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LotR Modders UNITE!!!

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Apr 7, 2003
Where I am
I think its about time we get a place up and running to put up on going developments for LotR mods/units/buildings etc...

i will start looking into get hosting from strategyplanet (like the starwars mod) but first we need content...
dont you think it might be wiser to wait for the Next expansion to come out? the new editor promises many usefull changes.
Who are you, Celeborn-who-is-who-he-is? :)
I am in agreement, a lot of people talk about it, but no-one has put in full commitment to it. Lets go over the material,


Elven Units-
Elf Worker
'High Elven Army' (archer\swordsman\spearmen)

Dwarven Units-
Dwarf Worker
Dwarf High Guard
Dwarf Warrior
Dwarf 'iron breaker'

Interesting thing about these, is you can use his
'redone' units as upgraded units for the ones that arent. IE the 'high guard' and the 'warrior'.

Goblin Worker
Orc Warrior
Goblin Archer
Goblin Spearman (Kindred)
Goblin Spearman (embryodead)
Wolf Rider
Warg Rider
Cave Troll
Uruk Hai swordsman
Uruk Hai beserker

Norman Knight
Horesman (civ3)
Germanic Spearman


These are all I can think of for custom made fantasy units at the moment. Obviously many non-fantasy units, such as the European Swordsman, or the Scottish warrior would go well for Rohan, and others for Gondor. The 'man' civs shouldn’t be to hard to find units for. Same with the Elves.

Fëanor, I don’t think waiting is a good idea, we, if we want a mod that is, should get started as soon as possible. A LotR mod has been in contemplation since the beginning, and always for some reason it was postponed, and besides, we can always import the material back to conquests, the main thing is getting started.

BtW, I am only interested in helping if this will stick to 'Tolkien-history'. If your going to have Dwarves buildings Ents, I'm out of here ;). I would prefer we go by the books also.
LoL, yeah, I remember you kept bumping that other thread where everyone liked the idea but no one started to take definitive action;). Your units are great BtW :).

Terrain, I have been thinking about it. I think we should use the European terrain that came with PtW, maybe change the oceans to regular Civ3 graphics, and use Womoks mountains. Either that or we should just use Womoks Terrain period, it has more of an ‘epic’ feel to it.

Map, I haven’t checked out the User created maps for a while, but I think one is necessary. Without it we will be making it solely for a RM experience, and it thus lacks a story, something we don’t want.

Tech Icons shouldn’t be to hard to come by (Yoda Power made a collection pack of them). Things that will be hard will be the tech-tree, and Civilopedia entries. We should skip the Civilopedia entries for now. In fact, we should skip all the art things now also, what we should concentrate on is units stats, general setting modifications, and the Tech-tree. We need to make the Tech Tree generic and we cant give it clever names just yet. A basic outline would be fine for now, such as ‘basic-warrior tech 1' which would introduce a warrior-type for each civ. A goblin warrior, or a Elven swordsman for example.

I will be working on ATG with Kryten, but no one said I can’t do to things at once, and all I have to do there is mindlessly make static graphics, and leave the thinking to the people who can handle it;).
PCHighway you took the words right out of my mouth (in regards to Fëanor's post)

Also i agree with keeping to the books as much as possible, like you said dwarf building ents just doesnt work :P

i know Kindred... but know its time to take ACTION!!!

(again :) )

also we have at least two LotR mods floating about the forums...
To shamelessly promote myself :D, I think that my city graphics would work well for Mordor/Saruman (Evil Citadel) and the dwarves. If the Easterners and the Southrons will be in they can use my Oriental cities.
For terrain stats I think that mountains should be completely impassable, and you can add small rivers in the deserts of mordor, which are hidden by mountains. This gives flood plains which isn't that visible. Flood plains should be very good. In my Lone Wolf mod I'm experimenting with giving flood plains 1 shield, and make them minable. This is of course not that important if it is a scenario, but in a mod you need to get mordor some early production. I also have a Volcano resource (you can see it in my Evil Citadel preview) which is usable, at least until conquests comes around.

Edit: 600th post! Does this give me two avatars? :D
I would like very much to contribute to this. I actually posted a rather long-winded thread about some of my ideas back after I had first joined up, but no one showed much interest and I forgot about it.

