LotR 3 - Emperor Training


Welcome. Join on in. I'll put you in the official rotation soon. Please read the first few posts carefully in this thread and the shadow thread
http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=21474 before deciding for sure. This is kind of an odd format.

We are down to essentially one turn/week, because that's all I can keep up with. That's kinda slow, but it gives plenty of time to consider moves carefully.

Welcome aboard!
(0) 550 - I would like to change Sala off of Colosseum, but the price for Monotheism is still out of this world, so I wait. I do notice a new gray border west of our continent, so I dial up Ghandi and give WM + 11 gold for his WM. I want to see what's out there. It's just a small island, but never underestimate the value of intelligence information.

I put a NF citizen on floodplain from the desert, because growth is always important. Allegheny has its citizen from a mountain and an unimproved grassland both go to gold mountains, costing no food nor shields but gaining a slew of gpt. OS citizen moved from unimproved grass to silk grassland. St. R citizen moved from forest to irrigated plains to encourage growth.

I then move on to my first turn.... In SGs, it's always critical to review at the beginning of your turn (and good practice to review at the end, but to not change too much, noting what might be available).

(I) Egypt connects a luxury for us with a road -- thanks! Stevetown completes temple, begins harbor.

(1) 530 - Most workers continue where they are -- roading a mined square, mining a roaded square, roading first by Sala because I'm not sure whether shields or food will be more important next. I even road the forest by Catt, as it's a good shield source, but the commerce bonus is necessary. (Catt is OK on food for now -- needing an aqueduct) Settle heads for hill NW of iron. Worker moves off of iron mountain to let the Russian pair pass back south, if they so desire.

I check in with Egypt to see if there's any chance we have a trade route. Probably we will, once we get the harbor in Stevetown down, we'll be set. Can't afford full-price rushing at this point.

(I) Russians continue retreat, Egypt looks like it might be offering more free labor. Sala completes Colosseum, begins settler, amazingly enough. It's still high growth and we have one area yet I'd like to lock up.

(2) 510 - Worker by NF continues to next flood plain. Two workers by St. R. go north to hill on route to new city. One heads south to mountains to road faster route south. There are probably better places for him, but I like quick troop reinforcements.

Settler moves again, into final position. Worker by MC west to grass there (mostly en route to Centralia). Other workers are obvious.

Harbor in Stevetown too expensive to rush-buy. It should connect our mainland with the luxuries AND connect us to Egypt's trade network. Egypt has horses. I'm very interested. I just can't afford it yet.

Egypt has Monarchy and Monotheism. So does India. China has neither. Russia just has Monotheism. To buy or not to buy.... I want to rush the harbor in Stevetown ASAP. Monarchy, we can probably do just fine without. Monotheism is on the track to a TON of techs, but I don't want to spring for it just now. I grimace but wait.

(I) Moscow completes GL. Cascade to Oracle and Hanging Gardens and Great Wall and Lighthouse. Oy! At least that might end the cascade soon. I much prefer seeing the AI waste a ton of shields, but... This also heightens my resolve to crush Russia. The Great Library can save a ton of cash. That, and building a ton of wonders leaves few shields for anything else!

(3) 490 - Scout continues "pushing" Russian settler pair south. Akwesasne founded NW of iron hill. It has some potential but mainly locks up our land from prying AI. Temple ordered. Workers nearby start roading and MC looks to get a new mine.

Still can't afford a harbor in Stevetown but we will be able to next turn if we don't waste our cash.

(I) Sala completes settler, begins sword (hoping to change to MW if it can be swung). OS completes granary and begins marketplace.

(4) 470 - Worker by Sala irrigates, as I would like to work hills to get even more shields. Sala at 20 shields/turn would be nice. 18 is a good number for knights, too. Settler from there heads for last "open" square on our lands, N and a little east of GR.

Stevetown purchases harbor for a SLEW of gold, hopefully giving us access to another luxury and lux/resource trade next turn.

