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Mac GOTM Installers

Thanks Cracker and AlanH... I discovered what Wolp was talking about in my game last night and was just coming here today to see if anyone else was seeing the same thing. As usual you guys are a few days ahead of me and have even already fixed everything. Hooray!
It may be repetitive to read, but I would like to add my own thanks to AlanH and Cracker for all the work that has been done to improve my Civ experience.

I've just done the reinstall on my new iMac and am playing as much of GOTM23 as I can get through; then I'm looking forward to the delicious GOTM24.

Thank you Gentlemen.
Just upgraded to Panther and thought I'd see how it worked with GOTM 24. Had no trouble with GOTM 23 installer weeks ago. When I open both the Full and Incremental installers I get a message: "The preflight script was either not executable or not readable."
Thanks for the tip-off, Ruprechkt. My Panther arrived on Monday, but I haven't had time to install it yet. As soon as I do I'll take a look at this. So Panther has trashed two of my utilities. That's one mean cat :(
Hey, will there be a non .exe version of the unit installs to GOTM25 for us coming out from the GOTM staff? Or maybe AlanH???? Please...pretty please..... Or have I missed something again.
Two things:

1. I've PM'd Cracker for a set of files to build an installer. As soon as I get them I'll put something together. When he has them I assume he'll also post them for manual installation.

2. There's a report of the installers failing when they are run in Panther. As I have just completed my Panther installation and configured my Internet connection five minutes ago, I have not had a chance to check this report out. So I may also need some time to determine what went wrong and fix it.

I'll do my best to get you an installer Real Soon Now (TM) :rolleyes:
No hurry on my part for the files, I just thought I would bring it up somewhere here in the forums before PMing Cracker myself. I will be recovering on All Saints Day as All Hollow's Eve will find me in a drunken stupor somewhere...
Originally posted by Ruprechkt
Just upgraded to Panther and thought I'd see how it worked with GOTM 24. Had no trouble with GOTM 23 installer weeks ago. When I open both the Full and Incremental installers I get a message: "The preflight script was either not executable or not readable."


I've now managed to install Panther, and as far as I can tell at first glance the gotm installers still work. I'll do some more testing, but meanwhile, it may be that the permissions are screwed up on the script files following your upgrade. You could either try to repair privileges or download fresh copies.
My question has only a tenuous connection to this thread, but... my game crashes upon achieving a cultural victory, because I'm missing an "I love race French" pediaicons file. I know this has come up before - what's the fix?

Thanks a lot.
Well, the trick is to ensure that you have the correct pediaicons.txt file installed for the game you are playing. It sounds like you played gotm24, and the file used there didn't have the French, and now you are playing a game that needs a different file.

If the game you are playing is a standard one then you need the pediaicons.txt from a standard installation. If it is a previous gotm or the current medal play game then you need the pediaicons.txt file from gotm23. As my gotm24 installer callously overwrote that file, I uploaded a copy here for medal players.

Hope this helps.
Originally posted by Txurce
My question has only a tenuous connection to this thread, but... my game crashes upon achieving a cultural victory, because I'm missing an "I love race French" pediaicons file. I know this has come up before - what's the fix?
I can confirm AlanH's statement: I ran into the same problem. The fix is to install the pediaicons.txt file from gotm22 or gotm23.
Thanks again, Alan and tao.

Alan, my next question is, how early do you get up in the morning?

Now back to Civ. I was playing 6-2, and the GOTM23 .txt file allowed me to successfully save the game. Now what should I do in preparation for GOTM25 - leave the GOTM23 .txt file in there, or put back the GOTM24 .txt file?
Originally posted by Txurce
Thanks again, Alan and tao.

Alan, my next question is, how early do you get up in the morning?
About 08:30, usually. But where I live we operate on GMT, so that's around midnight in Santa Monica. I work while you sleep.

Now back to Civ. I was playing 6-2, and the GOTM23 .txt file allowed me to successfully save the game. Now what should I do in preparation for GOTM25 - leave the GOTM23 .txt file in there, or put back the GOTM24 .txt file?
I have just this minute downloaded the file set supplied by Cracker, and I shall be buiding an installer. It could take me the weekend to build and test it, with the extra sounds and stuff that Cracker's thrown into the pot this time.I was still trying to get Panther up and running to my satisfaction, but I guess that will have to wait and I'll reboot into Jag to do this first.

@Txurce: As you play every gotm and medal game that moves, and there's even a quick game to get your teeth into right now, no doubt you will be too impatient to wait for my installer. Looking at the file set, there are specific civilpoedia.txt and pediaicons.txt files with recent dates, so I expect these will be needed in place of any previous ones to play gotm25. diplomacy.txt has an older date, but your only safe bet is to install all the files supplied by Cracker here.
Thanks, Alan. the manual download works fine with the treat game. Having already downloaded many of the units for GOTM24, I didn't bother downloading any except for the Mongol units.
How did you manage to be selective about the download? And why bother?

The three text files are a trivial additional download relative to the total file set.

Note to all: Always fully install the file set you get for a particular game, and make sure you do so over a game installation that is fully modded to the pre-conditions specified for that game. It's always dangerous to do a partial installation of the gotm files unless you are sure of what you are doing. Resulting problems may not show up until you are into the game, by which time it may be awkward and inconvenient to resolve the problem.
Alan, I'm referring to the Art/Civilopedia/Icons/Units folder files. Trust me, there were more than three: two or three each of Ashigaru, Bushi, Kensai, Kublai, Otomo, Sam Archer, Sam spearman, and siege cannon. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the files provided in the GOTM25 game pack are identical to the ones in GOTM24.
You are correct in this instance, Cracker has replicated a bunch of files. But they are not the main unit files, and they only amount to about 80 KBytes of data for 22 files.

I assume you don't really mean you didn't download them - since they are in a zip file I know of no way to do that. If you mean you didn't bother overwriting them once you had them on your disk then you saved a trivial amount of work. I still prefer to recommend that players always install all the files that Cracker supplies. You never know what subtle differences may lurk, and IMHO it's far easier to just do it than to try to work out whether each file and folder is identical.

That said, I did remove them from my installer. Every little helps with the download size for the modem brigade.

[Edit]Check out the first post in this thread for the download links for the GOTM 25 installer and all the previous installers. They are now Panther-compatible at version 2, as of 18:30 GMT on 1st Nov 2003.
@Alan: Is it possible that your gotm25 installer contains a locked civilopedia.txt file? It is my most likely (though not definite) suspect. I noticed the file was locked, when my configuration switching AppleScripts stopped, because they could not overwrite the file.

PS: Is it intended, that you have PM disabled?

I've checked the files in the installer and in my test target Civ3 installation. None of the text files is locked in either location, and the privilege modes on them are 755. Can you check GetInfo and see if the ownership is corrrect? They *should* inherit ownership from the logged in user who runs the installer. If one user runs it and another tries to delete the files you may have problems.

I'll try running your script and see if I can reproduce your problem. Which OS are you running? Is it the same in Jaguar and Panther?

My PM is not disabled in my board options, my mail box was a bit full, so I have deleted all my old messages. But if that was the problem you should have had an appropriate error.

Have you thought about attaching a pre-install script to the package so that the proper text files are automatically renamed (like diplomacy.txt.BeforeGOTM25). Packagemaker lets you include scripts such as these, and then the user wouldn't have to backup the text files manually. Just a thought.
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