Anyway, I'm working mainly on Civ3K right now but I would love to help with this. I agree with PCHighway, that all graphics should be left till later. Right now vanilla civ3 graphics can be used as stand-ins.

And I would also PC in that this should stick to the books.

Probably, as PC already said, the tech tree will be hardest. I would be willing to work on Civilopedia articles, though, but not immediately. :)

Probably the civs should be fleshed out first, then units and unit lines, then improvements, then wonders, and then the tech tree last. Civiliopedia and graphics are probably the least important.

I really, really hope something comes of this. :)
mrtn no shameless promoting...

your citys could be used for dwarves perhaps, but there are at least 2 other evil-city options (my own being one of them ;) )

GE, i read through most (if not all) your ideas, and your civ ideas are pretty good...

and if we use sauron and suraman (sp) for leaders we already have some leader heads ready for use...

ps.. shaka zulu could perhaps be used for the haradrim leader head :D

pps. im also still working on my LotR intro...
Celeborn- PCHighway you took the words right out of my mouth (in regards to Fëanor's post)
I try ;).
Celeborn-also we have at least two LotR mods floating about the forums...
True, but Eclipse last post was a month ago, and even then was just about another thread-discussion as we have here. As for Nobby, while he seems to be updating more frequently, I am always worried he will stop to do so. With a MOD team, as we seem to be mounting here, we could pretty much always expect the MOD to be continually updated. If someone wanted to leave they would simply pass the reins down, the MOD would not completely stop.
mrtn- To shamelessly promote myself:D, I think that my city graphics would work well for Mordor/Saruman (Evil Citadel) and the dwarves. If the Easterners and the Southrons will be in they can use my Oriental cities.
We can use a lot of the stuff around here, any suggestions one Terrain graphics?
mrtn-Edit: 600th post! Does this give me two avatars?:D
Bah, all you off-topic posters always seem to beat me to that number;).
GEChallenger- I would like very much to contribute to this. I actually posted a rather long-winded thread about some of my ideas back after I had first joined up, but no one showed much interest and I forgot about it.
You have to take into account that there are nearly 32.000 members, many of whom never post, and many of whom probably didn’t feel that could add to the MOD. Even though anyone who shows interest in Tolkien can contribute something.
GEChallenger-Probably the civs should be fleshed out first, then units and unit lines, then improvements, then wonders, and then the tech tree last. Civiliopedia and graphics are probably the least important.
Sounds like a good way to go to me. Even though I think I generic tech tree should come first, as one would act as an entire blueprint to the MOD.
Celeborn- pps. I’m also still working on my LotR intro...
LotR Intro? My silver-tree friend, what does this mean?

Now I bring up the question of Culture groups. What should we have? We can only have five, so we must lump the Elves as one, and probably Mordor and her allies as one also, even if they have different unit lines. And then the obvious ones, so perhaps something like this.

I. Mordor- (name???)
II. Elves
III. Men
IV. Dwarves
V. - - - - - ?

The last one could be anything unless I forgot an important one. But remember, it should have at least 3 Civs, and preferably close related civs. I.e. No ‘Misc. Civ culture group’ :). I noticed that in GEC’s thread you put Hobbits as a Culture group, even though you had only one Civ as them? But looking at it makes some startlingly questions, such as capitals and cities, we will need to scourge the books around, maybe even post a link ‘library’. So here are some usefull links I know of.

LotR Fanatic site (it should be a sister site of Civ Fanatics ;) )
Tolkien Society
Middle Earth Reunion
JRRT Information Page
The last Alliance A freeware RTS in production by Wildfire games, a group of Modders.

All I can think of at the moment.
I've been trying provide units for this, but, I am not familiar yet with actually putting together a mod. We need someone who gathers all the info and art and actually puts the mod together.
Good point :). We should probably assign positions, I sort of assumed Celeborn was putting the MOD together, and would act as leader, ie. the one with the actual version of the MOD, while 'we' go about making parts of it. Tech tree, unit stats\animations, Civs, etc. The only problem with this is it can't all be done at once, by separate people. So, I think we should go with just conferring about it, i.e. someone posts a screenshot of a potential tech tree (maybe a .bix file to). And then we all modify it, by giving advice, etc. thus we are a mod team ;). I can't think of any other way to go.
I like this idea, a team should be made. BTW I think Balrog was going to make a new lotr mod, but im not sure he has startet:)
Yes, I mentioned that. But I don't think he was actually going to do it. His last post was 18 days ago. Will you help:)?

