Mac Mod Installation Solutions

Blue Monkey

Archon Without Portfolio
Jul 31, 2005
Timeless Isle
What This Thread Is About:
Some Mods can be downloaded, unzipped, and installed on a Mac with no problem. Some Mods download as a file with an .exe extension, but can be treated just like zip files. Some downloads are embedded in a RAR file or a self-extracting file with an .exe extension, and for those the only solution I know of is to install them on a PC, then transfer the files to a Mac. Once you’ve got the files on your Mac your problems may only be beginning.

If you’ve ever received a message like

the first time you try to install a Mod on your Mac you’ll understand what this thread is about. I suggested, and AlanH seconded, that we start a thread to gather together the KNOWN SOLUTIONS to the problems we all encounter trying to get set up to enjoy the creativity of our fellows on the PC side of CivFanatics. If you’ve struggled to get a Mod you downloaded to work, and finally succeeded, share your solution here. If Civ has taught us nothing else, we all should have learned that you won’t have to invent “The Wheel” if your neighbor will share it, and you’re willing to share your own discoveries.

A Possible General Solution?
See the discussion at Mughals Scenario Erroneous Path? regarding the error message above.
Based on my experience with the Rise of the Mughals and with Rhye’s Mod it looks like a generic solution to this type of “load error” may exist, as originally expressed to me by AlanH:

Duplicate the \Art\ and \Text\ folders in \Civilization 3 Game Data\ and all their contents and place the copies into the top level \Civ III Complete\ folder (that’s the folder that contains the game itself); and duplicate the \Play the World Game Data\ folder, rename the copied folder "Civ3PTW", and place it, with at least the \Extras\, \Art\, and \Text\ folders it contains,in the same top level \Civ III Complete\ directory. To quote AlanH: “After this it *might* work”. It’s worth being one of the first things you try, anyway.

Who Is Encouraged To Post:
Anyone who has successfully installed a Mod on their Mac.

What To Post:
• Name of the mod (maybe in the subject line?)
• Links to the the main thread discussing the Mod itself, and to the downloads you used.
• An explicit, step by step, explanation of what you did to install the mod and make it work on a Mac.
• Links to any threads discussing the process that lead to your solution.

You’ll see the pattern we’re looking for in the first couple of posted solutions. If we all follow this pattern I can easily update links to the solutions here in the first post. Also, a standard format makes it easy to edit/correct any errors that may arise.

What Else To Post, and What NOT To:
This is meant to be a library of how-to's only. If a posted solution needs clarification definitely add your question or correction. If you have an alternative solution post it.


Known Solutions:
TAM (The Ancient Mediterranean)
Rise of the Mughals
Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire
Rhye’s of Civilization
Mod: TAM (The Ancient Mediterranean Mod)

Main Mod Link/Download: TAM Website and

Getting it to work on a Mac: Dojoboy posted this solution:
"You can d/l the TAM mod files through below link.
Thanks to watorrey for making them available. There is no readme for installation.
(1) Place the TAM 2.5 folder in the C3C Conquests folder located in the Conquests Game Data Folder.
(2) Place the .biq maps in the same C3C Conquests folder."

Mac Installation Discussion: TAM Mod Files for Mac C3C

Addendum by Blue Monkey: Dojoboy’s link consolidates the split downloads (TAM25i_No_Flics.exe & TAM25i_Flics.exe) that the TAM web site offers to avoid using the dreaded self-extractors. You will also want to get the 25j patch; it’s a standard zip file that a Mac can handle: . After unzipping the patch just replace the appropriate TAM files with its contents.
Mod: Rise & Fall of the Mughals

Main Mod Link/Download: The Rise & Fall of The Mughals ~ v2 ~

Getting it to work on a Mac: The main download is in RAR format and must be installed on a PC and then the files copied to a Mac. After doing this, I got this to work by putting a copy of the \Civ3PTW\extras\etc. subdirectories inside the \Conquest Game Data\ folder. Note that this differs from the generic solution I suggest above.

I have tried it both with the Biq & its related data folders in the \Conquests Game Data\Conquests\ path and with them in the \Conquests Game Data\Scenarios\ path; either option works as long as \CIV3PTW\extras\etc. is inside the Conquests Game Data folder.

For some reason the save dialog box doesn’t automatically assign a leader/gameturn as a suggested file name; otherwise the Mod works fine.

Mac Installation Discussion: Mughals Scenario Erroneous Path?
Mod: Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire

Main Mod Link/Download: Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire

Getting it to work on a Mac: Although it has the .exe extension this is in fact a file Stuffit Expander can unzip. Install the biqs and folders in the Civ III Complete\Conquests Game Data\Scenarios\ path. Install the updates sequentially (1.2 first, then 1.24) in the same folder, accepting overwriting

Mac Installation Discussion: No Known Thread.
Mod: Rhye’s of Civilization

Main Mod Link/Download: and Rhye's Mods

Getting it to work on a Mac: Rhye's should be installed on a PC and then transfered to a Mac. In addition, as in the generic instructions in the first post of this thread, place a copy of the \Art\ and \Text\ folders from \Civilization 3 Game Data\ and all their contents and subfolders into the top level \Civ III Complete\ folder; also make a copy of the \Play the World Game Data\ folder, rename the copied folder "Civ3PTW", and place it, with at least the Extras, Art, and Text folders it contains, in the same top level \Civ III Complete\ directory.