Errant NF citizen put BACK on floodplain again -- cuts growth time in half. Catt citizen moved from forest to mined grass for no loss in true shields but faster growth.

(I) Egypt connects another ivory for us -- thanks, Cleo! GR completes harbor and begins courthouse. Stevetown completes harbor, begins walls (this area will probably be a hotbed if/when we go to war with Egypt -- something we want to strenuously avoid at this point) and experiences a cultural growth. Russians begin Sistine Chapel, meaning they at least have theology.

(5) 450 - First things first, what new trade options do we have? Just Egypt. But Cleo has two extra horses. She says it'll cost ivory and incense to get horses, WM and 7 gold. Hmmm... What else can I swing? Ivory, incense, and 1 gpt gets horses and furs? That sounds much nicer. Getting a tech makes the deal too expensive, but horses are critical for us. I make this deal. It costs us all our extra luxuries right now, but the horses are the weighing factor. Extra happiness via luxuries isn't to be overlooked lightly, either.

Only one unit moves -- a worker who mines a bonus grass by Allegheny. Of course, with rented horses, I have to reevaluate builds. Sala, at least needs changing.

Boy, I wish other cities needed changing. As it is, we're getting one MW every other turn from Sala, the only city I changed. It's a start but there's still a LONG ways to go.

(I) Sala completes MW and begins another. Russians start Hanging Gardens -- at least they're not building a ton of troops.

(6) 430 - Workers by All split -- one moving to an unimproved grass, the other to the gold hills. All is going to need an aqueduct soon, to use all these squares, but it's a good thing to be prepared, IMO.

Lux tax is reduced to zero. Should've done that last turn. That's $26 up in :smoke:. Sigh. Sala now bears VERY close watching, however, as it is on the brink of revolt.

(I) T completes temple and begins Aqueduct.

(7) 410 - Worker by OS heads to newly cultured silks to get another lux online for trading. Scouts sees regular spear defending Tblisi. Worker by A roads to prepare square for later development. One on gold hill begins mining. More forest by Catt ready for roading. First MW reachs Catt.

Two warriors in Catt upgraded to swords.

A few stray citizens sent to better squares to work. Some of these are true improvements (citizen in A moved from unimproved bonus grass to fully improved non-bonus grass) and others are just tweaks as production/growth doesn't depend on their location.

China's inability to raise any cash has prevented techs from being fully shopped. It's annoying, as the costs are still high. We're at 125 gold, but some of that is ear-marked for other buys/upgrades. No easy answers here. At least nobody has feudalism yet.

(I) Apologize to Russia and promise to withdraw. Sala MW->MW chain. Rome completes Oracle (off-continent. Hmmm...Rome and Persia -- hope they've beaten each other to a pulp.)

(8) 390 - Move worker to silks -- will clear and then road. A warrior is sent as a protector. Worker by GR moves to other incense to get it online ASAP. Now that we have some trade options, those 2nd/3rd/4th luxes online becomes much more important.

SHOOT! Egypt has Feudalism -- that means the others probably do, too. India doesn't, but China has all three techs we can see we're lacking. CURSES!

I buy Feudalism from China for WM, 8 gpt, and 175 gold. Cash would be nicer, but if I'm gonna leverage this into Monotheism, too, I gotta move NOW. This can't wait. (In general, paying cash is cheaper than gpt. But the window of using Feudalism as a bartering chip will disappear in a heartbeat if I don't take it now.)

Monotheism STILL costs Feudalism, 3 gpt, and WM. Errr...actually Feudalism, 2gpt, 2 gold, and WM. That's a little cheaper. Two techs for 11 gpt and 178 gold. Almost adequate. We're now only behind in Theology and Monarchy. Russia's the ONLY one with Theology, though, so it's not too bad. Our income is still 72 gpt -- not shabby.

