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LK152 - the weak Venezuela

Oops--LK, you posted the beginning of your round, not the end.
Lets try attaching again.


  • LK152-650AD.SAV
    1 MB · Views: 176
I think in order for us to start a war, we have to get rid of the many units in our territory.

I guess blocking the land bridge between south and north might do the trick. They will start a retreat and once we cancel the RoP next turn, will be slowly crawling back for us to pick off the targets. We might want to provoke them into declaring by demanding they leave the territory next turn.

We have to be prepared though where we want to strike, which to me would clearly be the horse city. We need to get rid of their fast units first.
We can't get rid of there fast units. They have another horse city buried deep in there territory. I've seen several comments stuck on the border horse city, and getting rid of that will do nothing to stop fast units. This will be another war like vs Brazil where we need to start breaking there cities and drop production. Hopefully at some point, there production and defense will collapse like Brazil. We already have an advantage in they are falling behind in tehc.

Our best strike will be to shorten the borders. Why I want the island city, and our troops are near there northern most city. The south will be a headache, and that is why I have our mace army there, along trying to get some pikes down there.
* Why is Panama building a Treb when it has a Barracks?

Do some MM and then...
Hit 'enter' by mistake (rotten cat!)

Aztecs march across Central America

That's as far as I've gotten...I'm still not getting a sense of whether the team feels okay with immediate war with Argentina. After seeing the Aztecs push them back on the IBT, I'm inclined to attack in a turn or two.
I think we agreed on the push against Argentina.

And I would recommend to close of the connection between north and south to prevent disturbance of Aztec units
Oh well, if Tusker's cat has already hit Enter in 650 AD :lol: the details of this may be outdated, but in case it's generally helpful:

I think we can declare war on Argentina this turn (650 AD), before hitting Enter. We can destroy most of the units they've got on our soil and ignore some, and there's no reason to think they'll be on more convenient tiles in the future.

If we make full use of our bombardment assets and our knight armies, we should be able to destroy the eleven Argentine units on our coastal road between Whaledreams and Porto Velho in one turn without much loss to ourselves, although the attacks on the knight and pikeman next to Whaledreams will be trickiest.

It'll take longer for us to deal with the five units around Panama, but since they're spearmen and warriors, there won't be any danger as long as we move the pikeman from Caracas into Panama.

I second Rat's recommendation that we block the Isthmus of Panama so that the Aztecs won't get in our way.

As LK says, it would be good to raze and replace Neuquen early on to shorten our line, but this attack will need good bombardment support since the town is size-eight on a hill. It would be ideal to use both knight armies in the attack, but if one has to be rushed southeast to protect our cities on the main front, that takes priority.

We may have to permit some pillaging by musketmen and pikemen we can't prudently attack, especially on hills and mountains. This doesn't much matter and we shouldn't make bad attacks trying to prevent it.

Please note that Bariloche should be replaced after razing on the other tile on its island. Since we want some trebuchets for this attack and have limited shipping capacity, the settler needn't go on the first trip.

Fortaleza is very vulnerable to attack out of the fog and Campinas isn't, so Campinas's maceman should move to Fortaleza. I'd also rush Fortaleza's courthouse to get it out of the queue so that we can rush pikemen there, if necessary.

We should merge Three Banana up to size twelve after it completes its marketplace.

In choosing our builds, we should bear in mind that we don't have many settlers relative to the number of Argentine cities we'll be razing.
Partial report-

Neuquen and Bariloche have been replaced, and we have a third Knight army!

However, Nova Iguacu got taken by a Musket (attacked and killed a Knight, wtf?), and Manaus has had several tiles pillaged. I have a stack at Mar del Plata; it should fall in another 2-3 turns.
Thanks for the update, and good news about the knight army. :goodjob:

The pillaging doesn't matter at all.

Are we in a position to recapture Nova Iguacu?
Glad to hear the initial push made that much progress. I was fearing a repeat of Brazil with stuck initially.

I can't load the game at work, but did we leave one unit on the open tile on the island? That will keep it invasion free until marines, and we often end the game before then.

Pillaging is a pain, but if we can trade cities for pillaging we will come ahead quickly.

