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Lost: The Mod


Never mind...
Jan 7, 2003
So about a week ago, I decided to sit down and make a map of the Island from the television show Lost, mostly out of boredom. After playing around a bit and some thinking, I began to realize that this wasn't enough for me. Further thinking allowed me to come to the conclusion that a mod was actually pretty doable. As of right now, I have four scenarios planned. this is basically what I'm thinking:

Scenario I: Seasons 1-3

Factions: The Survivors, The Others, The Dharma Initiative (defunct)

Game Play: The Survivors of Flight 815 have just crash landed on the Island and are in a locked war versus the Others. The primary goal of the Survivors is to survive long enough and acquire enough supplies to secure their rescue (possibly a variation of a spaceship or victory point victory?). The Others have substantially more units available to them and have the goal of defeating or capturing the survivors. As the Survivors, the player must explore the island to acquire resources to survive and escape. They start in two locations on opposite sides of the island (the tail section and the middle section of the plane) and will find these quickly coming under attack. Former Dharma Initiative stations exist around the Island as cities that can be captured to help give supplies needed for the victory. The survivors will not be able to build units save for rafts, however, the units they are given at the start are quite powerful and diverse. The Others have the goal of eliminating the Survivors and capturing units to bring back to their home base. Most of the Others’ units have invisibility and/or hidden nationality to help them infiltrate Survivors territory.

Scenario II: Season 4

Factions: The Survivors, The Others, Widmore Industries (the Mercenary Team), The Dharma Initiative (defunct)

Game Play: After making contact with a mysterious freighter off the coast, the Survivors and the Others have formed a tenuous truce in order to deal with the arrival of a violent mercenary team sent by Charles Widmore to kill everyone on the island. In this scenario, the Others and Survivors are in a locked alliance versus the Mercenary Team which has extremely powerful units, but is forced to bring them in from off of the coast. The goal of this scenario is to defeat the mercenary team through either military means or by moving the Island (probably represented by a point victory or diplomatic victory of some sort).

Scenario III: Season 5

Factions: The Survivors, The Others, The Dharma Initiative

Game Play: After having returned to the island, the Survivors have now found themselves trapped back in the 1970s. The Dharma Initiative is alive and well, while the Others are plotting their takeover of the Island. The goal of the Survivors is secure their means to travel back to their own era, all the while trying to maintain peace with aggressive and distrusting factions of the Others and the Dharma Initiative. The Dharma Initiative seeks to secure the valuable energy sources below the Island, while the Others won’t stand for anything less than complete control of the Island.

Scenario IV: Season 6

Factions: The Survivors, The Others, Widmore Industries, The Man in Black's Faction

Game Play: Having returned back to the modern day, the Survivors find themselves in the middle of a war for control of the Island. The Man in Black (the Monster) has formed his own faction and seeks to find a way to escape. Meanwhile, Charles Widmore has arrived with another Mercenary team to fight the Man in Black. The Others maintain a much weakened presence in their temple, hoping to simply survive the coming conflict.


The Map: The map is completed and can be found in the completed maps section here: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=462897

Resources: I think I have compiled all the resources I need. I have made a few myself and taken some from Gojira54's excellent collection as well. Currently we have: Dharma supplies, hydrogen bomb, the Heart of the Island*, electromagnetism*, shark, Other's Camp, mahi-mahi, tools, waterfall, birds, the beechcraft plane wreck*, medicinal herbs, poison gas, medical supplies, four-toed statue, Oceanic plane wreckage, the Black Rock ship wreck, stone, fish, lumber, luggage, mangoes, bananas, crab, dynamite, temple, wild boar, survivor's camp, polar bear, pineapple, rabbits, coconuts, regeneration pool, alcohol, papayas, bamboo

*indicates I'm not happy with the current one, and looking for something better.

Units: Currently I have no units downloaded for this, though I imagine at least few that I need already exist. In addition to preferably several different civilian units (male and female), I'll need a ship/freighter that has helicopter landing area, poison gas, polar bears, a van, a special ops type unit, a motorboat, a canoe, a bamboo raft. The only unit that probably will probably need to be made specifically for this scenario is the Smoke Monster, if someone would be willing to make it. I would like to have different units for all the major characters, but I doubt that's going to happen and thus a mixture of civilianish units will have to do.

