Latest ATI Drivers

I am running civ4 at 9800 pro, but an old driver. No problems, EXCEPT it globbles 524Mb of ram at huge map. The game is so sluggerish (512mb in my system), HDD is always online. I am afraid to download any new drivers just because all picturs are in place, and this is not the case with you guys...

You all probably have problems with limited swap file or something like that. I have fixed swap file size of 1.5Gb on my system, so it swaps constantly, but does not stop responding, neither goes blank screen.

BTW, I seriously suspect that we have debug build of civ4. Either this is a mistake, a stolen build or just they couldn't avoid some access violation at Release build (newbies in engine programming face this many times).

Also, screenshots at this site DRASTICALLY differ from what I see in the game. First of all, I have purple background for the interface instead of silver buttons. Secondly, I saw no big-city views like some early screenshots. And finally, there is no number of turns shown until production in the city is completed. There is such number with my system, but I could find no such screenshot here.

What is going on? How many civs are there? Which one is final? Is there is a final civ version?

I am as furious as frustrated...
Aha.... 2kgames has yet another pack of screenshots, unlike anything else. Neither this site screenshots, nor those which I have with their 2Kgames release. Maybe this was a missed deadline issue with Firaxis, so they shipped last night build to retailers? ;) 11Mb executable gives me very suspicious feelings...
People... I have a top of the line computer with more RAM/SPEED/ROM etc etc etc... than most people do...and a Radeon 9800 Pro... This Damn game would lock up 3-5 minutes into it and kick me to a black screen and I'd have to reboot the whole computer. I tried Catalyst...that didn't work... I tried the old drivers 4.18...that didn't work...I tried moving that damn ART05 file or whatever and that didn't work... I tried re-installing, lower it... BUT... I didn't try this fix...

Go to desktop and click properties

Turn that damn thing off!! Under AGP speed... Take it down to off... Now that thing works great... MY GAME WORKS NOW BECAUSE OF THIS!!! :goodjob: I complained all over the place about how my Radeon 9800 Pro didn't work with the game...Tried EVERYTHING... all the fixes except for this one. And this one actually worked.... I played the Revolutionary War for the last hour with no crashes... Of course...I got my a$$ handed to me, but...I had fun and the game didn't crash... SPREAD THE WORD!! Now I'm not flipping out like I was before----> :mad:

Thanks to whoever found this... I forgot where the post was... Dammit! :confused:
At first I could not get my Civilization 4 game to run,I had the same error screen everyone else got,who has a ATI card(mine is X800XT)I went to the Civ 4 web site,and clicked on the ATI problem link,I followed the instructions exactly as stated,and now the game works like a charm.I also beforehand went to windows update and installed Microsoft net frame work,and its update,beforehand.I never had to do the unpack thing.Now this game is really done well,its unbelievable.Firaxis should be comended for making this game this good.I hope they help all of yous to get this going on your machine.MyKeill
Thrasher0723 said:
People... I have a top of the line computer with more RAM/SPEED/ROM etc etc etc... than most people do...and a Radeon 9800 Pro... This Damn game would lock up 3-5 minutes into it and kick me to a black screen and I'd have to reboot the whole computer. I tried Catalyst...that didn't work... I tried the old drivers 4.18...that didn't work...I tried moving that damn ART05 file or whatever and that didn't work... I tried re-installing, lower it... BUT... I didn't try this fix...

Go to desktop and click properties

Turn that damn thing off!! Under AGP speed... Take it down to off... Now that thing works great... MY GAME WORKS NOW BECAUSE OF THIS!!! :goodjob: I complained all over the place about how my Radeon 9800 Pro didn't work with the game...Tried EVERYTHING... all the fixes except for this one. And this one actually worked.... I played the Revolutionary War for the last hour with no crashes... Of course...I got my a$$ handed to me, but...I had fun and the game didn't crash... SPREAD THE WORD!! Now I'm not flipping out like I was before----> :mad:

Thanks to whoever found this... I forgot where the post was... Dammit! :confused:

