Did you even watch these movies?
shadowdude said:
-A movie about cloning gone bad
But raises questions about science, and implies that 'man should not try to be like god'...
That is someone's agenda in the script.
shadowdude said:
-A comedic portrayal of the Catholic Church
But also the movie implies that 'god' is indeed real. And makes the out that belief seem 'hip' and 'the right thing.'
Again, someone is trying to tell us something.
shadowdude said:
-Money laundering, serial killers, criminal syndicates
This is one I knew many would fail to pick up on.
Look at the trailer. Notice the letter 'T' in the word 'hostage.'
It lingers and glows for a visible second after the word hostage vanishes.
The 'T' is quite obviously a crucifix. I noticed this instantly, as did my friends at the cinema, some of whom are religious.
So it is not just 'atheist paranoia'. What was the meaning behind this?
Willis is a well-known devout religious type, but this is most likely the work of a marketing board...Why?
shadowdude said:
While these movies may religious aspects tied in they are hardly a driving force of promoting religion or morality. I haven't seen Constantine or the Exorcism so I can't comment on those. The Passion of the Christ is a religious movie outright that only religious people had interest in ( and Mel Gibson wasn't motivated by religion, he wanted $$$).
I think you have to look harder. You are not convincing me here.
For your information, Gibson does not need the cash.
He wants to push his religion, hence why he made a censored
version of his christian snuff movie for the wider audiences.
shadowdude said:
Hollywood doesn't tie in religion as a sort of propaganda tool as you seem to suggest, if they did I have a feeling religion would be much more popular than it is today.
Funny how you can make such a definite statement, based on what? What you want to believe?
I am talking about individual directors and creators here, not every studio in the USA.
Can you really keep a straight face and say that Mike Moore or Speilberg have no moral message to push in their productions?
Can you?