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What files would we need to modify if we want the barrows in our own versions to grant some gold?
Another problem that comes under the bad luck department is having the Dirge built near your city. Again, the impact, especially on Epic/Marathon games, can be an early game over. Please delay the appearance of the Dirge in the slower speed games. :)

By the way, do you get anything for destroying the Dirge? I never have.
If I start with the Dirge I will simply reroll. Not just because of the skeletons, those are manageable, but normally having the Dirge near you means no seafood resource for a long time. While there is a way to defend from skeletons, there's no way to defend from the Dirge itself, and this is unfair IMO.
I have a small dream (personal trophy) to capture the Dirge with a boarding party or Guybrush. But in the late game it usually hides in the barbarian city (often with Acheron). Maybe I should give some way a Marksman promotion to the Guybrush?
If I start with the Dirge I will simply reroll. Not just because of the skeletons, those are manageable, but normally having the Dirge near you means no seafood resource for a long time. While there is a way to defend from skeletons, there's no way to defend from the Dirge itself, and this is unfair IMO.

I just move away from the sea. On the other hand, if one were playing Lanun, that would be pretty nasty.
In my most recent game, Elohim fractal, a lizardman killed three of my warriors defending my second city and sacked it before I could send reinfrocments. I think Lizardmen should be made to appear later in the game so that they do not cripple your early game. However. i also think that to replace them in the early game should be another weaker unit, to force you to kepp your defenses up, or increase the number of skeletons a barrow spawns.
In my most recent game, Elohim fractal, a lizardman killed three of my warriors defending my second city and sacked it before I could send reinfrocments. I think Lizardmen should be made to appear later in the game so that they do not cripple your early game. However. i also think that to replace them in the early game should be another weaker unit, to force you to kepp your defenses up, or increase the number of skeletons a barrow spawns.

What game speed were you playing at? It's unusual in the slower game speeds that you would get Lizardmen (unless you had a lot of quick spawning ruins nearby) attacking in numbers like that in the early game. I find the usual barb Lizardmen USUALLY appear in the game around the same time depending on game speed, but have seen them arrive a little earlier when it seems civ's have Hunters.

When the Lizardmen do appear, especially in raging barb games, a couple of Warriors with the Orcish promotion can normally hold them off. I am surprised to read that you had a single Lizardmen take out 3 Warrior defenders. Barbs don't normally wait to heal. They usually take damage, may get a promotion, but then attack immediately...and, usually die. That must have been one very nasty Lizardman to get you like that!
I was sure that Lizardmen don't have 'Orcish', so the Orcish promo wouldn't help.

All humanoid monsters have the orcish tag (goblins, lizardmen, ogres, orcs). It may be better to name it something else.
I was playing normal speed, and I had a start right by the jungle. He attacked my city and killed one, ran off to another side of my land, healed, returned and took out the other two. I never got any xp for promotions, so I started on hunting so my hunters could get him... Needless to say, I was to late.They razed the city and then left. The thing is, raging barbs was turned off... It's wierd
I was playing normal speed, and I had a start right by the jungle. He attacked my city and killed one, ran off to another side of my land, healed, returned and took out the other two. I never got any xp for promotions, so I started on hunting so my hunters could get him... Needless to say, I was to late.They razed the city and then left. The thing is, raging barbs was turned off... It's wierd

Wow, that is very unusual behavior in my experience. I don't ever recall a barb unit running off to heal and attack again. Shows some improved AI, but I haven't seen it.

Yes, a Warrior with the Orcish promotion stands a very good chance of defeating a Lizardman, especially if fortified in a city. That's why in raging barb games I always try to get Ancient Chants early on if I didn't start with it (besides being able to get Mysticism).
All humanoid monsters have the orcish tag (goblins, lizardmen, ogres, orcs). It may be better to name it something else.

But what would be a good name for these types of creatures? Goblins and Orcs can be considered related I guess, but Ogres feel more like Trolls. But still, more like Orcs than like humans I guess. Lizardmen however feels like their own kind of species.
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