(I) Big cascade. English (York) finish Great Wall. Egypt moves a chariot near Stevesville. I hope and pray they're not coming after us. Wall will be rushed next turn regardless, though. It's scary down there.

(9) 370 - Worker near Sala on a hill begins to mine. Sala's shield output is getting important. Tyendenaga, a fishing village, is formed. Harbor begun immediately. Walls are bought in Steveville. I really don't want to fight the Egyptians at this point.

GR citizen given a brief break from fishing to work a forest to get one extra shield. Growth will occur in one turn either way, but it helps the courthouse along a bit. And Tye gets that fish, of course, to grow more rapidly. More tile borrowing going on here. Could bear close watching.

(I) Sala MW->MW. Sala is getting close to the point where it can return/give some high food squares to NF. The main problem is that Sala still needs a few more developed squares around it to make the return worthwhile. Then NF can resume the worker brigade, as we're still quite short in that area. All completes marketplace, begins MW. I would like to get an aqueduct there, but we might only get 20 turns of horses and I want to take full advantage of that while we can. Stevetown's walls complete (no Egyptians IN our cultural radius -- just close) and it begins building a worker.

Thebes completes Hanging Gardens. Other civs cascade to Lighthouse and Sun-Tzu.

(10) 350 - Another MW heads for Catt, to be near the front if/when festivities begin. Scout is nearing that area, too, to play recon man (spears or pikes in Russian cities?)

Hey -- Russia and China are now on the road network, too. More trade opportunities. China needs iron -- the sooner we can get our second source hooked up, the sooner we can export it for some serious value. We have no extra luxuries at this point, and I'm leery of trading away a source, as we would have happiness problems were I to do so (it sometimes pays to trade away your only source of a luxury for 20 turns -- the payoff can be worth it, depending on relative civ size). Once the next incense and the second silk are attached, we can start looking at that more seriously.

One Sala citizen is made into a taxman. He has no good place to work and luxury taxes cost a LOT more than just making him do something else. Once Sala grows to size 12, that one guy will have to become an entertainer. Yeah, a cathedral might be necessary and would do the trick, but, at this point, it's more important to get maximum value out of our turns of horses.

I leave all of GR's citizens on max sustainable shields. It's maxed out at size 6 currently, so it needs an aqueduct before max food makes sense. After the courthouse, skimming off a worker might be a good idea.

All needs to have its gold hills mined, so it can get 10 (or more) shields production each turn. MWs in 3 is a lot better than MWs in 4. When the worker(s) SW of All finish their jobs, they should move to help the worker on the gold hill mine.

Catt is the current front for our military forces. We are quite a ways from being ready to attack Russia -- like 10 MWs short. If chivalry appears along the way, we'll want to upgrade most (but not all) to knights. We want to keep some MWs to trigger our GA, though.

I also loan the fish from GR to Tyendenaga. This is a LOAN as GR is more important, but it can work the coast and stay at even food (size 6 anyway), whereas Tye needs the fish to grow more rapidly.

NF also gets a taxman, as it can't maintain its size (no marketplace) without rioting. I also temporarily slow its growth as we want the granary to complete before it grows again. Marketplace/cathedral/worker are next builds here.

That's it. Save file at http://www.civfanatics.net/uploads/lotr3-iroquois-350bc.zip

Official order:

D9Phoenix (how's the ISP trouble coming along?)

Turns due Wednesday. I might well disappear for a few days next week -- my wife is 8 2/3 months pregnant and I'm expecting a call to the hospital and time there imminently.

Isp back up and stable finially. Time permitting i will post a shadow turn report next week.
Interesting (the Shadow Game), but I think I might've liked it if it were on a lower level. BTW, I just joined a Regeant Training Day game, so you can take my name off. Sorry. :)
I just realized I am up in this game. I got it and will have it back tonight or early tomorrow.