IIRC we can continue to move down the coast at least one more city getting the lines shorter yet.

We declare war on Argentina.
We bombard what we can...
MDI dies on Musket near Fortaleza 2/4 (0-1)
Knight kills Knight near Bele Horizonte 2/4 (1-1)
First Knight Army kills Musket 11/14
First Knight Army kills Spear 10/14
... kills LB 8/14 (4-1)
MDI kills Warrior 3/4 (5-1)

LB kills Spear near Whaledreams 6-1
Knight barely kills Pike 1/4 (7-1)

Knight barely kills Knight near Panama 1/4
Knight kills Spear 2/4
rMDI kills Warrior 2/3 (10-1)

Rush the Court in Fortaleza and a Knight in Salvador
Short-rush the Court in Nova Iguacu


Knight retreats at Porto Velho
Warrior dies on our MDI 11-1
Knight kills MDI 11-2
LB dies on Pike 12-2
MDI dies on Pike 13-2

Landing at Salvador
One Musket approaches Fortaleza.


Two Knights kill the MDIs that landed at Salvador
MDI army kills the Musket at Fortaleza 16-2
Knight Army kills the Knight at Porto Velho 17-2


Knight kills Pike at Manaus
LB kills Pike at Neuquen
Knight kills Pike at Fortaleza
Knight kills Pike at Manaus
Knight dies on Pike at El Amparo 17-7


MDI army kills 2 Knights at Manaus 19-7
Lose an eKnight to redlined Knight on a desert tile :wallbash: 19-8
New Knight from the capital kills it off 20-8
LB kills Pike near Coro 21-8
Knight kills Spear near Coro 22-8

We bombard and kill a Knight and LB near Neuqen 24-8
eKnight retreats from Musket at Nova Iguacu

I rush a bunch of Pikes near the front lines to beef up our numbers


Aztecs are completely out of our lands.
Brazil declares on America :crazyeye:
Knight retreats at Fortaleza
Knight attacks across the river...dies.
Knight attacks across the river...dies. 26-8
Knight attacks Pike on Treb stack near Neuquen...dies. 27-8
Knight attacks and kills MDI at Fortaleza. 27-9
Musket attacks Nova Iguacu :confused:, kills the Knight there...city lost :mad: 27-10
Pike pillages Iron near Manaus

Aztecs complete Bach.


Bombardments all fail at Neuquen
Knight kills Musket at Nova Igaucu 28-10
Maceguards kills Spear and retakes our city 29-10
One resister. Great.


Americans want alliance vs. Egypt and RoP. Nope!
We lose the northern Galley to a Privateer 29-11
Knight retreats at Fortaleza
Knight dies at Fortaleza 30-11
Knight dies at Manaus 31-11
Knight kills Sword at Manaus 31-12
Knight retreats at Manaus

Two Trebs hit
Knight dies 31-13
Knight kills Musket 32-13
Knight dies :wallbash: 32-14

3Trebs, 1 Cat hit
Second Knight Army kills 2 Muskets 34-14

Knight kills stray Knight near Fortaleza 35-14

First Knight Army kills 2 Knights and a Pike near Manaus 38-14


Songhai want to trade TMs; they're willing to throw 2 gold into the deal.

Two Knights attack Porto Velho; one retreats, the other kills an MDI there 38-15


5 Trebs and 1 cat hit, redlining both defenders
2 Knights kill redlined Muskets; city razed! 40-15
We get three slaves from it.

The remaining cats redline a Musket next to our stack.

