(1725) In general, if two workers are in the same squares, it's to your benefit to have them doing the same thing -- it finishes faster and you can get benefits from it faster. In this case, it doesn't really matter, as the square will never be worked.
You overdid the lux tax. The revolt rule is that a city will revolt if the number of unhappy citizens is greater than the number of happy ones -- content ones don't matter for revolt purposes. 2 happy and 2 unhappy is just fine.
Whipping the temple in Allegheny is a capital crime, however. Allegheny is a first-ring city, and, as such, has very low corruption rates. The 20 shields you saved now would have been recovered in 20 turns by that citizen and then a whole magnitude of more shields would have been created. The loss of one person cuts the productivity of Allegheny for countless turns to come. This isn't some corrupt outer colony, this is a core city and you needlessly whipped it. Big-time waste.
It's even more tragic than that. Allegheny already had one whip memory of unhappiness. You've now created TWO unhappy citizens for the next 40 turns. The costs of that will be immense -- in either MP, lost productivity, lux tax, or some combination of all of these. Definitely

deserving a large number of

and other such reprisals.
(1675) The temple in OS can definitely wait, so it should wait. A barracks can find use immediately, as can a granary, or a worker. A temple, though, has little use in the immediate future. Not a good choice.
(1650) When considering that question, ask how much (if any) the difference in shields actually makes. A city with 5 shields and a city with 6 shields will each finish a spear (20 shields) in 4 turns. But 6 to 7 cuts off a full turn. Examine the sitauation. Later, when such calculations become tedious, shoot for multiples of 10 (or at least 5) for shield counts, as ALL units/buildings/etc. cost a multiple of 10 shields. Food is important, too, though. In this case, with the faster growth, it's almost certainly worth working the grassland.
(1625) City strength of core cities is very important -- possibly moreso than getting a colony/second-ring city founded a few turns earlier. Notably, NF can grow faster the larger it is (up to a point), and the longer that's delayed, the harder it hits.
Not buying math in that situation is definitely the correct move to make.
(1600) Definitely keep Catt on growth! Why build a temple? Minsk isn't putting any cultural pressure on. A worker for the nice cow and grass makes much more sense. OK, the temple gets a second cow in range, so it's not outlandish, but the worker will have better benefit sooner than the temple.
Sala is fine with 2 happy, 1 content, 2 unhappy. All that matters is that (# happy) >= (# unhappy). This is wasting gold every turn -- gold we can ill afford to lose.
The tech deals you made look OK to me. ~$40/tech isn't a BAD price. Too bad we couldn't sell Poly again. Que sera, sera.
Why just a RoP with Russia? India had cash to spend (after we paid them for Poly), so you should've done the embassy/RoP with them, too.
(1575) You're lucky the 2/1/2 is fine in Sala, because the temple due next turn in Sala wouldn't be completed if it went into disorder. Happiness is checked first, then food/growth, then shields/commerce. A building doesn't help with happiness until the turn AFTER it is completed. A wasted turn in Sala here would have bad repurcussions.
Ah...you did India this turn. Good thing they didn't spend all that cash.
(1550) Granary is fine in Sala, as would a spear be. Ideally, we'd've built the granary 20 turns ago and could slip in the occasional worker from Sala without affecting growth much. We still can, though, so I'm not arguing. A worker, too, would make sense here.
(1525) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whipping two more cities? With things that can wait? And one second-ring and one first-ring city? NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!! Those extra citizens would more than make up for the 20 shields saved in the near future. That puts a serious crimp in the growth curves of both cities, for VERY VERY limited gains. Horrible, horrible, terrible move. About as unspeakably bad as the whip in A. Tragic, really.
I really should rant about this for about 10 pages to let you know how bad it is -- how much it hurts. But I just don't have the energy today.
(1500) I realize it will be vetoed, but NF should not be building a warrior! I'll say it again -- NF should be building workers, settlers, or a granary. NOTHING else makes sense there. It's got food -- use it! Capitalize on that city's strength, don't make it suffer through weaknesses. We need workers and settlers en masse and NF is the best city to fill that need.
Mining the bonus grass was the RIGHT thing to do -- it would be used RIGHT now if you hadn't wasted a citizen whipping a temple that wasn't really needed. Instead of OS at size 2, with 4 shields, it's size one with 2 or 3. This is the inherent waste of your whip. And that shortage will continue for probably hundreds of turns in OS. Terribly short-sighted and painful. Yet, you question the wise move without considering the horrible effects of the

. Truly, the weed has you fully in its grasp.
Don't fortify workers!!! They're frightfully hard to notice like that. Just end without him moved if you really don't want to decide. If the square is partially worked, though, it should at least get a road so that it's a valuable square when used. Otherwise, it wastes a worker turn moving off and a later worker turn moving back on to build the necessary road.
Future growth is what the early game is all about. The usefulness of that bonus grass square to OS is high. Our need for iron right now is low. No, it's not a bad move to get the iron nearly ready for use, but it's not an essential, immediate need either.
Other notes:
- I would've attacked the barb camp in the north. The longer it sits there, the more likely it is to spawn 25 horsies to mow us down. No, it's not an ideal attack, but it's probably worth making, since the barb camp is, I believe, on flat ground (use Ctl-Shift-M to make certain).
- Not sure about the red dots -- they're a ways out from our core area and I think we could get 4 cities better positioned with a bit of effort.
- Tonawanda is in a HORRIBLE location. Why did you choose there instead of one NW of where it is? One NW gives not much more overlap, sea access, and less wasted tiles near the core of our empire. Definitely a weedy decision.
City management: F (whip, whip, whip, pithy micro in Sala missed, warrior ordered in NF, wasted lux tax)
Military: B- (not much to report -- missed an attack opportunity)
Techs: B (You didn't panic on math and got it part and parcel with Poly)
Diplo: A (embassies and RoP with most nations -- plus gold, very good)
City placement: D (wastes good tiles for no perceptible benefit)
Overall: F (the whips override pretty much everything else)