Dojoboy reports an alternate set of zip files that are Mac ready. Mac Accessible Rhye's Zips. It's unknown if this setup needs the above solution to the load error problem.

Mxzs reports two more path errors that can be corrected by adding a few files:
Mxzs said:
But I have run into another messed up file path:

"Art\Units\..\..\..\..\Conquests\Rise of Rome\Art\Units\Legionary\Legionary_build_fort.flc"

I'm not sure how to format my solution; I hope the following makes sense:

1. Go to Civ III Complete \ Conquests Game Data \ Conquests \ Rise of Rome \ Art \ Units \ Legionary.
2. Duplicate the Legionary folder.
3. Go into Civ III Complete \ Play the World Game Data.
4. Inside the Play the World Game Data folder, create the following structure of folders: Conquests \ Rise of Rome \ Art \ Units.
5. Place the new Legionary folder (renamed "Legionary," of course) inside the new Units folder.

EDIT 2: A similar error: "Art\Units\..\..\..\..\Conquests\Age of Discovery\Art\Units\Colonist\Colonist_default.flc" .
And a similar solution gets past it:

1. Go to Civ III Complete \ Conquests Game Data \ Conquests \ Age of Discovery \ Art \ Units \ Colonist.
2. Duplicate the Colonist folder.
3. Go into Civ III Complete \ Play the World Game Data \ Conquests.
4. Inside the Conquests folder, create the following structure of folders: Age of Discovery \ Art \ Units.
5. Place the new Colonist folder (renamed "Colonist," of course) inside the new Units folder.

Mac Installation Discussion: Begins at post 6 of the equivalent TAM thread: TAM Mod Files for Mac C3C
And thanks to Dojoboy and Mxzs for further discussion: Rhye's of Civilization mod files
mickeymoose said:
Is it possible to play these mods/scenarios with just Civ 3 Vanilla? I don't want to buy it again.
An interesting question. By "these" mods do you mean TAM, Rise of the Mughals, RFRE, and Rhye's? If so, the answer is no as far as what's linked on this page. There is a version of TAM for vanilla; follow AlanH's instructions here.:)
I meant most of the mods listed in the Customization forum, since the installation instructions referred to putting things in the 'conquests' folder. Thanks for that link :D
Rohirwine said:
Anyone experienced problems with WWII Global 2.3 by Rocoteh?
I did as AlanH suggested, but the game experienced the problem anyways...

did you read the first post?
Blue Monkey said:
What To Post:

... This is meant to be a library of how-to's only.

You've evidently talked to AlanH somewhere, but I don't find a post or thread searching by your name. This thread is for already worked out solutions; it's a reference library only.
Ok, sorry.
I just wanted to let you know that i tried successfully AlanH Suggestions for The Great War scenario (another great mod from Sarevok and Rocoteh): everything worked smoothly, even if with some problems with sounds (but this may come from them lacking from the mod itself).
Rohirwine said:
Ok, sorry.
I just wanted to let you know that i tried successfully AlanH Suggestions for The Great War scenario (another great mod from Sarevok and Rocoteh): everything worked smoothly, even if with some problems with sounds (but this may come from them lacking from the mod itself).
I won't link this in the first post yet since there's nothing here that will help anyone else. EDIT your post to follow the guidelines laid out in the first post; look at the examples of the specific solutions for other mods.:)
I've just tried installing the Rise & Fall of the Roman Empire mod, v1.3, using Civ 3 Complete on an intel mac, and i get one of those bloody loading errors. Specificly,

The file is there, of course, but dammit...
The file is there, of course
The file is where exactly? The path that's failing starts in an Art/Units/ folder somewhere, but the file and its associated folder may need to be copied to another Art/Units/ folder in order for the software to find it.

Also, which version of Civ3 Complete are you running? There were some changes made in the Rev A patch to improve compatibility with mods.
Im using Civ 3 Complete Rev A, because its an intel mac, heh.
The file is in Conquests Game Data/Scenarios/RFRE/Art/Units/etc, but when loading the mod it seems to disagree.
I have an older Mac, and went back to pre-Rev A for my own reasons. But I remember that with Rev A some of the files are stored in a different place (same volume as the OS, user folder IIRC) than where the game itself is installed, and the folder names were, IIRC, confusingly similar.

Hopefully Alan can help you sort this out.
Just as a note, i thought i would point out the following:

-the new Fallout mod appears to work just fine, using the method listed at the top of this thread (i havent tested it without that), and also... one needs to go into /art/units/Mutie Slave/ and copy both "WorkerFortressHammer.wav" and "WorkerFortressMove.wav" and put the copies in /art/units/Ghoul Worker/.
Also, it requires that you also download the music pack and install it under /scenarios/fallout/sound/.

Should work just fine after doing those. :)

-WW2 Europe mod will work fine, provided you apply the latest patch to it.

-Rise and Rule seems to work just fine, using the method at the top of this thread.

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