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Mac GOTM Installers

nevermind Alan...i'll just play conquests on my PC when I actually feel like playing Civ again...
What OS are you running? What error message did you get? Have you tried the drag and drop alpha installer? I *really do* want to make these things work for as many people as possible, but in order to help, I need a teeny bit of information when things go wrong ;)
I have had the same issue Sid brought up recently.

When I try to run the GOTM 23 Full Installer, I get the error message "The preflight script was either not executable or not readable." The installer log file is as follows:
Dec 21 13:55:31 : GOTM23 Full Installation Log
Dec 21 13:55:31 : Opened from: /Games/Civilization III/GOTM23 Full.pkg
Dec 21 13:55:31 : Hardware Model: PowerBook4,1 @ 600 MHz, 384 MB
Dec 21 13:55:31 : Running OS Build: 7D24
Dec 21 13:55:32 : Installer Language: English

As you can see from the log file, I'm running 10.3.2 on a G3 600 MHz iBook. Civilization III is updated to 1.29f beta 2.

I tried repairing permissions on my hard drive with the disk utility with no luck. I also glanced at the preflight script, but didn't see anything my semi-programmer eyes would be able to do.


Separately, I installed the GOTM 23 files by hand. However, Civ III is crashing on me any time I load the GOTM 23 saved game file. It loads to 100% and displays the dialog that tells you who you are and what the date is. As soon as I dismiss the dialog, Civ III "unexpectedly quits" on me. This isn't happening for other saved game files.
@mickelsp: Thanks for your feedback, I'll try to investigate. Are you running the installer under the same account that was used to install the original copy of Civ3?

Meanwhile, you might want to try the alpha drag and drop installer to get your GOTM23 config working. I've provided a full GOTM23 file set to use with it.
ok, alanH...i'll give this a try...basically i get the same message as mickelsp..."The preflight script was either not executable or not readable."

what do you mean by "alpha drag and drop installer"?

i'm running 1.29b2, OS 10.3.1, 700mhz G3 I-book

Btw, what GOTM are we on anyway and how much time do we have to complete it?

Thanks, you're an asset to the Mac/Civ3-Nation :)
Originally posted by BuddhaBubba
ok, alanH...i'll give this a try...basically i get the same message as mickelsp..."The preflight script was either not executable or not readable."

what do you mean by "alpha drag and drop installer"?
My post on the previous page described the drag and drop installer. GIve it a whirl. Four posts further down the page there's a link to the GOTM23 file set that works with it.

i'm running 1.29b2, OS 10.3.1, 700mhz G3 I-book
I'm currently having trouble working out why this error is coming up for all you guys with Panther, but I'll keep plugging away.

Btw, what GOTM are we on anyway and how much time do we have to complete it?
GOTM26, the Han Dynasty is the current GOTM, and to accommodate the festive season the deadline is 7th January. You need to mod your Civ3 up to GOTM25 status to play it. That means applying the full GOTM23 file set then the GOTM24 and GOTM25 add-ons. My drag and drop installer should do this for you, but if you use this method you will currently need to manually copy some sound files following Cracker's script, included in the GOTM25 file set. It may be possible to play without doing the sound file copies, in which case the new special units will just be silent, but I haven't tried this.
AlanH: I installed under the same user account that Civ III was installed under.

Also, I got your drap-and-drop installer working. It recognized my Civ III folder and seems to have put all the files in the correct places. However, Civ III is crashing on me any time I load the GOTM 23 saved game file. It loads to 100% and displays the dialog that tells you that the game is loaded, who you are, and what the date is. As soon as I dismiss the dialog, the "control panel" shows up at the bottom of the screen, but the map is completely black despite the map indicator showing that I'm over the one revealed portion. Then, Civ III "unexpectedly quits" on me. This isn't happening for other saved game files (i.e. non-GOTM) files.