Cities: Because virtually every "city" in the game looks entirely very different, representing everything from small villages to bunkers, I think I'm going to use symbols representing factions in place of city graphics. Most of everything else will be represented in the form of overlay and resources. Currently I'm using the Oceanic Symbol to represent the Survivors, the Dharma logo to represent the Dharma Initiative, an Ankh to represent the Others, a "W" logo from Widmore industries to represent Widmore and the Mercenaries, and nothing yet for the Man in Black. I'm not terribly satisfied with any of these icons (especially the Ankh for the others, really looking for better ideas here) but they will pass for now.

Spoiler :

Tech Tree and Improvements: I have some idea here, but my experience with editing them is fairly minimal. I'm thinking these will represent developments within the show more than actual "techs" per se. Basically things like finding the guns, setting up a medical station and things of that nature. Ideas here are very welcome.

Leader heads: I'm just going to go with static images for this. Animated leader heads would have such limited use that it would be rather stupid for someone to bother making them.

So, Anyone have any thoughts or questions? All ideas are more than welcome. I really could use some help with this, if only someone just to bounce ideas off of.
I'm having quite a bit of trouble coming up with non-miltary looking units. I thought there were a lot more. I don't think I'll end up using all of these, but as of right now I have:

Corporate Executive
Female Marine
Modern Resistor
Pencil Thrower
Spunky Kid
Tomb Raider

Does anyone know of any good ones I'm missing? I particularly want people not in uniforms, and not wearing suits. Basically people that look like they could be walking out on the street.
Looks excellent.
By the way, Desmond could be an immobile unit in a Dharma initiative that can be captured/upgraded by whoever finds him first. Same for that French woman(it's been a while since I've watched the show, can't remember her name) in her hideaway.

And how about loads of Barbarian animals, like Polar bears, etc.

Speaking of which, there is also that dog that could be on the survivors side.

I'm also trying to think of other factions that could make things more interesting. Wasn't there a 4-person squad (only name I can remember of them is Farraday), that they all died because of time-travel after effects? Could/Should they be included in a scenario?

Sorry for just listing ideas of the top of my head...And for being vague.
Looks excellent.
By the way, Desmond could be an immobile unit in a Dharma initiative that can be captured/upgraded by whoever finds him first. Same for that French woman(it's been a while since I've watched the show, can't remember her name) in her hideaway.

That's a good idea for Desmond. I actually was going to start him a bit from the camp in his sail boat, but I think this works better. At least for the first scenario. In the second and fourth one he'll probably start with the survivors. I think the French Woman (Rousseau) was just going to be a barbarian in the first scenario, possibly with the survivors in the second. I was watching some early episodes for ideas on Netflix last night, and she fought with the survivors as much as the others.

And how about loads of Barbarian animals, like Polar bears, etc.

I intended for this, only I can't seem to find a polar bear unit, despite the fact I remember seeing one. I must have been thinking of the panda units, or the other grizzly bear unit. A recolor might be nice, if someone could do it.

Speaking of which, there is also that dog that could be on the survivors side.

Yep. Already got that one covered.

I'm also trying to think of other factions that could make things more interesting. Wasn't there a 4-person squad (only name I can remember of them is Farraday), that they all died because of time-travel after effects? Could/Should they be included in a scenario?

If I made them separate, they would be included in the second scenario and in a locked alliance with the survivors and others. In the third scenario (the one set in the 70s because of time travel) they would just be grouped with the survivors.

Sorry for just listing ideas of the top of my head...And for being vague.

No problem at all. At the moment I'm playing around in the editor trying out some different concepts. Despite the map and some graphics being done, this is still very much in the "idea" stage.

Anyways, I'm still looking for a good generic male "survivor" unit. Someone not uniformed. The Lara Croft unit is currently functioning as several female characters.
Here's an updated look at the Beach Camp, from in the editor.

Looking good! Will their be improvements like irrigation/gardens as well?
Looking good! Will their be improvements like irrigation/gardens as well?

That was my thought was making irrigation into gardens, while I might make mines into houses or camps. If you remember in the show, they had several camps for hunting, fishing, cutting wood, collecting stone, etc, so some sort way to represent economic exploitation of the land certainly makes sense.

The only problem with irrigation being gardens is that it relatively small and limited. I suppose I'll only allow it on a certain terrain type that is rare.
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