King of the World #7: Saladin

Exactly... all that I said can be checked by talking to the leaders (nº of cities, cities with names of other civ lists ) or by checking diplo stances in the diplo screens. You can do it yourself by looking at the save without WB ( if you do go WB, tell me how HC is going :p ), so there is no need for spoilers here
Exactly... all that I said can be checked by talking to the leaders (nº of cities, cities with names of other civ lists ) or by checking diplo stances in the diplo screens. You can do it yourself by looking at the save without WB ( if you do go WB, tell me how HC is going :p ), so there is no need for spoilers here

... except for those of us who aren't playing along and enjoy simply reading the story as its being told.

But whatever:coffee:
I played a parallel game and I can tell you how HC does:

Spoiler :

he managed to colonize all of SA. Of course I was already on the cusp of domination by the time he had planted the last city but he was actually starting to tech pretty fast.

On the other hand, Fred died before 1000AD in my game from a massive gang-up of all the other European powers. I'm assuming that's not normal?
I played a parallel game and I can tell you how HC does:

Spoiler :

he managed to colonize all of SA. Of course I was already on the cusp of domination by the time he had planted the last city but he was actually starting to tech pretty fast.

On the other hand, Fred died before 1000AD in my game from a massive gang-up of all the other European powers. I'm assuming that's not normal?

It normally isn't. But a lot can happen on this Earth map.
I'm also playing a shadow (up to 1500ad so far). Regarding HC:
Spoiler :
He's busy grabbing south america but vassalised to Monte who's grabbed all of central and north america (after wiping out the states about 500ad).
I'm also playing a shadow (up to 1500ad so far). Regarding HC:
Spoiler :
He's busy grabbing south america but vassalised to Monte who's grabbed all of central and north america (after wiping out the states about 500ad).

Spoiler :
Vassalized Monte? You've got to be kidding me!
Well, we found her.

I started out simplifying the war with India by accepting Qin Shi Huang's buyout:

I didn't need to be tripping over Chinese elephants while rampaging through Asoka's territory, and, well, cash is good.

I also attempted to butter Mongolia up in the hopes of getting a war ally against Rome:

Well, ol' Genghis is now a little more friendly than he was, but he still won't "betray" Rome. Julius is easily the most popular guy on the map. The only people who don't like him are the Greeks. Hmph. If you want something done right, you've got to do it yourself.

As the army struck out east for India's few remaining strongholds, the ungrateful people of Vijayanagara overwhelmed our garrison of Longbows and took to the streets:

Ah, well. That's the cost of doing business, I guess. The cultural pressure will... abate soon.

Julius' little stack withdrew from our territory after I built up Tehran's military presence a bit, but he continued to be a thorn in my side in his own special way:

Bah! Once again, my timetable for conquest was needlessly accelerated. I was not going to put up with that Villain penalty again!

Thankfully, this time I did indeed have siege pulled up to the walls of Bombay, and, in fact, I only lost a single Trebuchet-turn's worth of bombardment to finish stripping the city's defenses:

You can also see Hatshepsut's army of doom trundling along there. Hello, Hattie! I think they managed to raze Delhi's rice paddy before I wiped them out. But they gave it a great effort!

I could have wiped them out before they got to the farm, but I had more important things to do:

This resulted in the Apostolic vote being "canceled." Which just has a delightful air of finality about it.

Meanwhile, the Germans remained at war with the Chinese, and had finally gotten around to bringing their military might to bear:

Needless to say, this was unacceptable. Germany was powerful enough as it was, and couldn't be allowed to swoop in and steal my future colonies.

Frederick sensed that the Chinese were ripe for the picking, and asked a princely sum to call off his crusade:

I wasn't happy about it, but I coughed it up. That city on the tip of India alone was worth it, if I remembered correctly (and I did).

Hey, uh, remember that Roman stack that peeked in on Tehran a few turns ago? The one that turned around and left? I bet you forgot about that, huh? Yeah, I did, too:

Yeah. Persepolis' garrison had been sent to the front lines. It was defended by a lone Archer.

I mean, don't get me wrong. I was able to (ahem) whip up a hasty army to defend the place:

But I lost a lot of productive citizens in order to do so. This especially hurt in Basra.

While that depressing spectacle was happening in the heart of the empire, the news was much better at the fringes:

So China's little satellite was taken, and the army was prepared to march into Bangladesh in order to tear out Qin's still-beating heart. It's times like this that I miss the Sacrificial Altar.

First off, I had to ensure that Rome wasn't going to come a-knocking again anytime soon. I finished off his stack and:

And, combine that with Mansa's map (along with Philosophy!) for Guilds and we have a reasonable picture of the supercontinent:

A couple of notes:

Hattie is, indeed, tucked away in North Korea there. Wiping her off the map will be most enjoyable.