LotR mod big project
Originally posted by PCHighway
... We can use a lot of the stuff around here, any suggestions one Terrain graphics?
I really like Warpstorms.

Bah, all you off-topic posters always seem to beat me to that number;).
What? I don't think that I have posted more than 2 posts in OT.

... Even though I think I generic tech tree should come first, as one would act as an entire blueprint to the MOD.
Yes. A tech tree is important. It is good to make a generic tech tree, and putting down "First Offensive Unit", and such.
LotR Intro? My silver-tree friend, what does this mean?
A film, I think.

Now I bring up the question of Culture groups. What should we have? We can only have five, so we must lump the Elves as one, and probably Mordor and her allies as one also, even if they have different unit lines. And then the obvious ones, so perhaps something like this.

I. Mordor- (name???)
II. Elves
III. Men
IV. Dwarves
V. - - - - - ?

The last one could be anything unless I forgot an important one. But remember, it should have at least 3 Civs, and preferably close related civs. I.e. No ‘Misc. Civ culture group’ :). I noticed that in GEC’s thread you put Hobbits as a Culture group, even though you had only one Civ as them? But looking at it makes some startlingly questions, such as capitals and cities, we will need to scourge the books around, maybe even post a link ‘library’. ...
We really need to decide what to do about the hobbits. One idea is to make "The Shire and Surroundings" as one civ. This would include both Shire, Bree and the Rangers. As of now we only have one hobbit unit, and I don't really think that we should have that many. (Hobbit archer, ok, but hobbit swordsman? Hobbit Knight?) This civ would then have hobbits as early units, and rangers as their kick-ass unit. This civ could be of the Hobbit culture, as we then could use some nice hobbit city graphics.

Yoda: I think that Balrog probably is busy with his Fantasy Empires mod.
mrtn- I really like Warpstorms.
I think it's ok, but definitely not my style, and I would change it (to un-realistic for me) lets leave it up to the down loader and just use regular Civ3 graphics?
mrtn- What? I don't think that I have posted more than 2 posts in OT.
Sorry I must have confused you for someone else.
mrtn- A film, I think.
That is what I was thinking, but that seems really difficult, and, hate to say it, unnecessary... Wouldn't it be wise to get the MOD worked out before concentrating on this?
mrtn- We really need to decide what to do about the hobbits. One idea is to make "The Shire and Surroundings" as one civ. This would include both Shire, Bree and the Rangers. As of now we only have one hobbit unit, and I don't really think that we should have that many. (Hobbit archer, ok, but hobbit swordsman? Hobbit Knight?) This civ would then have hobbits as early units, and rangers as their kick-ass unit. This civ could be of the Hobbit culture, as we then could use some nice hobbit city graphics.
I'm not so sure. The Shire is more than enough to be it's own Civ, compared to the one city-empires we have going on here. But I can't argue with the fact, one hobbit unit won't do it. We should probably do what you say, and then, if the materials arrive, we can split up the civs in a later version.

:o This might sound like a stupid idea, but what if we have the Fellowship as a Army with the characters in it? It could work for a extra Scenario, but of course requires more thought.
Originally posted by PCHighway
I think it's ok, but definitely not my style, and I would change it (to un-realistic for me) lets leave it up to the down loader and just use regular Civ3 graphics?
The thing is that the choise of terrain graphics affect how city (and other) graphic look when you put them together. This might be the easiest solution though.
... :o This might sound like a stupid idea, but what if we have the Fellowship as a Army with the characters in it? It could work for a extra Scenario, but of course requires more thought.
Not in a mod, but maybe in a scenario.
mrtn- Not in a mod, but maybe in a scenario.
That is why is said in an extra Scenario. I agree with you about terrain, I think your cities look great with regular Civ3 terrain graphics also, though. Well, I think it should get started soon, what should we work on first? You want me to start working on a generic tech tree?
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