I would be interested in joining the rotation. I have read the first several posts in both threads and would commit to reading the threads in their entirety if I were to be added to the rotation.
350BC (0) - I switch Towa to a worker as it is growing slowing and can be made to grow faster with some irrigation. Wastes 1 sheilds but oh well. We could trade for wines with Egypt for 106 gold, 8gpt and world map. I decide against it for now.

330BC (1) - The russians are building Sun Tzu. Mounted warrior auto-gotos Cat, bad Arathorn. Scout Auto-goto also. The ghost of Arathorn must be expelled from my lands. I buy two russian workers for 58 gold. They are sent to work the gold mines.

310BC (2) - Sal produced Mounted warrior, I switch to cathedral. They egyptians are building Suns. Worker building road through mountain finishes, I can't help but wonder what the point of this move was. The workers near Akw start to road up the second iron.

290BC (3) - Not much happens.

270BC (4) - Temple completes in Cent, I order a worker. I order the clearing of the jungle near All as it is the quickest way to get that city growing again as it is next to a river. I send the worker near mauch chunk up to centrailia to help connect the incense. Theology has been passed around but it is still to expensive at this point.

250BC (5) - Our Granary completes in NF. I order worker. Our courthouse competes in Cat, I order a worker. Our third incense is roaded up. I can't find a decent deal right now so I hold onto it. I start building an aqueduct in All.

230BC (6) - India completes the great lighthouse. Sal grows to 12, I create a second taxman. The cathedral competes in 2 turns. Inc deals still suck. China doesn't have theology, hopefully they get it soon and the price will drop a lot.

210BC (7) - NF produces worker, I'm going to crank them at 2 a turn for awhile as we have lots of unimproved tiles. Cat produces worker and switches to a marketplace.

190BC (8) - Cathedral completes in sal I start a mounted warrior. Everyone is working again! Tyne riots, crap. Indians are building sistene chapel. Our second Iron is wired up buy China still doesn't have theology.

170BC (9) - We need more workers! We start to road up the inc near Cent this will gives us one more worthless inc and make that city happy again.

150BC (10) - Oil Springs completes marketplace, I order a worker. Stevetown completes a worker, I put the town on wealth for now (VETO if you like). I move 2 more workers into the jungle near All, have the help clear and then irrigate and road that square. This will open up irrigation to our entire Western side. Keep producing workers in NF, its doing it perfectly with a worker and growth every 2 turns. We shouldn't stop producing workers until we start to run out of things to improve. A marketplace or other improvement in this town will never add up to what improved tiles mean to other cities. Focus on mining the rest of the hills around sal as we don't need to grow anymore here and can have 2 more hills working and not starve. China is ready to trade now that they have engineering and Theology. China's first offer for Engineering in Inc, Iron, 90gp and WM. I'll leave it to the next leader to pull these trades off. You might be able to get both reasonably and engineering will help out the movement around our cities don't forget so it has a higher priority in my mind.

JR, you're in.

Jolly Roger

Jolly Roger, if you want to shadow the next set of turns, please begin with the 150 bc save from Architect above. Please wait for the review.

I'll try to get a review of Architect's turns up today. No promises, though.

(350) I agree Towa needs a worker. I would just rather see NF produce it ASAP rather than Towa. Not a bad switch, just not one I would personally make.

(330) Sorry about the go-tos. The scout is just bad. The MW, at least, I said would be happening.

:goodjob: on the worker purchase. More slave labor is always a good thing. Plus, it slows Russia.

(310) Purpose was for faster troop deployment. Moving a unit to/from St. R/Centralia can save two turns with the mountain road. It might not matter, but I'd rather be prepared.

And thanks for roading up the second iron!

(270) All *can* grow without irrigation, a bit, by changing citizens around. It would surrender a few shields and a slew of commerce to do it, but it can be done -- there's enough grassland around. Will clearing one jungle be enough to get irrigation up to All? I see it will -- I had missed that bit of river sticking up there. Nice.

