cool a strategy game that can be played on the living room big screen."
I've been playing Endless Legend since Thursday, and I must say that the game has grabbed me like no other game of late. I am really enjoying it, and it's a vast improvement over Endless Space. MASSIVE IMPROVEMENT. There are still things that need to be balanced (but then again, when is that not the case), and some bugs worked out (I haven't crashed once, but the game needs to be optimized) but overall, I am incredibly impressed with the game. City spam.... Gone! Interesting tech... present. Choices... many and more.

It has elements of Warlock, Elemental (series), Civilizations (series), Eador, and Age of Wonders. Then they toss in some of their own original ideas. Good stuff is you like fantasy 4x.
I've been playing Endless Legend since Thursday, and I must say that the game has grabbed me like no other game of late. I am really enjoying it, and it's a vast improvement over Endless Space. MASSIVE IMPROVEMENT. There are still things that need to be balanced (but then again, when is that not the case), and some bugs worked out (I haven't crashed once, but the game needs to be optimized) but overall, I am incredibly impressed with the game. City spam.... Gone! Interesting tech... present. Choices... many and more.

It has elements of Warlock, Elemental (series), Civilizations (series), Eador, and Age of Wonders. Then they toss in some of their own original ideas. Good stuff is you like fantasy 4x.

I'm enjoying it a lot also. And yes, big improvement over their first game (which I enjoyed, but it's not a A-lister).
Yeah, been checking out Endless Legend for quite a while now but was put off by low difficulty cap (i.e. no hard/very hard game modes). But the game was finally officially released this week and according to patch notes there are 5-6 difficulty levels now.

I'm watching EL Twitch/Youtube since then, it's a very interesting game to say the least.
Yeah, been checking out Endless Legend for quite a while now but was put off by low difficulty cap (i.e. no hard/very hard game modes). But the game was finally officially released this week and according to patch notes there are 5-6 difficulty levels now.

I'm watching EL Twitch/Youtube since then, it's a very interesting game to say the least.
Try playing it on Endless..... Endless ass whooping' pain administered by the A.I.
As an owner of EL I can say that nothing about it can hold a candle to what I've seen so far about BE. Same goes for Pandora, which I also have played. So BE, definitely, is the one to get IMO.
If I was going to invest in either Civ:BE or Endless Legend, which would you suggest?

I already have CiV to play so I got EL as something different. And something to tide me over maybe until the ex-packs for BE arrive.

Vanilla CiV was cool because it was new, but was somewhat underwhelming. Well Civ:BE won't be new, will it? I mean sure, it's a new game but it's going to be pretty familiar.

And Endless Legend is only $35... that's a nice plus.
If I was going to invest in either Civ:BE or Endless Legend, which would you suggest?

You know, the truth of it is that these are similar (4x games) but very different. I chose Endless Legend because I prefer fantasy. Will I buy Civ:BE, probably, in a year or two. I bought Civ 5 a little after release. Hated it. Bought Gods and Kings six months after that came out, and it made civ5 better. It wasn't until Civ:BNW did I really start to play Civ.

Endless Legend is as good as Civ5:BNW was for me.. only it's kind of like Civ4 mod FFH (fantasy setting).. so yea.

It's also less expensive than CIV:BE... the price is crap. I won't be paying for it until it got 50% off or more.

But that's just me.
I have it, played the betas...it has promise but the map is so cluttered, I'm not sure what I'm looking at. Maybe I'll get into it if I persist but at first blush I find it also a very obscure setting, with entities/sides that are difficult to identify with or leave you totally uncaring/baffled. But no doubt it is precisely what some people have been looking for.

I'll be honest here. I much prefer a historical civilization style game rather than a fantasy or sci-fi one. Just my personal preference.

However, the more civilization style games out there, the better. It'll force everyone to become better. Competition is good. ^^

Having looked at some gameplay videos, this one doesn't look too bad. There are some interesting ideas and concepts and others that are not so good.
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