Porto Velho:
Knight Army kills 4/5 Knight 41-15
eMDI kills redlined Knight 42-15

MDI dies on Knight 42-16


Knight dies on our Knight at the ruins 43-16
MDI dies on our Knight 44-16
Knight kills our Pike on the mountain near Porto Velho 44-17
Knight kills Pike near Manaus 44-18
Knight dies on our redlined eKnight at ruins 45-18
Knight kills our Knight near Manaus 45-19
LB kills our eKnight 45-20

America builds Shakes


2/3 Trebs hit
eKnight kills Musket; Bariloche is razed! 46-20
Isla de Peces founded on the other tile; building Harbor

First Knight Army kills Knight next to Porto Velho 47-20
Second Knight Army kills Musket on the ruins 48-20
eMDI kills the LB there 49-20

Mar del Plata-
3 Treb/Cat hits

Bochinche founded near Valley of the Green.
We buy a Worker from America for WM + 94 gold.
Germany gives their WM + 11g
China gives WM + 3g
France gives WM + 2gpt + 24g
Russia gives TM + 18g
Australia gives WM + 7g
India gives WM + 1gpt + 1g
Sioux only give TM + 20g
Persia gives WM + 34g
Songhai give WM + 5g + 4gpt
Aztcs give 24g
Egypt gives WM + 4g

I rush several Pikes since we'll get Salt next turn.


The rampaging American forces have destroyed the Brazilian! :D

Knight dies on Pike at Fortaleza 50-20
Knight lands at Salvador


Curiapo founded on the ruins of Neuquen

LB kills loose Knight 51-20
eMDI kills loose LB...Leader! 52-20
Knight kills loose redlined Musket 53-20
Knight kills another redlined Musket 54-20

Knight kills Knight at Salvador 55-20

MDI army kills loose Musket 56-20
First Knight Army kills loose Knight 57-20

Mar del Plata-
2/4 Treb/cats hit
Lose a Knight attacking a Musket 57-21


Knight kills Pike in Fortaleza 57-22
Knight retreats
Knight kills ePike in Manaus :mad: 57-23
Knight kills Knight and seizes Manaus :mad: 57-24
Knight dies on our mar del Plata stack 58-24


Maceguards kills Knight in the open 59-24
Maceguards kills Spear in Manaus 60-24
First Knight Army kills Knight to retake Manaus 61-24

new Knight Army kills Musket near Campo Grande... 62-24
MDI kills Pike 63-24
eKnight dies to Musket :( 63-25
eKnight kills Musket 64-25
Second Knight Army kills Musket 65-25

Rush/short-rush a lot of units/improvements


Mountain pike near Curiapo:
Knight retreats
Knight retreats
Knight kills Pike 65-26
Knight retreats from Fortaleza


First and Second Knight armies kill 1 Knight each near Fortaleza 67-26
Treb stack goes 2/4 at Mar del Plata.

Several deals expired on the IBT; we lost Gems, Ivory, and Horses, along with about 75gpt. I'll leave the trading to the next player.

Note that Argentina has been landing troops at Salvador; the Knights in El Amparo are good for handling that nonsense. The Knight at Blanco Bay is heading that way to help guard the beaches there, too (just leave Salvador and the tile 1N empty, and they'll probably keep landing there).



  • LK152-750 AD.SAV
    1.1 MB · Views: 133
Good riddance to Brazil. Glad the mystery settler is finally gone.

I suspect the next round will still be tough. The loss ratio is a lot higher than fighting Brazil. The good news is one mainland city is gone. Hopefully we can keep inching down the coast killing the production of Argentina.

Northern Pike (up)
Greebley (on deck)
Some savage attacks on the interturn, clearly. Good work pushing through that. :goodjob:

I've got it. I can play tonight but probably not on Wednesday or Thursday, so a quick turnaround isn't likely.
@NP - any updates?
I'm almost finished, and the military part has gone well. The only bad news is that I found that our trade reputation is wrecked, and no one will take our gpt in ordinary deals. We can work around this by conducting deals in which we need to give gpt as peace renegotiations; it just takes more planning and attention.

I should mention that my home Internet connection is malfunctioning, and this is the first time I've been able to get online in over twenty-four hours. If I haven't posted by Monday evening, that will be the reason.
Ugg - sounds like something got screwed up when we started the Argentina war. Perhaps we didn't cancel the RoP.

I really hate peace negations for tech...
I believe we started the Argentine war cleanly, but when we briefly lost Nova Iguacu to that unusual musket-on-knight attack reported by Tusker in 680 AD, our agreement to send furs to Persia was broken.
IIRC the game tells you who we screwed. Pretty annoying if a whacko attack cost us that badly.
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