(250) If incense alone doesn't produce a good deal, you can use it as a stepping stone to help buy Theology. Theology is a required tech, at some point we will need to have it. Incense and cash should be enough to get it, which should probably be done -- and then shop it for Monarchy. By selling incense immediately, we lessen the turn-around time until we can sell it again.

(230) Instead of a second taxman in Sala, make the first taxman an entertainer. This allows for one more citizen to be working the surrounding squares, for extra food/commerce/shields.

(210) I'll approve the NF worker plan -- for now. A worker every other turn for a while will not only lead to speedy land improvements but can be melded into slow-growing cities if/when the need arises. Before too long, though, this stream should be cut off.

(190) Tyne riot is very hard to catch. Fortunately, it's mostly just a fishing village, so it's not terribly critical to catch. As long as it's fixed, it's not a big deal. Keeping the big cities (Sala, NF, All) happy is very important, though.

(170) The "extra" inc is only worthless until trade with the other continent is achieved.... Plus, as you say, it connects Cent. Always better to have too many luxes than too few.

(150) With NF cranking workers, I don't think OS needs to do so. In some areas (near All, for instance), we have more developed squares than citizens to work them. OS/T/StR needs more development, but moving workers to the right area will probably be faster and lead to more development long-term than getting a worker out of OS at this point.

Stevetown should definitely NOT be on wealth. It is completely beyond our ability to reinforce at this point and needs all the help it can get. Barracks or a courthouse or a pikeman all make a lot of sense. Wealth, in a city we want to keep (for its luxes) but can not reinforce, is not a good idea. :smoke: there.

I also disagree that a marketplace in NF will never add up to what improved tiles are worth. 10 gpt is a reasonable amount, and that's what a marketplace in NF is worth right now. GR, OS, StR and Centralia are our only cities working unimproved tiles -- not every tile has to be improved, just every tile being worked. We need 4 tile improvements. At some point, you need population as citizens, not as workers, to maximize value. If all 4 squares were roaded (most are just forests, so it's only commerce as a benefit), that would be 8 gpt, or 2 gpt less than a marketplace in NF.

That's not to say we don't need/want another worker or two out of NF -- we do, but we also want a marketplace there pretty quickly. It's possible to overdo workers -- many players tend to underdo them, but going overboard means smaller cities which means later/slower shields, less buildings, and less gold. We're already past one worker/city -- not counting slaves, which is usually enough to keep up. Two or three more and I would turn the spigot off and put NF on marketplace. It's not a matter of running out of worker jobs -- it's a matter of having citizens to work the developed squares.

The other mistake from this reign was the lack of trading for techs. The instant our extra incense was hooked up, we should've traded. That would've returned our incense 5 turns earlier, giving us another chance to trade it off to catch up on techs. In this case, it was something that really shouldn't have waited and was forced to.

One point for the next leader to remember is that we don't need Monarchy. If it comes cheaply, we'll accept it, but we can continue to advance through the Middle Ages quite satisfactorily without it. Engineering and Theology are both more important. By not trading earlier, we're in a deeper hole and it will be harder to play middle-man. That's OK. We can catch up without too much difficulty. Just play it cool, use our incense and iron to full advantage. The sooner we trade them, the sooner we will have them available to trade again. And, generally, cash deals are MUCH better than gpt deals.

Ok, I have not done a good job explaining the trading situation.

The first incense was not doing anything to the price of the techs because China didn't have Theology. So we were only seeing a 50gp or so drop in price. The iron didn't get roaded up until my 8th turn and even then the price with Iron and Inc was still over 200gp. China was making no money so I knew they were researching and low and behold on my 10th turn the discover engineering and get theology. Now the price is reasonable and we can get both for much less. Why did we need Theology anyway? I never trade just to trade even if it means I hold onto a resource for a few turns. A better deal always comes up. I also don't like to give the AI 400g because they use that to compensate for their stupidity.