You're free, Isabella! You can build ships, build colonies, and... :eek: Found four religions!? Well, at least she knows her purpose in life :lol:

Judging from the map, I can't understand why Rome is such a force and China is such a backwater. Maybe it has to do with the fact that (as I'd said before) Caesar has been playing the Diplomacy game like a damn harp.

It seems like our plan of attack should be to take Xian, then continue down the Malaysian peninsula, while holding a border with Nanjing, in order to secure our flanks. Beyond that, China is almost entirely linear.

One more thing. The Diplomacy screen:

China is not well-liked, so we'd better grab our piece of the pie while we can.

Well it's not sure how you're gonna win this, but you are gonna win this. Pretty sure about.

Nice to see Isabella is doing better in Spain, but hasn't done anything too special yet tho. Well, besides founding 4 religions that is:lol:

Allthough we don't know what Monty is up too in America, maybe he settled the entire americas by now and conquered America and the Incas :)
Japan has beaten Chinese to both South China and South Korea? :eek: That explains a thing or two......

Well, the conquer of China will take centuries , but after that, besides a very bumpy Monty ( who knows how he is now? ;) ), the game will be a walkover, since no european power besides fred can get even close of your prod ability
If you want something done right, you've got to do it yourself.

Its the rule I live by, its served me well in love and war :D

Doing well. I am not convinced China is your best option, the distances are rather large and will increase your city costs. It might work if you can take a good city and build Versailles and put your Forbidden Palace in Europe.

I very rarely get Versailles as the AI is quick to build it in a stupid city and I don't normally research Divine Right, or indeed get it at all
Yeah, I'd think crushing JC and Izzy (who hates you) should be your next objective. Keep the wars in the east to defensive/phoney conflicts to keep Genghis sweet, and go snaffle the succulent European landscape for yourself.
I concur, the holy cities of Spain are a tempting target. Crush Europe and nobody will be able to stop you.
China is still the better target at this point, seeing as you've already beaten a path, while you'd have to beat down one of your few friends to get at Europe. Not saying you won't destroy poor Alex eventually, but it's best to keep him around as long as you can.

Your outlined strategy is acceptable, be sure to send some transports over so you can efficiently take out the Japanese home island, taking East Asia without Japan is like conquering Europe without taking Brittan. His continental cities are weird but in the end work towards your advantage, as China has less land due to them.

After China, Egypt, and Japan have been destroyed the world is your oyster. I'd personally just kill Alexander at that point (while keeping Genghis happy so you don't need huge garrisons in the East) and start mowing down Europe. If you can build Versailles in Europe that would help with maintainence costs, but definitely build your FP in Kyoto, the far East is even further away from Arabia than Europe is, it will help immensely.

African, Central Asian, and Siberian lands are mostly worthless or require a huge amount of improvement to be profitable. Don't bother holding any lands there until you're getting close to domination. What Montezuma, Huyana Capac, and Roosevelt are doing is insignificant as there is enough land for domination within the old world supercontinent alone. Once you've got it to yourself though just turn research off and pump the culture slider up, spam settlers and settle anywhere you can for extra land, whip/buy theatres in those cities and hit enter a lot.
re: Military Strategy- Given my currently limited military forces (highly-promoted, but fairly small in number) and the sheer distance involved, I'm having second thoughts about steamrolling Qin. I'm thinking I should be taking Xian and Malaysia (and maybe taking or razing Nanjing to ease cultural pressure) and leaving Qin to rot for a while. Truth be told, I could hold my entire eastern border with a garrison in Xian alone. Then, I could turn the army west, picking up reinforcements along the long road to Jerusalem, and starting on Europe, starting with Alexander, who loves us, but is hardly well-liked internationally.

re: Hattie- Yeah, she's a nut. I think I'm gonna take what I can get for peace with her. I don't want her capitulating to a contender and drawing me into a war I don't need. Better to pick your spots and all that. I couldn't reach her before the Treaty would expire, anyway.

re: Isabella- Founding four religions is crazy, and she's got at least three shrines. Sadly, she declined expansion into North Africa. Had she done that, she could have been a real contender. As it stands, she is merely a prize. I could probably fund my war machine through the end game with those cities.
My vote is on taking Europe. Yes, Alex will be missed as a friend, but Jules is being a bigger pain than Alex is being a help. Once you wipe out Jules and the other European "powers", a lot of your problems with enemies will be resolved, esp. that whole 'apostlistic' garbage. Own Europe and use the booty to conquer the rest. I don't think QSH is ever going to be a threat, esp. since you have Ghengis alligned with you. Dealing a death blow to Hattie will be a happy occurrence tho.
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