I have tried wiping Civ entirely and reinstalling everything from scratch. I now have two folders, one for regular Civ and one for GOTM, and I'm still getting the crash right after the game loads.
wow, i'm getting the exact same problem as mickel! :eek:

i haven't tried that double installation thingy though, but to help AlanH out, I attached the crash log that was generated :)
Alan, I am now playing GOTM26. On the diplomacy screen, a couple of the civs have the Korea-game banners, but no name - just something like "M+" or "A+." Is this the way it is, or some sort of glitch? I ask because my current set-up is 100% pure installer. Thanks a lot.
@Txurce: That's the way it is here as well. These symbols replace the leader heads in the case of new Asian civs that have been added to the GOTM. They are Paintbox files (.pcx) stored in the Art/Advisers folder, and you can view them in Graphics Converter or Photoshop. There were similar replacements used for Spain and the Ottomans if I recall correctly.

A, M and I are replacements for the clothing and hairstyle clues used in the original game to indicate whether the civ has reached the Ancient, Medieval or Industrial ages yet. A Modern Age civ displays no letter.

The plus and minus signs replace facial expressions indicating whether the leader is positive (polite or gracious) or negative (annoyed or furious) towards you. No sign means they are neutral (cautious).

Which OS version are you running? I'm keen to find out if anyone except me is using the installers OK with Panther :confused:
Originally posted by BuddhaBubba
wow, i'm getting the exact same problem as mickel! :eek:

i haven't tried that double installation thingy though, but to help AlanH out, I attached the crash log that was generated :)

Great stuff! The crash log shows that the game is failing when it tries to display bonus resources on the map. I'll try to reproduce it here and let you know what to do, but I suspect it's to do with the fact that you need to replace the resources.pcx and resources_shadows.pcx files in the Art folder, using a pair of files from one of the GOTM 21 folders in Art/resources storage. I didn't set the GOTM23 file set up to do that because I have no way of knowing which version of the resources you want to use.

I've confirmed that if you just use the drag and drop GOTM Installer without swapping the resources.pcx and resources_shadows.pcx files the game crashes when you load the GOTM23 start file. I'm still not sure why, but that's what you are seeing. To do the swap, after the drag and drop installer has done its thing, open the Civ3/Art folder in the Finder and open the "resources storage" folder. List view is easiest as you can open the whole Art folder hierarchy in one Finder window. Drag the two .pcx files from the Art folder into "resources storage/my original resources folder" to keep them safe. Open the "resources storage/gotm21 w smilies and blips" folder and drag the two files to the Art folder. Launch Civ3 and it should work.

Originally posted by Txurce
Alan, I'm using Panther with no problem, but installed earlier, with Jaguar.
Hmmm! So you didn't run the installer under Panther. The quest continues or a working installation under Panther that isn't the one I'm sitting in front of.
alanh, did you get any clues from the error generated?

also, I think i'll try to add the updates for GOTM 24 and 25 and then try to play GOTM 26... i'll let you know

happy christmas and merry chanukah

or, happy christmakwanzakah... hehehe :lol:
Originally posted by BuddhaBubba
alanh, did you get any clues from the error generated?
If you mean from your crash log then ... Yes! That's why I investigated and posted my reply and the workround above.

also, I think i'll try to add the updates for GOTM 24 and 25 and then try to play GOTM 26... i'll let you know
If you use my drag and drop installer then you still need to do the resources file swap as described above. After you add the GOTM25 add-ons you also need to copy some sound files from existing unit folders into the new ones. There's a script that lists the ones you have to copy.

happy christmas and merry chanukah

or, happy christmakwanzakah... hehehe :lol:
And a Happy Winter Solstice to all of you. To quote an ancient Irish comedian "May your God be with you". ;)
AlanH and BuddhaBubba: thanks for the help in tracking down the problem. Moving the .pcx files got GOTM 23 running on my computer. Barring any further difficulties, I'm off to the races.
awesome! thanks again alanH, the resource swap worked! :lol:
ok, i'm having trouble finding the add-on for GOTM 25, can you point me to it? thanks a million Gold Pieces :)
Links to the GOTM add-on files for Mac users are published in the relevant Pregame discussion threads, just to confuse us :confused:

The Gotm25 files are linked in this post by Cracker.

As I am now building new versions of the game pages on gotm.civfanatics.net I plan to include all these links in an easy-to-find format.
as always, you have impressed me yet again

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