The other civs were only offering 300-400g with the inc for Theology. If we are really serious about a knight rush then we will need lots more money than tech right now as we should really try to eliminate the entire continent. But we need at least 2 more size 12 cities to really crank the mounted warriors. To get size 12 fast we need more workers because so many of the improvements that are left will be jungles, mountains, and hills. Plus, no matter what Firaxis says, worker count affects the AI opinion of you militarily.

As for Weed um I mean Stevetown (sorry Steve, I couldn't resist), this gambit should have drawn much more of your ire. That town has a big red AI X on it and once we goto war it will actually increase the likelyhood of Egypt wanting to declare war on us with Russia. We shouldn't do anything else to that city but wait for it to get captured or culture flip. What happens when we take on Egypt anyway? Its gone for sure then. The luxuries are really nice, so at least it will help our happiness. But we shouldn't improve it anymore by rushing or otherwise IMO.

If we are planning to use it a launching point for a two front war then we better get some galleys and send all the MW we have down there now. We should also have 4 pikeman.

In college, I argued with my profs too... :lol:
As for Weed um I mean Stevetown (sorry Steve, I couldn't resist)

LMAO :lol: To tell the truth, the previous player had left the settler there, and there wasn't much else I could do with him. Guess I'm one of those people who have to leave his mark on the game!

Feel free to rename it to "Steve's Weed Town" if you want!
JMB, you're in. You'll go after Jolly Roger. Both of you, please shadow at least once before your official turn.

Architect, I argued with my profs, too. Read the shadow reports for ways of getting a fair chunk of tech for only a couple hundred gold. As for a knight rush, it depends on the researching of chivalry. Really, a MW rush can work reasonably well, too. We'll see what develops. And, yes, workers are counted as part of military strength. They claim that's going to be fixed in the "June" patch.... We'll see.

Anyone heard from Arathorn recently ?
Well, Jbob is MIA -- dunno if it's ISP troubles or what. He was "due up" for the official turn, but I had to skip him in LotR 4, too. Since D9Phoenix was the only one who had shadowed before, I guess we'll take his turns as the official version of events.

That makes the order/roster:
Jbob -- skipped/MIA
D9Phoenix -- just played
JMB -- up now
JollyRoger -- on deck

I'll try to get back on track for once a week review. Please have turns in by Wednesday, so I can have a couple of days to do the review. Earlier is better, of course.

I switched the order of JMB and JollyRoger because JMB got a full shadow turn and review in and JollyRoger hasn't yet. Give it a shot for Wednesday.

As far as patching goes, I'm planning on patching sometime this weekend (probably running both 1.21 and 1.29 for a while). The patch will assuredly change SOME things and my advice won't be quite as good for a while, but most of the basic ways of playing will still be the same and I can teach those. From my reading, the patch didn't change THAT much about the game (mostly the editor) so we should be fine to keep going.

Again, sorry for the two/three week hiatus -- having a baby can really suck all your time and energy. I'm (mostly) back in the saddle and ready to play/train, though.

Actually, the patch DOES effect game play.

Commercial really kicks butt now. LK26 went from ~$2000 to ~$3000 a turn with a commercial, ton of islands (coast / sea galore) civiliaztion.

It also appears the corruption may have been tamed a little, but I can't confirm yet.
But does the patch affect what is good gameplay and what is weedy? Did they make spending money in colonies a good idea? Did they add some mystic property to give benefit to improving squares that will never be worked? I kinda doubt it and those skills can still be taught.

Now, I've read that the AI will be producing more fast units (requiring a change in military tactics), that the farmer's opening gambit is a lot scarier (requiring different opening tactics), and so forth. The gameplay should still be similar.

I'm worried about changes to the AI in trading strategy, but I've not had any chance to play 1.29 yet. Still, I think it will be clear what's weedy, what's good, and what's questionable.