This WORKED!****ING AWESOME!Thanks so much to whoever found this out.
And btw,i didn't un-and reinstall anything,just did that unpacking stuff.
I have the 5.10 catalyst drivers and a 9600XT.
I've only been having trouble with game speed. Late game was unbelievably laggy. Now I tried Rolling back to Omega 4.12. It really improved performance! I recommend this to anyone who wants a few extra FPS..
If you are considering rolling back to 4.12 make sure your video card is supported in that build. In my case, I have an ATI Radeon 345 IGP as part of my VAIO laptop. The 4.12 driver, either from Omega or ATI directly, doesn't seem to work. Which is a bummer. With any luck a patch will be out soon.
Sorry, could someone tell me the difference between the

- ATI Mobility Radeon 9000
and the

- ATI Mobility Radeon x600

Which of the two would be more suitable to play CIV4 in my laptop?
By doing so you made all your games to stick to video memory only. AGP allows to use system memory for textures with almost as high transfer speeds. Civ4 memory problem is about game data, not about textures, so by robbing AGP memory, you gave it more space - that's good for civ4. Other games with actually many textures (any year-2005-3D game which civ4 is not) will suffer dramatically from such settings.
Can anyone tell me which options I should be selecting / de-selecting:

Direct 3D:
- Wait for vertical sync (Y/N)
- Enable anti-aliasing (Y/N)
- Use palette based textures (Y/N)
- Table Fog Support (Y/N)

- Optimization Preference (Quality OR Performance)
- Convert 32 bit textures to 16 bit (Y/N)
- Enable page flipping (Y/N)
- Disable dithering when alpha blending (Y/N)
- Enable KTX buffer region extension (Y/N)
- Force 16-bit XBuffer (Y/N)
- Wait for vertical sync (Y/N)
- Level of Detail (Fuzzy <-----------> Sharp)

THANKS (this is for the ATI Rage Mobility 128)
ok i` got mine working perfectly - followed the instructions on the civ4 support website - ATI problem
Direct 3D:
- Wait for vertical sync (N)
- Enable anti-aliasing (N)
- Use palette based textures (N)
- Table Fog Support (Y)

- Optimization Preference (Performance)
- Convert 32 bit textures to 16 bit (N)
- Enable page flipping (Y)
- Disable dithering when alpha blending (Y)
- Enable KTX buffer region extension (Y)
- Force 16-bit XBuffer (N)
- Wait for vertical sync (N)
- Level of Detail (Middle)

These are tuned towards performance when effect is visible. Though, I doubt you'll see anything. This games renders trash without pixel shaders as I read somewhere else on this forum.
ATi Radeon 9800 Pro 128Mb. Though, it's the best piece of my hardware: P3 1.3Ghz (512Kb cache), 512Mb RAM. I am not still upgrading since it will require to buy everything and I usually get top-end when I do upgrade, so it will cost $600-800, I'm not ready right now, though I want it :)

I have fixed refresh rate of 85Hz for 1024x768 (my CRT monitor doesn't allow more with this resolution). Games sometimes fall back to 60Hz, but their dynamic picture does not hit my eyes as static windows picture would do.

With VSync off monitor refresh rate will not affect framerate in any matter. With VSync on it will be either your refresh rate (e.g. 100Hz, or half of it, e.g. 50Hz). Triple buffering allows to slide smoother with VSync on (e.g. 100-75-50Hz or close to that). Without VSync you may have any framerate value between 1 and infinity, with 1 frame per second increments.

The use for VSync is to solve bended edges, e.g. when you quickly turn 180 degree in first-person shooter, frames are too distant, so half of the screen sometimes appear with the old picture with another half with the new, and this "teared walls" effect long as long as you proceed with your quick-turn.

Also flashing lights in some games tend to lit only half of the image without VSync since another half is rendered within next time step when light is off in game scene.
All I mean is that with this:
Wait for vertical sync (N)
you shouldn't care about adapter default / optimal. The worst thing may happen is that you see nothing due to your monitor is incapable of default adapter refresh rate. That's too rare nowadays, especially with LCDs.
And finally, there is no number of turns shown until production in the city is completed. There is such number with my system, but I could find no such screenshot here.

Not sure how to quote here on this forum. Anyway, there is a setting that you can change to show turns of production and turns until growth for cities under options.

Civ 4 customer support. Take 2 and don't call me in the morning. :sad:
Yeah, I already found that... Just the first thing I usually do prior to 'new game' is options :) With civ4 it also was civilopedia.

Still I don't know origin of that silver interface on most screenshots here. Neither I see any way to toggle low-angle camera (except editing .py script responsible for camera motion).
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