Celeborn- PCHighway you took the words right out of my mouth (in regards to Fëanor's post)
I try

Celeborn-also we have at least two LotR mods floating about the forums...
True, but Eclipse last post was a month ago, and even then was just about another thread-discussion as we have here. As for Nobby, while he seems to be updating more frequently, I am always worried he will stop to do so. With a MOD team, as we seem to be mounting here, we could pretty much always expect the MOD to be continually updated. If someone wanted to leave they would simply pass the reins down, the MOD would not completely stop.
mrtn- To shamelessly promote myself
, I think that my city graphics would work well for Mordor/Saruman (Evil Citadel) and the dwarves. If the Easterners and the Southrons will be in they can use my Oriental cities.
We can use a lot of the stuff around here, any suggestions one Terrain
mrtn-Edit: 600th post! Does this give me two avatars?
Bah, all you off-topic posters always seem to beat me to that number

GEChallenger- I would like very much to contribute to this. I actually posted a rather long-winded thread about some of my ideas back after I had first joined up, but no one showed much interest and I forgot about it.
You have to take into account that there are nearly 32.000 members, many of whom never post, and many of whom probably didnt feel that could add to the MOD. Even though anyone who shows interest in Tolkien can contribute something.
GEChallenger-Probably the civs should be fleshed out first, then units and unit lines, then improvements, then wonders, and then the tech tree last. Civiliopedia and graphics are probably the least important.
Sounds like a good way to go to me. Even though I think I generic tech tree should come first, as one would act as an entire blueprint to the MOD.
Celeborn- pps. Im also still working on my LotR intro...
LotR Intro? My silver-tree friend, what does this mean?
Now I bring up the question of Culture groups. What should we have? We can only have five, so we must lump the Elves as one, and probably Mordor and her allies as one also, even if they have different unit lines. And then the obvious ones, so perhaps something like this.
I. Mordor- (name???)
II. Elves
III. Men
IV. Dwarves
V. - - - - - ?
The last one could be anything unless I forgot an important one. But remember, it should have at least 3 Civs, and preferably close related civs. I.e. No Misc. Civ culture group

. I noticed that in GECs thread you put Hobbits as a Culture group, even though you had only one Civ as them? But looking at it makes some startlingly questions, such as capitals and cities, we will need to scourge the books around, maybe even post a link library. So here are some usefull links I know of.
LotR Fanatic site (it should be a sister site of Civ Fanatics

Tolkien Society
Middle Earth Reunion
JRRT Information Page
The last Alliance A freeware RTS in production by Wildfire games, a group of Modders.
All I can think of at the moment.