Because Mexicans did their revolution to separate themselves from Europe or Spain first,
Yes, just like Americans did their revolution to seperate themselves from Europe and Britain... Spaniards born in the Americas led a predominately European population in revolting against their colonial overlords. That's what makes them a European post-colonial state. Again, you're arguing against basic historical fact.
and second because all the natives or native descendants there would be offended to be seen like vassalized by both Europe or Spain and Spaniards ruling the country, according to you.
The natives and native descendants you keep talking about weren't accepted in post-independence Mexico and US society, a near majority of indiegnious people still cite overt racial discrimimation and many exist on the fringes of Mexican society in poverty today. Do you think New Spain or even modern Mexico is a paradise for natives ruled by Natives? It wasn't and still isn't.....
Repeating the same sentence over and over doesn't make it more true for as much... it's History, I agree, but it's not the nowadays Mexico that might want to re-affirm its pre-colonial roots only by its tourism when people visit their ancient monuments, and a whole part of Science that studies its native culture. All this causes or is the cause of interest. Things change. Mexico is first seen as a geographical region that has deep History and where everything didn't start with Christophe Colomb.
Most Mexicans are of predominately European descent. The fact that you could go visit Cahokia in Illinois and American historians study Native Americans today does not change the fact that the United States was a European colonial state. You say things change and then continue to ignore that today a near majority of indiegnious people cite explicit discrimination in modern Mexico.....
No, it's part of its History, but qualifying Modern France of Roman Colony would be totally odd and out of place, if not insulting, in the same way I do think it's odd to qualify Mexico of European Colony. It's denying completely the part before Christophe Colomb, that many people try hard to clarify and are passionate with. It's just not in the mood of the time. I'd say you're late by some decades.
Incorrect and the differences have already been explained repeatedly. You want to ignore those reasoning feel free but modern state of Mexico represented by Firaxis was a European colony and its history as a modern nation-state is inseperable from its colonial history. That's simply undeniable.
lol no, primitive Franks didn't assimilate anything, they were assimilated by Latin and Christianism, both Roman institutions. And yet we don't call France a Roman colony nor a Frank colony. Beside, what we "call" this "that" or "this" is vastly vague.
You're misreading. I didn't say the Franks assimilated anyone, the Franks and other migrating Germanic tribes assimilated into Gallo-Roman culture they conquered and played a pivotal role in the formation of a later "French" national idenity. Which is simply objective historical fact and why we don't call modern nation-state of France a "Roman colony" today despite Gaul's history as a colony in antiquity. Something that has already been directly addressed almost 5 times now. We're just arguing basic historical facts at this point
How many times will you repeat this ? That doesn't change the perception YOU or ME have of Mexico now. Well apparently it's enough to make yours what it is... I simply don't share this point of view.
I'll keep repeating it, until you accept basic historical fact
And then... ? Is Palestine an Israelian colony ? Nope.
Mexico is Euro-centered because before the age of exploration we didn't know of it. In other words, if there was no Science disciplines trying to dig out, it couldn't be else.
I hate to be dismissive, but this argument is just nonsense.
Mexico is euro-centered because the modern nation-state of Mexico that Firaxis has decided to represent was a European colonial state, born of Spanish conquest of the Aztec empire and a later colonial independence war. The end
PS: Yes, parts of Palestine are being colonized by Israelis today. Did you actually think this was some sort of gotcha?