Longbow attack V2

Attack with the full-strength keshik before EOT?

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Retired Moderator
Feb 2, 2003
Arizona, USA (it's a dry heat)
Should we attack the longbow with the full-strength Keshik, before end of turn, using a single attack move so as to get 67% odds, notwithstanding the results of any previous poll?


2 days, public.

From the Constitution:

Inadvertent discovery of information shall not result in any penalty, provided no attempt is made to further disseminate the information or use it to advantage within the game.
I would appreciate it if the citizens respected the law and do not discuss any illegally obtained information.
Hehehehe Daveshack, I will not be the one brining you to court, just a friendly reminder you wrote "Attack with the full-strength longbow before EOT?", I guess you meant "Attack with the full-strength keshik, Boyan Chargers" before EOT?" (I prefer we use the exact unit name in the future to avoid to confuse polls).

For public service, "informing the concerned citizens", I recommend mentioning that the unit got a Combat I and Formation promotion.
Thank you for pointing out that mistake. I request a moderator edit the poll for correctness.

Done - Dave

Edit: The unit hasn't actually been renamed, and I prefer not to use long names when a non-ambiguous short reference is possible. :p
It has indeed been renamed, Joe had a pre-turn session where he changed the names. So for the purposes of polling, that is the most informative thing you can do, that and the promotions it has.
On the subject of this poll...

Are we really going to make the worst possible in-game move because one person broke the DG rules and then a bunch of other people broke the same rules by discussing what the first person wrote?

Or are we going to play a game of civ, and make the correct move for the situation?

If you want to play civ, then vote a resounding yes in this poll.
Umm, to some of us playing civ means not reloading. Vote no in this poll. Reloading is a :nono:
It's only "reloading" (to gain advantage) if making that move affects what you would have done. In this case it does not have any such affect. If your child jostles your arm while moving a unit and it lands on the wrong square, do you reload? I do, in that situation.

If you distinguish between deliberate reloading to gain an advantage from reloading to repair an innocent mistake, then vote yes.
EOT=End of Turn?

Voted yes by the way.
Or are we going to play a game of civ, and make the correct move for the situation?

If you want to play civ, then vote a resounding yes in this poll.

I want to play civ, but I also want to play it by the rules of this game. Your suggesting otherwise.

Umm, to some of us playing civ means not reloading.

I agree 100%.

It's only "reloading" (to gain advantage) if making that move affects what you would have done.

This is your personal opinion on the definition. Many of us define it in a more strict sense, while others possibly define it in a more loose sense. If this game were submitted to the HOF, it would be considered as "Reloading/Replaying of Turns".
To me it does occasionally but I understood right from the start that the demogames are played without ever loading at all. Maybe a good point to mention in the Constitution though?!
If we played a legal move and then decided we didn't want to, and reloaded, I'd be among the first to call foul.

An illegal move simply doesn't happen at all. If we followed the example of previous DGs (and there were incidents BTW) then we would expunge all references to the illegal action, and play on.

There have been several instances where a DP experienced an "equipment malfunction" and reloaded without mentioning or using any info from the malfunction. There has been a case where a DP forgot to make one of the moves and hit EOT, and a settler died as a result. We played on. There were even cases where the game was started with the wrong options, and we created a new game. (that was me btw :blush:) We've even had a DP play with a wrong version of the game (!!!), and continued because several turns were in the books by the time it was discovered.

The standard we have followed was to avoid gaining advantage.
And the odds are, about 30 %, just letting you know what decision you just made, gotten info from Conroe.
If we played a legal move and then decided we didn't want to, and reloaded, I'd be among the first to call foul.

An illegal move simply doesn't happen at all. If we followed the example of previous DGs (and there were incidents BTW) then we would expunge all references to the illegal action, and play on.

There have been several instances where a DP experienced an "equipment malfunction" and reloaded without mentioning or using any info from the malfunction. There has been a case where a DP forgot to make one of the moves and hit EOT, and a settler died as a result. We played on. There were even cases where the game was started with the wrong options, and we created a new game. (that was me btw :blush:) We've even had a DP play with a wrong version of the game (!!!), and continued because several turns were in the books by the time it was discovered.

The standard we have followed was to avoid gaining advantage.

With the exception of the restart, every example you cite is one where the incorrect moves were accepted. Your own arguements show the democracy game tradition is to accept moves that are made even if those moves are unauthorized, illegal, or just plain dumb. I see no reason why the current designated player's move should not be accepted as well.
With the exception of the restart, every example you cite is one where the incorrect moves were accepted. Your own arguements show the democracy game tradition is to accept moves that are made even if those moves are unauthorized, illegal, or just plain dumb. I see no reason why the current designated player's move should not be accepted as well.

Did we follow the play ahead when "person x" went 20-30 turns ahead and posted what would happen, and then Chieftess removed all the evidence to another secure location and posted a modly "forget what you saw here"? Most people had no clue what she was talking about, we just agreed that we would forget it. I've forgotten it so thoroughly that all I have left is a memory that it happened. No idea who it was or what the illegal information was.

Anyway, we're following what the people choose. Most voting is over, so we could give it a rest and play some civ. For example I'm hoping to hear my HOF submission will be on one of the (fairly obscure) top-10 tables. :D
eeeh . This is merely pointing out the appropriate game technical odds. WE have made Conroes laboratory test and we got the battle calculator. This should not be confused with some 20-30 turns of playing ahead. This is pre-turn research.

It is 30 % odds, so this poll is tainted and misleading, from what we know now.
An illegal move simply doesn't happen at all. If we followed the example of previous DGs (and there were incidents BTW) then we would expunge all references to the illegal action, and play on.

I think, there is no illegal move. The player has the duty to take a move and that is the move (unique). That is the prerogativ of the DP.
Reloading is not my wish in civ.
We have proceeded past this point in the game. It was a good debate and made a big difference in the participation level. Let's direct that energy to the next play session.
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