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Large and Huge maps

How do you win huge (and large) maps

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Sep 24, 2005
Just curious about how people are playing large and huge maps. It seems like a slog to win via domination. And I can't imagine trying for religious victory.
Off the top of my head, I would think culture would be the quickest way to win.


Moderator Action: For consistency with OP, added poll option for "Never play Large or Huge maps" -- Browd
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Just curious about how people are playing large and huge maps. It seems like a slog to win via domination. And I can't imagine trying for religious victory.
Off the top of my head, I would think culture would be the quickest way to win.

Science. For religion that is more civs to covert and more religions to beat. For culture that is more civs to over take in tourism. For domination that is more capitals to take over. Science will always be the same amount of work no matter how many civs there are.
I usually only play like this if I want to play with nukes and other late game war tech, without having to intentionally play sub-optimal. Playing big maps with a hard difficulty and only domination enabled, can be quite challenging, especially if you get triple teamed often, which happened alot to me in 3 particular games. The huge pressure to take more cities just so that you do not fall behind too far on science while fighting slightly advanced neighbors, gives you the feel that you need to tie on a rising sun Japanese headband. Even though that games were too long it felt, they certainly were the most memorable for me just on the intensity alone. Diplomacy meant nothing, trade routes were always hard to keep going, and the war weariness was always an issue. Having many fully promoted units and intense sieges and battles.... The memories....

Maybe I should do one of these every month!
Domination and Religion can be an obstacle on maps that big because you'd have to expedition apostles or units to other empires... Science and Culture you can manage to do it within your borders
I nearly always play Huge. I won Domination once (as Songhai, in Civ5). In Civ 6, I've only won Science or Culture. Never tried religious on anything larger than standard though, it's too much a hassle as is.
I haven't answered, because while I only play on huge maps, I have an even spread of victory types.
Islands and naval domination is usually not too slow. A bunch of frigates are enough to win in a timely manner. I usually prefer smaller map sizes for loading times though.
I nearly always play Huge. I won Domination once (as Songhai, in Civ5). In Civ 6, I've only won Science or Culture. Never tried religious on anything larger than standard though, it's too much a hassle as is.

pretty much this
Only useful when playing with all civs in, even then I can't go over large size (usually the large Greatest Earth map on Ynamp). Playing with all civs in can be fun. I probably have an even split between Scientific, Conquest, and Cultural victories. I have only done religious victories a couple of times and those were on small and standard sized maps. Though technically I am winning a religious victories in my conquer every city in the world games, because when I play these, I often build a bunch of inquisitors and wipe out every religion but mine. I love seeing all those 0's for the number of cities following all the other religions but mine. It makes me feel proud. :) Then I build missionaries to put my religion in every city. I've had over 100 cities following my religion before.

My CPU and RAM are 9 years old, so not likely I can run huge maps very well, even if I do have an excellent video card.
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