LoTR3 10 turns
Trade Iron/Incense/WM/51gp - Engineering (china)
Engineering/WM/43gp - Theology (india)
bah.. russia has Education now
488gp/WM - Education/WM (china)
Ty taxman changed to scientist
Goal set to Music theory (would prefer banking, but the AI will usually go for this first)
Steve town set to barracks
5 spears upgraded to pikes for 100
(I)NF worker - marketplace, Russian's copernicus
Trade Education to India for Monarchy/WM/9gp
Worker sent to help mine hill near Sal
(I)Sal MW-MW, OS worker-pike, St Regis Market-aqueduct
China sistine
OS worker sent to help clear jungle with silk
Jungle cleared next to ALL irrigated and started roading.
Worker finishes road to ty. moves to road forest outside of GR
Cent changed to courthouse, told taxman to start working
Workers finish road to Cent start mining hill with incense
Told a worker in Sal to become a scientist. No shield or food turn loses, but we lose 3gpt
(I)Akw worker-courthouse
Workers finish road near river move to forest, same with workers that finished gold hill
(I)Forest clearing finished at St Regis, Sal MW-MW, um WTH.. NF in disorder i just checked it, it was fine.
All aqueduct-MW
Egypt sistine
Upped lux to 10%
Workers clearing forest- adjusted All tile usage to have growth in 5
Workers near Sal finish mine start on road (adjust tile usage, switch from mountain to mined hill)
Workers at St Regis start irrigating plains.
SteveTown worker finishes Irrigation move to Ivory next to mine.
We can sell incense to Russia for WM/4gp/5gpt, As our Horse deal is up next turn with egpyt which would free up another source of Incense and ivory.
OS switched from pike to MW to take advantage of Horses
Didn't think about it. Told worker to stop mining at stevetown and next turn will move to road another ivory up. (ok i wasnt thinking here)
(I)Order restored in NF, MC harbor-galley
(I)Forest cleared outside of All, Sal MW-MW
WOOHOOO!!! Avaris has defected to US!!! Temple ordered. And with the Flip also comes another IRON SOURCE
Workers outside of sal moving to irrigate desert for NF, All workers mining grassland/start roading :)
St Regis workers finish Irrigation start road
**will rush temple next turn in Avaris, then barracks the turn after. I want to keep those cities.
(I)Horses/Furs have been withdrawn :(.. Renew Horses only for Incense/WM
All MW-MW, OS MW-Pike
Adjuste St Regis to grow 3 turns earlier and giving up 2 turns on Aqueduct. Sending these workers N to Road Mountain between Cent and Akw
Workers at All irrigate tile next to city (the only one not mined)
Need to move workers to OS .. city is working unimporved tiles.. *sigh*
Temple in Avaris rushed for 116gp
Egypt,China,India - Average
Russia - Strong
(11 MW)
(I)Sal MW-MW, Av temple-barracks
Jungle finially cleared near OS, starting Mine, NF workers finish Irrigation move SE to start irrigating
Sal MW heading to MC for galley in 7
Cent workers finish hill move to bonus grass to mine/road
(I)WTH NF falls into disorder again.. one worker fired and a entertainer hired
Worker at stevetown finishes road starts roading another ivory
Barracks in Avaris rushed for 156gp
Stevetown switched from barracks to Courthouse
Russia now has Invention
(I)Sal MW-MW, NF back in order, All MW-MW, Catt market-aqueduct, Av barracks-courthouse
Workers at NF move to help out Ton
China has invention now also down to Ivory/WM/401gp

Courthouse in Av should be rushed next turn. I thought i had checked happiness both turn before NF went into disorder, The first i think was due to growth which i thought i had it covered and the second time i just hadn't payed that much attention to the loss of luxuries.

D9phoenix shadow

P.S. I had stopped playing at turn 3 for a few days and just finished the last 7 tonight. I was just having a really bad night i guess :(

Edit: Post moved from the shadow thread.
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